Did anyone else feel like she was introduced in the most awkward way possible? she feels like an OC

Did anyone else feel like she was introduced in the most awkward way possible? she feels like an OC

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Homestuck thread.


huh? aren't all the crystal gems women?

Yes, the holographic race without sexual reproduction is made up entirely of women.

then why are they all called 'she'?

Because it's progressive.

Not really, there just weren't enough Bismuth episodes to flesh her out

no because her gem was seen before Jasper's debut

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What would happen if you poked inside of her gem?

It would be extremely painful.

The double length episode both introducing her and then getting rid of her makes her feel like a character from a dubiously canon side story movie.

Cultural osmosis.

Pink got it from humans during the war, the slang spread on Homeworld. They never questioned it.

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She’s definitely a character who getting explained all of what happened shouldn’t have been yadda yadda’d over. Her facial reactions as he explained would have been satisfying.

Plus even forgetting the whole “Armor Of The Fallen” thing, her seeing the Strawberry Fields should have been shown.

I call bullshit and will continue to call bullshit until the end of time. The Gems were very obviously intended to be seen more as weird space goddesses at first, with a very nebulous and spiritual bend to their technology. That's why Rose and Amethyst had boobs at the beginning, cause they were just chicks from outer space. It was only after tumblr got all giddy over the unisex race concept that they started portraying them more like asexual aliens with "fem" coding, and taking away any hint of femininity in their bodies besides wide hips. No tits, just barrel chests. This is why Amethyst had so many look changes, so they could slowly vanish her curves away. The only reason Rose kept her figure is because they were too visible in her design to erase without noticing, so they just coast on the excuse that she chose a more human form in order to acclimate with humans better.

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I mean she could possibly mistake him for a gem. He has the skin tone of a rose quartz, could be deffective like amethyst explaining the height, and has no super male dominant traits so maybe you could think he is just a weird little rose quartz. That or Bismuth thinks humans can join the rebellion

Oh wait but she called him meatball so she thought he was a human from the start nevermind

Young Amethyst is very clearly lacking in feminine traits beyond her hair.
She most likely started morphing boobs to look more like her best friend Vidalia.

Garnet is stacked, but to be fair the look is meant to evoke the idea of Ruby or Sapphire standing on the other’s shoulders.

Again, beyond hair and voice Homeworld Gems rarely have overtly feminine sexual characteristics. Its basically the same situation as Transformers, but in reverse for gender.

Don’t forget, Ian confirmed they can go more male if they want and Amethyst is into anatomical correctness for her wrestler body.

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Same reason people call their cars/boats she/her.

nigga be real. if gems were seen as goddesses then there would be at least some knowledge of them, but instead humans outside of BC dont know that gems even exist, at least before steven came along. given how spread out the gem sites were, there probably werent many of them around for humans to notice

>The cringy, forced, self-insert comes off as a OC.
Really? You dont say?

I stopped watching SU around the episode where greg's brother shows up, how does bismuth get reintroduced? Is her wanting to shatter other gems (including steven) ever readdressed?

Andy is his cousin
As for Bismuth after major spoilers Steven is figures out rose quartz is pink diamond he releases bismuth and explains the whole pink diamond thing and bismuth takes it suprisingly well

That was the point, it's the same awkward and uncomfortable introduction plenty of shows have done just to insert a main character.
We know this was intentional because both part if that episode and the episode immediately following it is a logical breakdown of how this could have happened within the show's rules and what the consequences of it might be.

It was an example of good writing in SU.

ok cool, just making sure jasper and kevin were the only characters who had actual consequences for their actions

you will destroy me one day.
Why is that fusion so sexy?

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He is an OC in an OCean of piss, that is SU.

Well technically unlike Jasper and Kevin who are objectively commiting bad actions Bismuth was at least some what justified. I dont think she deserves consequences for attempting to stop a war granted she lashed out at Rose and Steven but it's not as black and white as the actions of people like Jasper. When Bismuth realized why Rose didnt want to use the breaking point it probably made her put her see her philosophy in a whole new light I dont think she needs to be punished or anything for it even though she did get bubbles for awhile

She's not a he retard

That's progressive writing for you, inserts for a specific race or sexuality will often have come across as less real because the writers don't want to portray them too negatively.

>Did anyone else feel like she was introduced in the most awkward way possible
No, not really. She was created to give the first real hints / evidence that Rose / Pink was a real piece of shit.

How the fuck is Bismuth a self-insert

>the only characters who had actual consequences for their actions
What the hell did Bismuth even do wrong? She created a weapon during a war that would safely kill the enemies and she never got to use it anyways. She literally did nothing wrong at any point.

even if you don't agree, shattering gems was definitely 'wrong' by steven's standards (especially when the poof 'n' bubble strategy or talk no jutsu worked just as well). Also, didn't she try to kill steven?

>Also, didn't she try to kill steven?
In her defense she thought he was literally rose just pretending to be somewhere else for that moment. Plus she pretty clearly gives up and is at least thankful that Steven is going to be straight up with the other crystal gems.

>literally did nothing wrong at that point
just like jasper and kevin

Jasper didn't really do anything super wrong besides being an antagonist until Future where the worst she was doing was just being a stubborn fuck.
Kevin was just kind of a dick and I never got why the fandom got so butthurt over the fact that he didn't get 'redeemed' or whenever when he was never show as anything more than slightly annoying and an insecure teen.

It's possible she was suppose to be one off, Maybe she suppose to represent leaving the war behind

Yeah Jasper just happened to be on the opposing side to the crystal gems, she was a dick about it but even still way less 'bad' than the diamonds
I think Kevin got made into a meme because of the SJW reputation of the show; I remember people saying shit like "looks like every single character in Steven Universe can be redeemed - except the straight white male, obviously"

>humans can join the rebellion

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What happens if more humans fuck gems?

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She's a big girl.

To be fair, all fusions feel like OC's and they where introduced a long time before Bismuth.

>My gem has every color
>One of the Oldest Gem with the forbidden knowledge of true history
>Relationship:Despite being never seen before, everybody knows me well
>Magical weapon? My OC makes magical weapon
>Only I can make the weapon of permanent death
>Bubbled because my power is too dangerous and radical

I disagree because I want to fuck White right through her hard-light panties.

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Steven Universe? More like can't get any worse.

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The movie was her best part

I liked her debut episode. It was actually 22 minutes and felt like it got the time it deserved.

Cars and boats are called she/her for both linguistic purposes (gems are never expressed to have their own language that would possess masculine and feminine forms) or for reasons analogous to actual women.

That doesn't matter
All of the gems are old and she doesn't have 'forbidden knowledge'
Holy shit I can't believe gems know each other
I don't think only she could make it, just shes the only black smith
More like bubbled because Rose was a fucking cunt