This was so out of character

This was so out of character.

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ya but her whore makeup is a major turn on

Sometimes people act out of character

toph a shit

I didn't think so. Longing for a desire that was suppressed throughout life happened to me and to a few friends of mine. It is a sign that she finally opens up to Katara.

Kind of the point.
>Tomboy I don't need make up
Other girl "C'mon it'll be fun"
>Tomboy okay
(We know hit the insecure phase where the tomboy need reassurance that she looks okay. Double that she's blind)
Que some salty bitches
Laughs OMG look who found mommies make up

It wasn't out of character, it was just shit that was never touched upon or explored again with her.

Yeah but getting her feelings hurt by a bunch of skanks? Out of character, along with her melodramatic speech about being blind and not caring about appearances.

Yeah, it should have been brought up again. We should have seen more of what Toph thinks of being pretty. The fact that it's introduced and nothing is done with it annoys me. Sure, she's blind, but we see despite this that she has some interest in looking good, something that seems to be awakened by this little story. Something more should have been done.

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She needed confirmation that she looked good.

People can have secret desires that run counter to their outward persona.

>traces of depth in the shallowest character in the gaang
crazy, almost like some of Tophs toughness was an act or put upon herself as a coping mechanism from being repressed all her life

Toph generally puts little effort into her appearance, so to hear that even after all that effort it doesn't make a difference triggered the part of her that actually gives a shit. Reminds me of that episode of The Simpsons where Bart actually tries to pass a test and still fails.

Sometimes people do things BECAUSE they're out of character.
I've never played a round of golf but if one of my friends said "Come on, were doing this" I'd make the most of the opportunity.


Out of the blue.

"The tough girl is actually a little delicate flower who wants to be pretty". That's a terrible message and doesn't fit with the rest of her character in the show.

Yeah, the idea of a girl wanting to be accepted by other girls is CUH

>"The tough girl is actually a little delicate flower who wants to be pretty". That's a terrible message
its not a message, tismo. its just character depth.

she wasn't a delicate flower retard. She just wanted a little validation that she was girly enough at times. She was never some raging turbo dyke that hated everything feminine

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ITT: autists trying to explain to a turbo autist what it means to feel emotions

It was more of "make up is dumb, I can do it if I want"

She put herself above looking feminine. She told herself she can look good in make up if she wanted.

The IF is the whole point. Those bitches laughing at her was a hard reality is "no, you can't just slap make up on yourself and suddenly be beautiful."

But that wasn't the message, it was that trying to fit into the norm makes some people uncomfortable and that they should just be themselves instead.

She never cared about validation.

It's both. It absolutely is sending a message that even this tough bad ass girl is secretly made of porcelain.

She literally hates the idea of girliness. That doesn't automatically make her a lesbian you cretin.

>"The tough girl is actually a little delicate flower who wants to be pretty". That's a terrible message and doesn't fit with the rest of her character in the show.
That's stupid and wrong. It's not even the message. She suffered for placing too much importance on other people's opinions in that moment. That's not exactly an endorsement of that behavior.

No it wasn't she can be strong willed and still be a little insecure about her appearance

Toph was treated like a doll for most of her life, and probably heard that she was beautiful from her parents and everyone working on or visiting the estate.

She probably thought those girls were being brutally truthful and that everyone before was just lying to her. She didn’t realize that Katara, a sea prune sucker who grew up in an igloo, made her look like a painted whore.

autists feel emotions, they're just shit tier at recognizing the outward signs of emotions in others
it's sociopaths who lack the capacity for many emotions, but ironically they tend to be decent at recognizing emotions in others

>along with her melodramatic speech about being blind and not caring about appearances.

It was like two lines of dialogue. Stop exaggerating.

Toph can tell when people are lying. She likely has been called pretty before, but there are some latent self esteem issues from not being able to see it for yourself. I mean, even real life pretty girls with perfect vision are insecure about their looks. Katara does have horrible taste in cosmetics though.

Literally how is it out of character, she doesn't want to open herself up to things based on beauty and appearance, vanity, because it's one of the few areas where she's unsure and lacks great confidence, getting called out by the girls just plays further into that - there's nothing wrong with the episode or writing

She can be both tough and delicate.

He's remembering the Ember Island play where she had a 45 minute soliloquy about secretly hating being ugly.

That was bad, but it didn't really take me out of the show until she started comparing herself to a nigger. I was like wtf Bryke. The tone totally changed, I wouldn't be surprised if they had a guest writer do that part.

Certainly was better than Zuko confessing to Aang that he felt genociding the nomies was a good idea and that he's one of the good ones becuase he's the Avatar. Though once I saw Raimi's name in the credits I understood.

i've never seen a single episode of ATLA but i thought this was from that one game, super deepthroat

fuck that episode still hurts

I'm surprised you're old enough to have experienced one but not the other.

>Implying Toph had a character to begin with

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>spend your life living your own way
>not caring what others have to say
>spend a day gas-lighting away
>broken down in horrid dismay
Sounds pretty realistic to me.

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toph is literally just background fodder for fanfics.

Nah Toph wants acceptance and is a recurring theme whether it is asking Aang do you think friendships transcend lifetimes or other moments, just because someone has a don't care attitude doesn't mean they don't care.

>after her debut two episodes, Toph is mostly just there to clean up fodder or do other support roles
>the only individual focus she gets afterwards is shared short with Katara in Ba Sing Se, metalbending learning B-plot in Guru episode, and one Season 3 episode, again shared with Katara
>Katara gets 3 focus aside of the one she shared with Toph and kicks Azula's ass and that's season 3 alone
>Sokka is the de facto main character of the Eclipse, and has few other focus episodes, again, season 3 alone
>Zuko is main character of most of the episode's B plots, gets lots individual episodes or ones shared with Aang too
Why did the writers not care about Toph, again?

You know why. Bryke didnt really like Toph because they initially envisioned her as a dude.

One of the only characters that i've considered doing fanfiction for. This scene in particular was a major influence in that. Seeing her vulnerable on an emotional level humanized her to an amazing degree.

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In retrospective one should never let the polar savage whose whole understanding of cosmetics is smearing your face with whale lard handle the makeup.

I mean, part of the whole reason Toph looks' so shit in that makeup is it clashes so hard with her outfit. Katara should really have known as much.

Best part is that Toph's scene is from episode 14 of season 2, while the salon treatment is in episode 15.

Toph was sidelined in season 3 for some reason

The only real difference is their peasant clothes and hairstyles, but man it makes a difference.

Yeah... I never really thought much about it, but taking that into account the plot of this Katara/Toph segment kinda doesn't make sense.

>One of the handful moments of emotional depth is out of character.
The sad thin is that it's true.
The show leaves Toph in such state of limbo through its run that it is out of character for her to be anything but brash action girl, and that is one of the saddest things.
If we were to separate the main characters progression by:
>Where they start (A)
>Where they go (B)
>Where they end (C)
All Aang, Katara, Sokka and Zuko go through A-->B-->C, while Toph leaves A to be forever stuck in B.
Out of 5 main characters Toph ends up with the short end of the stick.

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Toph's problem is that she's a more classical mentor character that's undergone most of her arc before meeting the cast.

At least she did not turn into a final boss or heroically sacrifice herself like most characters that follow the wise teacher archetype,

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She's blind so she probably didn't even know make-up existed or what it did.

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>Toph's problem is that she's a more classical mentor character that's undergone most of her arc before meeting the cast.
How has she gone through any character arc?
Before being introduced the only things that happened to her were learning bending from the badgermoles and subsequently having to keep that and her true desires a secret from her parents, which is her starting point in the plot.
A classical mentor character is Iroh, who went through his whole character arc before the series started and devotes himself to helping Zuko go through his own.

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Well Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Zuko had all of season 1 (20 eps) and 5/20 (1/4) eps of season 2 to develop before Toph appeared. Thus we had 61 episodes for the development of Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Zuko; but only 36 for Toph.

When you also factor in how season 3 (21 episodes) was mostly about Aang trying to defeat the Fire Nation (black sun, Sozen's Comet; 6 episodes) and Zuko's redemption (5-6 episodes between black sun and Sozen's Comet) there simply wasn't enough time for Toph to have any sort of arc. You only really had the 15 episodes in season 2 and the first 9 in season 3. I guess they needed a Toph-Zuko field trip if they wanted to give her an arc.

What would her arc be?

It was not. Normally she wouldn't give two shits. But they made fun of her directly after she decided to go to the spa with katara. Toph doesn't like doing that stuff but she does like katara and just hanging out with her all day made it barable. Remeber Toph doesn't like being pampered because it makes her feel helpless and weak. So those girls made fun of her after she, in her mind, showed a sign of weakness. It must've felt like being kicked while she was down.

As many things in OG Avatar the problem always steems from the third book being a little all over the place.

A good question. Sokka's was about rescuing his father, Katara avenged her mother, and Aang learned fire bending. However Toph didn't have any issues with the Fire Nation to resolve and couldn't join Zuko learning fire bending. I guess talking about Iroh or trying to find him.

What a load of bullshit. Sokka does get a character arc in Black Sun, and a (completely pointless) training episode beforehand, Katara has two focus episodes plus one shared with Toph before the Eclipse too. Toph has only this one. Even Aang got a lighthearted episode not related to his fight with Ozai. The problem isn't that Toph was introduced too late, the problem is that the rest of the cast still got more much more focus than her.
It's really not a little, it's a bigger mess the more you think about it.