"Dreams do Come True" Edition
Yas Forums Trap Thread
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There's my 3, and a bonus goof to keep the thread light. Let's not get crazy this time.
Last thread was based but now you’re tying to make it a general.
I missed the last thread so I'd gladly accept a new one
I'm from last thread. Let's see where this goes
taking trap requests
dont expect anything too fancy tho
Requesting She Ra Kissing POV
but She-Ra is a girl, user
Pic related but with Dipper on the right and Mabel on the left, and with Dipper wearing something more erotic.
I just want to see a twunk in playboy bunny attire
Why not Kyle kissing She-Ra? He is a twink that can easily become a trpa
NO. Make it femboy She ra
>Granny, what a big knot you have!
Yeah, bro. Look at that head. And good job fucking up the incorporation all 3 characters instead of what it looks like just 2. Keep white-knighting my boy, and I'm sure plenty of free drawings of this quality will come your way.
I'm assuming this is the same user drawing for you? At least people will now know what they're getting.
TFW Jon and Damian never got to a crossdressing issue before Bendis ruined everything
done sketching, but I kinda suck at doing GF characters
did lineart for dipper, but it looks a bit off for me imgur.com
will probably come back to this in a few hours
Do a ball gag on Mabel
Dipper's bulge needs to be rounder. That aside, the drawing is looking good.
Who is that tiny girl, and why is it not Raymundo?
Not that user but I could fap to stick figures of my fetish if someone draws something for me so I’m happy to get anything
Where's this from? Searching for "red revolution hood" brings nothing.
That's Kai-Lan. IIRC, it was a drawthread delivery asking for Chinese characters in Chinese garbs.
How come Yas Forums traps aren't more of a thing? Weird progressives will love it, coomers would love it, most people wouldn't outright hate it...
>progressives will love that
This thread shouldn’t get political but most trannies hate traps/femboys and even consider the word trap a slur
Oh, damn. Well, at least there is still the rest of it.
REPENT SINNERS! The Day of the Lord is at hand! Get these heathens out of your mind and let Jesus into your hearts!
Oh hell be inside me alright
Ah, I see that now.
But they seem to be A-OK with drag shows, which are just as much about exploitation of people pretending to be the other sex.
Actually top tier lmao
Great job
>they seem ok with drag
They aren’t.
Nice job, user! He's cute but the pic still keeps his boyish physique, him just trying out feminine posing and clothes. Comfy
>tfw i can't meet traps because of covid
Reminder these are the two biggest traps out there
I require visual examples of their trappings.
I know that in the later Princess Marco episodes, he literally just puts a dress on. But it's my firm head canon that Marco got the full TG on the first appearance
Kyle could easily pass a girl. I thought he was a girl at first before hearing his voice. The Romanian dub even changed his gender to she/her and gave him a female VA.
Repost from last thread but goth traps are top tier
Jack Spicer
>Jack was going to become the fifth dragon of metal but execs vetoed it
It’s not fair.
>Dipper pics are keep coming
I feel like a blessed person right now.
Lucky trips
>black slipper on the floor
>Marco wearing an identical black slipper on his left foot but a red stiletto on his right
>Star still has both boots on
>4 feet
>5 shoes
Why is Dipper such a good trap?
Years of experience thanks to Mabel.
Aww. Sounds fun