Is there a name for this fetish?

Is there a name for this fetish?

Attached: bonniekim.png (1337x1217, 868.02K)

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Breast envy

Garbage thread.

Of what? Breast size? Size comparison is the tag for male genitals, I assume it'd be the same for boobs, so long as you also have futa excluded.

Big boobs make cheerleading harder so if anything Kim is at a strategic advantage

This chick has the PUNY tiddies. I'd say boobs or GTFO bit Mut I bet this cunt doesn't have any.

Of what? Women look at each other? Women looking at each other while wearing bikini? Women looking at each other while wearing bikini with an empty background?

Breast, like in singular?

Attached: mike-stoklasa-profile.jpg (1920x1080, 98.34K)

>Women looking at each other while wearing bikini?
What bikinis? I see underwear.

I wouldn’t mind a women’s underwear thread.


You want to see women being made to feel insecure? Not criticising that, just asking if that's the fetish or if it's the lesbian side of it.

I’m starting to wonder if OP is just running an experiment where he posts a picture of vague appeal, & observes the bullshit fetishes thatbanons come up with.

Yeah, I'd call it that too.

Sure, it's a compound even if you write it as two words. Kind of like how a "bedroom" is still called that even if it has two beds in it, and if a woman has breasts that are too large, she doesn't get "breasts reduction surgery" but rather "breast reduction sugery."

Attached: 2620a240697f8f85e5e5518593ab4548.jpg (800x800, 429.79K)

More like BEST envy.

girl fetishism disgusts me

Pettan pettan tsurupettan

the chad bonnie vs. the virgin kim

I'm not OP, but I do, and I'm not sure why. I've read a theory that guys who are into futa see women as frigid, so the idea of a woman with the same sexual drive as a man (represented by the male genitals) becomes particularly appealing. I always wonder if breast envy falls into the same category. If one woman is envious of another woman's breasts, it must be because she wants the attention, and the type of attention, they draw. It shows a rekindled enthusiasm for secondary sexual characteristics that have otherwise been neutered by both sexual oversaturation in the media and #metoo-style shame-mongering. It's just a stray theory, but it makes sense to me.

Attached: 7152f6ed91c509dc9cbe667036735871438cdce5.jpg (1174x833, 69.91K)

Both of these girls are insanely hot and I would enjoy impregnating either one of them.

That's an interesting theory, and seems plausible.

Not OP but I also like breast envy. When it comes to Kim the focus for me is Kim feeling inadequate about or even ashamed of her small breasts.

I've been getting some screencap edits based on the idea with some basic variation on the idea.

Attached: Kim.Possible.S2E04.The.Ron.Factor.mkv_snapshot_11.20_[2019.07.04_22.28.52].jpg (1920x1080, 590.77K)

Bonnie delights in showing contempt for Kim's small breasts,

Attached: kp2.jpg (1920x1080, 144.63K)

Kim's mom (not actually large-breasted in the show but fuck it) actively tries to console Kim but just makes things worse by example.

Attached: kp5.jpg (1920x1080, 1.21M)

more big brown boobies

I also like the idea of Monique not wanting her friend to feel inferior in comparison but not being able to do anything about it.

This one isn't edited but I'll get some with Monique sooner or later.

Attached: Kim.Possible.S4E01.Ill-Suited.mkv_snapshot_05.02_[2019.08.22_19.15.18].jpg (1920x1080, 210.5K)

Here's a sequence that shows Kim being rejected for her small breasts in favor of a larger-breasted girl.

Attached: oeoezai.jpg (1920x1080, 172.13K)

To return to the point, the theory seems plausible. Whether the large-breasted counterpart to Kim is arrogant, kind, or benign about the difference in size, Kim feels frustration at being inferior. The breasts themselves define the nature of the relationship regardless of the intent of the larger-breasted person. So it probably is the idea that, as a man, breasts represent sex-appeal to me that's animating the whole thing.

As for why I'm picking on Kim it's because the "I can do anything" shtick from the show was slightly annoying and I've magnified it in a serial gag.

>futa excluded
But where’s the fun in that


Attached: kp1.jpg (1920x1080, 208.14K)


Attached: kp4.jpg (1920x1080, 263.81K)