Did Alex really think after he signed a contract with Netflix that Disney was going to ask him to head more GF projects? Or that he would even have TIME to work on it?
Did Alex really think after he signed a contract with Netflix that Disney was going to ask him to head more GF projects...
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He failed to even make drama headlines because of two guys who made an adult swim short
Literally Alex is nothing now and he threw away all that he was building up towards. He could have been on the top of everything
>Or that he would even have TIME to work on it?
its not like he has anything to work on
Some moron who thinks he's still relevant or has a career after he shat the bed on his successful show and rushed it because it was too stressful for him.
He's dumb. Had a show that was beloved by many, got burntout doing a gig of a lifetime and bullshitted the later half of the show and now thinks he's still in charge of canon. How do you fuck up that bad?
If he couldn’t handle the workload he should have been popping addies and modafinil.
Where did he say that? He's just pointing out that Disney can do anything they want with the property since it's theirs, but he as the creator had nothing to do with this.
You know Yas Forums hating for the sake of hating is stupid
He's saying he's disheartened books are being written without his participation or consent.
Disney doesn't need consent, Alex signed away the rights when he pitched GF (The fuck, "consent"? That word doesn't apply here, Alex) and why would Disney ask for his input on a GF project when he eagerly signed a contract to a competing studio after Disney begged for a third season and even tried to get him to helm Ducktales and he said no to both.
>Alex helming Ducktales
This would have been fucking terrible
I even think what we got now was better
Make another thread about a dead show, Luke.
Yeah, Hirsch really needs to stop that.
A lesson to learn in life is to never sell your ideas to Disney.
>He's saying he's disheartened books are being written without his participation or consent.
Is he not allowed to? Nowhere did he say Disney couldn't or shouldn't do this. Did his contract with Disney also say he can't express his opinions?
When you sign the rights to your property away and then get disheartened that the company is doing something with your property, it's as retarded as giving someone a t-shirt as a gift and then being disheartened when they decided to cut the sleeves off and turn it into a tank top.
When you give something up, expect it to be gone. Not "still technically mine".
It's not his intellectual property. There is no consent to give. It is owned by Disney.
Imagine if George Lucas sold off Star Wars then started tweeting he was disheartened that Disney is making Star Wars without him.
It's like, duh. What did you expect?
They did ask though lol. They wanted him to do shit for Disney +
If the person I gave a specially made t-shirt too wiped their ass with it then I'd say it's pretty normal to say something about it. Again, he's not saying they can't or shouldn't be doing any of this. Just that he didn't have any part of it.
Where did he say they NEEDED his consent?
But that's exactly what happened esquire.com
I honestly still don't understand that you're complaining about. He's just giving his opinion.
They didn't. Him implying they should ask for it is what makes him sound like a dickhead.
>George Lucas
Wasn't that years after the acquisition? And knowing that Disney Star Wars flopped?
>Signing property off = Selling it for 1 billion.
He can call it that 'til he's blue in the face but if it's published by Disney it's canon whether he fucking likes it or not.
>I honestly still don't understand that you're complaining about. He's just giving his opinion.
The way he's phrasing it makes him seem like a salty bitch though.
Will you admit he is comporting himself like a salty bitch?
>He failed to even make drama headlines because of two guys who made an adult swim short
Oh sure he sounds salty, but I also understand why and sympathize with him on a creative level. But you're all making it sounds like he's DEMANDING Disney cease and desist anything without involving him immediately. He's just having a bit of a whinge.
And he sounds like a bitch nigga.
It’s public and on twitter and he knows his fans will flip out and demand a boycott. He’s throwing a public tantrum.
Doesn't mean he can't be disheartened lol
Really not that deep, faggot.
No more of a bitch than you're being about a complaint on the internet you complete and utter faggot.
Is Alex Hirsch the Ozymandias (from the poem) of Yas Forums?
As opposed to you throwing an anonymous tantrum for what reason?
>he knows his fans will flip out and demand a boycott
Is the boycott still going?
Being anonymous doesn't carry as much weight as being the creator of a very successful and influential cartoon
Alex was trying to make a big deal on twitter that his show was getting used without his input and make a big wave against that, which made no impact even on places like GF's reddit
If you look at the board now the big drama on animation twitter is with Smiling Friends, Oney and "Newgrounds Style"
In other words he lost relevancy
Yeah, probably. TV and film are generally itinerant work at all levels; very few people have permanent positions, and it's their job to hire on people to actually make the products, whether they're creatives or technical staff.
There's no rancor involved with people going over to a rival company - if they've worked well, which is measured by the success of a product, then you wish them well and look forward to working with them again.
It wouldn't have taken a great deal of effort to reach out to him before committing to the new book project, but it's probably being handled by someone who doesn't know how to contact him formally (just tweeting at someone with "so hey I've decided to do this with your characters" is less effective than you'd likely imagine) and probably doesn't have a lot of time or resources themselves - this is a show that ended 4 years ago. Most of the original audience have moved on and new merch isn't likely to sell well, but will help to engage the audiences that remain and new audiences coming into the show through Disney+.
Ultimately this is probably just because of Disney+, so whoever's supposed to be co-ordinating that dropped the ball by not knowing that he's probably got stacks of notebooks filled with unused ideas and would produce higher quality work than their budget would normally allow as a result. And he's right to feel aggrieved here because someone is eventually going to realize they fucked up and send him a muffin basket, and those muffins are fucking awful and the apologies they bring are always gritty and insincere and for some reason full of wheatgrass and spelt. Fuck muffins.
>Using your star power as a creator to claim something is non-canon is the exact same thing as being anonymous and leaving a comment
You can't be this dense, right?
No because Ozymandias was wildly successful before his monuments fell into ruin long after.
Doesn't mean I can't say he's acting like a salty bitch lol
Really not that deep, faggot
>m-my complaint is fine because I'm a spineless faggot about it
I mean you've said much more about what he said than he said on the topic. Kind of an odd flex.
Shut up, Alex.
It's natural for him to feel uncomfortable that other people are playing with his toys, so to speak, but to call it "non-canon" is just being petty. It means nothing.
Isn't this the book that had Mabel realize what a cunt she was?
Tell me Dr. Goobermeister if you can, you have complained so much, what is it exactly you have created? Can you show me even one cartoon? I thought not.
This legit feels like those moments were you find happiness in your bully's ice cream cone falling.
So petty Yas Forums
I'm merely reveling in the salt of a 20-something wannabe zoomer and his poor decision making skills.
Those other anons are, but again- i'm just here to watch the salt mines. apologies for the misunderstanding
I get you there, it's like trying to fix a bullet wound on your eye with a bandaid.
>He doesn't smile when a BULLY(of all comparisons you could've used) experiences some misery
Didn't alex wrap up gravity falls and ran because he found it too hard? Now he's upset that someone is continuing it on? what a baby
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
Ok retard
If he hadn't been such a bad manager he forced himself into burnout maybe he'd have made three seasons that would have satisfied everyone and there wouldn't be a market for a "non-canon" continuation.
it's fucking bizarre how much you idiots reach to shit on him
>When you're reading comprehension is so bad all you can do is misuse memes
Comparing someone calling him dumb for expecting Disney to something OTHER than use the property they own full rights to is different than a creator with half a million followers publicly expressing how much he wishes Disney would've contacted him and then claiming the book is non-canon before it even comes out.
Not to mention the book is being written by people who worked on GF already, so it's disrespectful to them to think that only Alex's word matters as far as canon goes for GF.
This is more like the bully realizing he wasn't as invincible as he thought he was after an even bigger kid picks on him. In this case, the bigger kid is Disney continuing GF without Hirsch.
It's not that hard, the man is like middle school who just discovered twitter, he dumps all this shit on the curb for the public to see.
If they are truly sorry they would bring cupcakes
*like a middle schooler
Smiling Friends had Gravity Falls stuff?
Disney's reaction to Hirsch in that instant...
Alex, shut up!
You literally had it all!
Your own show, your own voice gigs in it, almost total control from out board!
But no!
You couldn't stand the pressure from actually WORKING on something succesful, did a half assed ending, burned the bridge and then dragged US and our sales into the ashes!
does that mean nu Star Wars is canon?
Poor Alex is having a bad week, isnt he? His life's work (that he never finished) got stolen from under him, Bernie dropped out of the race, and there is evidence to suggest he has coronavirus (his sudden "leave of absence" from twitter).
Oh, poor him. Life's a bitch ain't it?
>He doesn't smile when a BULLY(of all comparisons you could've used) experiences some misery
Yeah for a ice cream cone? na. Thats just petty.
Beating a bully to sports,academics or asking his crush out before him is cause for a smile and happiness.
If I am going to smile at his suffering its going to be because I caused it.
Don't think you got the point
Smiling Friends got all the attention and controversy recently because it and it's creators are still relevant, while Alex is no longer relevant and never will be again because of how he burned with his show and later, despite being on top of the world around 2014-15
Ok retard
Could be worse. Could be petty towards a literal who while you were working on one of the biggest cartoons of the 2010's.
Na this is more like a bully got his name scrubbed off the group progect
>Creates one of the biggest cartoons of the 2010s
>ends it
I'm actually shocked that Hirsch didn't make a spin-off with the Stan twins, I was legit expected a sequel series.
Now he hasn't be heard from in over 4 years.
Did it really cause him issues with disney?
>implying this isnt another hack