Hey Yas Forums, how good is this show? I've heard it gets interesting in later seasons

Hey Yas Forums, how good is this show? I've heard it gets interesting in later seasons.

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It's repetitive kiddie shit and Yas Forums only likes it for fap fodder.

I quite like it but bear in mind it's episodic and very repetitive (at least as much is normal for most cartoons these days). The plot hasn't really advanced much in three seasons, but apparently that's supposed to change in the next two. Most of the character moments are genuine but the later season starts getting into love triangle shit and it's more irritating than anything. It does it's execution very well, the art style is appealing, vibrant, and energetic and the voice acting fits perfectly.

I actually do really like it, it has potential but it keeps getting squandered for what I can only think is job security.

There's one episode in particular that frustrates me near the end of season three because it rushes through pretty much all of the major plot items in a couple minutes without a satisfying payoff. The episode itself is very good and very engaging, but they immediately blitz through everything the show has been building up to in a couple of minutes but then of course time travel so none of it matters anyways and we're back to square one. It's like it teases you with everything you want to see happen and then tells you to fuck off because we got 2 more seasons so deal with it.

Fuck luka too, the sooner he dies off the better.

tl;dr yes it's good but don't expect much plot progress yet.

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It's cheap 3d garbage but with fuckable characters

Status quo the show

Don't watch it. Best case it gets better and you can binge it in 5-10 years with your children.

Yeah but what doesn't this apply to?

Most shows, this one included, could be pirated in an hour, or less. It costs you nothing to check out, yet you come here and ask people to tell you that something is good. And how will you know those people are even correct?

Don’t watch it user
Literally has the exact same status quo the entire 3+seasons.

Plays out it’s like the god awful Star vs love triangle dynamic which you can tell a mile away the bug n cat will get together at the very end which would be forgivable if it didn’t take up such a large majority of the run time for something so predictable it becomes such a drag.

There’s also the main character who is a stalker but it’s shown as admirable just cause she’s a girl, she especially gets creepier in later seasons pulling up the cat niggas schedule n shit.

The villain (pic related) is no good either since he basically has the same motive as mr freeze so he’s sympathetic by nature but he goes back n forth from being sympathetic to being le mustache twirling villain which makes him confusing at best and nasty and vindictive at worst even to his only son.

Worst offender by far is the “attempted” redemption arc of the female Flash Thompson who’s been given a large amount of screen time showing growth wanting to be a hero and getting along better with classmates and her family
TTTHHHHEEENNNN only to get her entire character development chucked down the drain in the latest season finally going back to square one for no fucking reason.

Don’t watch it unless u already watched snippets got invested and want to continue for closure or if you want to fuck one of the characters.

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watch the first episode or two, if you like it keep going but it moves at a snails pace even by the scale of the type of monster of the week show this is formatted as.

cute characters though and I liked the first season and the slow build with the mild mystery of Hawkmoth's identity with the reveal in the Origin episode although it was hilarious that the first reveal was subtle enough that season 2 had to be more explicate about it

Danny phantom, Adventurer time, Steven universe, We bear bears, Gravity falls, ect

Just end the Kagami/Adrien Marinette/Luka shit already, please

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>Literally has the exact same status quo the entire 3+seasons
ZAG will be wise to not let this end until it gets another equally popular IP

Have Adrien end up with Luka

I just want to protect this smile

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> Worst offender by far is the “attempted” redemption arc of the female Flash Thompson who’s been given a large amount of screen time showing growth wanting to be a hero and getting along better with classmates and her family
> TTTHHHHEEENNNN only to get her entire character development chucked down the drain in the latest season finally going back to square one for no fucking reason.
Objectively false.

Ok I’ll bite, how is it so

It's not bait, chloefag.
Chloe never wanted to be a hero. She always wanted only to be popular as hero. Then when it was taken from her she changed sides. It's pretty logical. Chloe also didn't get along better with classmates. On the contrary it was shown that her attitude in Season 3 didn't change at all.
So there was no character development that was "chucked down the drain". Every Chloe centered episode was a build up for Season 3 finale.

Not him but I'm not entirely sure about that. It seems like season two wanted to take her in a redemption direction by making her a bit more sympathetic and giving her good moments and chances to do the right thing, but season 3 was where she kind of reverted back to being same old chloe

I recently watched a good chuck of episodes back to back and it follows a pretty strict magical girl formula. Usually someone's having a bad day outside the main cast, then the bad guy makes a demon butterfly that turns them into a villain, they fight and save them and purify the butterfly, the end.
It's like okay I guess. Helps I already like magical girl formula.

I agree. I found that the villains being defeated by Ladybird getting some random item and figuring out how to use it to win got very repetitive, like how Sailor Moon kept throwing her tiara at a villain to defeat them. I prefer it when the heroes have to use their existing skills in new ways (like 90's Spiderman), rather than using a specific item to signal to the audience that the hero will win a minute later.

Also since the characters don't know each other's secret identities they can't interact/become friends when not in combat. So unlike in Sailor Moon you can't see their bonds develop. Though this worked in the 90's Spiderman because part of Spiderman's story was how alone he was because he had to keep his identity secret.

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I don't understand how anybody still cares about this show when it's clear that it'll never improve. Is it Stockholm syndrome or are all of you just braindead?

I just found out about it 2 weeks ago and I'm desperate to talk about it

Not to call you a liar but I've heard this line applied to this show so many times that it's starting to look suspicion.

Chloe didn't revert back because she didn't go anywhere in the first place. She was awful almost all Season 2. Then she got Miraculous and tried to kill people get more popular. Ladybug gave her Miraculous again in "Malediktator". So what? Chloe never showed any sign of personal improvement. There wasn't any moment of personal growth. Becoming a superhero costed her nothing, she only got profit out of it. There wasn't a situation where she had to choose between her interests and interests of other people. Chloe became a superhero and was praised for it without any drawbacks for her.
Even in Season 2 at the end of season finale Chloe made Sabrina cry and felt good about it which indicates that becoming a hero didn't change her for the better at all.

I'm ashamed to admit I streamed most of it but here's my history for last week, if that counts. There's not much discussion about it and you can binge it all at once easily enough, so it makes sense that you would hear that a lot

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id only watch it for the queerbait but i dont want to get obsessed with the catboy more than i already am

Aryan catboys belong to eurasian girls.

Nothing sympathetic about it. Ladybug clearly AVOIDED giving Chloe the Bee as much as possible because Chloe was an asshole and fuckup who didn't deserve it and continued to stay an asshole all throughout Seasons 2 and 3.

And now she's so much of a fuckup that not even Hawk Moth will give her powers anymore. Chloe dug her own grave.

She had a chance for a bit, but yeah she's kind of irredeemable now

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4/10, The show is made for 4 year olds.

My niece watches like the first five episodes of this on repeat forever kill me now for the love of god.

Why? There's like 80 episodes

The reboot is weird as hell. The choice to make Chat Noir an actual cat was odd, but I'm okay with it. I guess.

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