Does it hold up, Yas Forums?
Does it hold up, Yas Forums?
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I watched it for the first time about a year ago and can understand why my friends were pushing it on me for 10 years. Speaking with someone without nostalgia goggles, it is legit pretty good.
Hell, is regular show considered old now? I need to go get a damn life. Anyway, it's a good show. With how long it is, it has some ups and downs but I think as a whole it was great.
Yeah man it's aight.
It's adult swim for kids.
It's only been 3 years since its finale but it premiered 10 years ago in 2010
"Por asupuesto"
I watched the whole thing after it ended and it was pretty great.
None of the relationship subplots seemed that bad when binged.
It was pretty good, but i feel like Rick and Morty improved on the formula, even if the later seasons aren't as great
Yeah, is the last kino cartoon. Also
People complain about the romance subplots but I thought it was pretty realistic.
I always way prefer the first half of the every episode before shit spirals out of control. It's just comfy bantz
I've rewatched it and its still consistently entertaining.
Compare to AT, where I can make it through the first season or so and then drop it because it just goes full retard.
This was far better than Gravity Falls imo. It was more sophisticated and likeable, and it didn't try nearly as hard to appeal to several demographics at once. Whereas GF felt forced and desperate in its comedy, RS felt easy going and relaxed
I was obsessed with this show in 4th grade and now it's even funnier, it absolutely holds up
Absolutely. The thing about the show is the premise never changes. The do normal shit while wacky shit happens for no real reason. It’s the only show to make it out of that era that doesn’t have some stupid meme agenda pushed by writers as well
The earlier episodes that are just them broing around were pretty kino. Kinda breaks down when ever they start focusing on wiafufaggotry and shipping bullshit. Also the last season that was just them doing dumb generic chosen one mcguffin shit in space was fucking lame,
Like half or more of the show is pretty boring but the early seasons are fun stuff.
Especially season 1 and maybe 2, I forget, where Mordo and Rigby are just huge assholes and shit on each other at every opportunity. It was a real fun dynamic to see in a carton.
technically 11
longer than that if you count the pilot
I've never seen this show but the "Mordecai is a SIMP" video is pretty funny.
For a long time I didn't know "The Power" was the first episode of the series. Absolutely kino, the show really started off strong. But I haven't seen any of the space shit.
This show got worse as it went on.
Season 1 and 2 are classic but then the premise wears paper thin.
You get to Season 7 and it's just "Mordecai sad cause of breakup".
Absolutely boring. Overrated by Yas Forums, mainly because they can relate to dumb slackers hard.
Really it's a slightly above average cartoon that will be forgotten due to it's dated references.
yeah, it's pretty good.
>due to it's dated references.
They don't mean the 80's ones.
Episodes before goat guy, most of them yes.
Episodes after introduction of goat guy, I don't know I stopped watching.
I still don't understand what was the purpose of that character. It is like no one from the writing staff ever saw the Poochie episode from The Simpsons
wasn't he actually a communist spy?
He was, but that whole episode was obviously an ass pull made by the writers to get rid of the character
I liked CJ.
Rigby's character arc was handled pretty well, but I never understood what happened to Mordecai. He just went from being pathetic and messing up terribly with women to forgetting about women entirely to focus on the plot with Pops, then suddenly getting gf at the end. There was no rhyme or reason to it.
Also, I still don't understand the lore. We're told that the Seer is cancelling the Regular Show universe because of its low ratings, but then we find out it's ended and restarted thousands of times already. Which is it?
>Different face
Turns out the show was way ahead of its time. The show is filled with the biggest Simp ever.
SIMP: The Animated Series
only the first season. Everything involving Margeret and the rest of female characters, just no.
If you're show has female characters shoehorned just for the forced romance drama, you can go fuck yourself, hoenestly. I don't have a tumblr account to care.
What is. Simp
Yeah it's alright.
It holds up much better than Adventure Time and Steven Universe.