See Yas Forums! In Steven universe Fusion was a metaphor for sex the whole time

See Yas Forums! In Steven universe Fusion was a metaphor for sex the whole time.

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So steg was incest?

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Wasn’t the autistic caterpillar meant to be “representation for polygamy” or sumn
It was never exactly subtle

You bet your ass it was!

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Wasn't it obvious? Gems = female. Fusion = sex. Male = Corruption.

>Steven universe Fusion was a metaphor for sex the whole time.
How can you read something and get the exact opposite take from it?

It explicitly say that it's not just limited to just Sex and can represent any kind of relationship. So no, Fusion is not always sex. In case of Steg, it's about a father/son relationship.

>Fusion = sex
>Creator outright say it's not just that

Okay, what is going on in this thread? I have seen bias and skewed view before, but not like this.

Having it means more than sex also means it includes sex. How stupid can you fucks be?

So Peridot isn't asexual, but anti-social?

It doesn't say it's not sex. It says it's not always romantic. And sex is not always romantic. Checkmate.

plus, also, steven in 14 and connie is 12 when they fused making rebecca look like a pedophile.

The writing in this show is terrible.

>It doesn't say it's not sex
>also means it includes sex
Yes. and therefore, saying it's >a metaphor for sex
is incorrect.
Fusion is a metaphor for relationship, which sex is part of.

Post like this thereshow a complete failing of understanding that.

also see>when they fused making rebecca look like a pedophile.
To prove my point. People in this thread are unable to understand that fusion is not systematically about sex.

fun fact: Schmorky is real close friends with Rebecca Sugar. Then even considered having schmorky work for the crewniverse.

Just imagine the insanity!

Except Steven fuses with folks multiple times and it's never shown as corruption? And the only all male fusion isn't corrupted at all?

Yeah but another crew member said Peridot is an asexual aromantic as evidenced by her never fusing.

>it can mean things other then sex
>that means it MUST mean sex
this is literally your logic. Just because it CAN mean sex doesn't mean it always does. I don't even understand how this could be confusing for you.

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Insane pedo diaperfag. Pretty sure that post is BS though/

>fun fact: Schmorky is real close friends with Rebecca Sugar.
Was. That was years ago.

No fuckin retard gems can't express love because their fuckin rocks so they fuse

What about the Rubys? Fusion for them was clearly just a job skill.

Then Peridot not wanting to fuse doesn't necessarily equate to being asexual nor aromatic

Steven gets corrupted all the time.

Then Asexual Aromantic Peridot should be able to fuse because fusions are non-sexual and not necessarily romantic.

Working relationship.


I like this headcanon better, but she bonded well with Amethyst and Lapis

Fusion is just whatever the show needs it to be. The one key thing is that it's always used to show two characters have a strong bond. It can be romantic, sexual, unconditionally affectionate, or just to show how good a friend the two charcrers are. So whenever steven fuses with someone it's not the same as garnet being herself or jasper and lapis. Basically it isn't a metaphor for just sex. I always thought of it as advanced space magic that your average mortal human could never understand.

What the OP post means is "it can mean a relationship other than a romantic relationship" a la Stegg or Steven with Amethyst. This is some real cringe interpretation in here, incels, and I say that as an incel.

Fusion represents ripping off DBZ

This is the secret

20 is 20 mate.

Peridot is autistic or whatever the Gem equivalent is, and doesnt 'get' emotions. Emotions and similar goals are required for ceoss-caste fusions.

Even if Peridot wanted to fuse she likely couldn't, even with other Peridots because their mind and thoughts change drastically to and fro.

But what about the episode where Pearl raped Garnet?

People always make stupid arguments like that, like how if you claim you hate something in a public forum, someone will always jump up to play the 'thou doth protest too much' card. Is someone a southern redneck who hates minorities? Clearly they're just denying/ repressing their desire to fuck them. That's the logic this level of retard uses, and said varieties of retard are everywhere in every society. It's a shame, but it's the world we've got.

Not the person you've been talking to, but I always find Peridot weird in this regard. I find that I partially agree with what you're saying, but with how quickly Peridot learned to be more in-tune with her emotions, I do wonder if she could make a more meaningful connection with someone than simple friendship one day. She's already begun showing more complex emotions like depression in response to abandonment, so I feel like she has a lot of room to grow still, considering she didn't seem to see any value in interpersonal relationships when she first appears, and then she gets to the point where she actually mourns for seemingly failed friendships and places sentimental value in gifts from people she likes. Things like that.

>It says it's not always romantic. And sex is not always romantic

Whoa... so this is the power of formal fallacies...

>it's always used to show two characters have a strong bond.
Jasper and Lapis didn't have a strong bond so that's false. Anyone can do it with a stranger as long as it's convenient for the both of them.

How can fusion mean sex but not mean sex at the same time? It's still the same action. You can't just apply multiple different meanings for what fusion is.

She still thinks it's a war machine
Steg was a performance, you know fusion was used by soldiers, why do you do this

Garnet offered to fuse and she still acted like a timid virgin
Thing is, you could act that way about driving a car or anything new
Also would you want to lose your fucking being to fusion? I miss when fusion was something dangerous like Sugilite

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why can't it
sex is the only comparable intimate act and they have made that comparison, but it's obviously not actual sex

I think you're just fucking stupid desu

I hate it when people use Peridot not fusing with Garnet as evidence of her being asexual/aromantic. I mean... no shit she didn't want to fuse with Garnet. Peridot was still dealing with the fact that she was trapped on Earth with a ticking time bomb and surrounded by the same rebel gems that murdered a diamond. She was taking baby steps in regards to trust and adjustment, and expecting her to just jump headlong into a fusion is absurd.

its just a little gay

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meant to post this in the dbs thread