Nickelodeon will make something with Garfield

Nickelodeon will make something with Garfield

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Other urls found in this thread:!GAAxEQBI!4_loGHyVtIl-QXVVIRylvQ!FVsEHQja!V8JvAdpI2-GNy7iqhIe--Q!TJoG2YxY!dcYAwIfjEz-IYOF7kgA2Vw!hQ8USArZ!diuJn9GJe2517BUapCNAeQ

didn't he have a show on CN?

Well yeah they didn't just buy it to sit pretty on the property

There was a thread back then, but I deleted the pic. They make a reboot. Unlike Garfield Show it will be 2D animated, but not well detailed. Loud House tier animation.

it'll be trash

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Found the pic.
Nah it looks okay

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So? stop singing about it and do it!

Yeah, then Nick got the rights.

I'm sure it'll be great for three or four months before they see its not getting Spongebob numbers, start moving it around the schedule haphazardly, then can it and dump the last batch of episodes on Nicktoons.

I hope the theme song is good at least.


will they bring back Pet Force?

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Holy shit, sauce?

Episodes of Garfield Originals are already being released in France. They were supposed to be relased in the US in 2019 but the buyout of Garfield delayed it:

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I see TMNT is still alive

Wait, who bought Garfield? Nick? If so, R.I.P Garfield

It's really hard to fuck up Garfield. This is at least keeping it safe like the original show where it had segments based on the actual comic.

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who unironically gives a shit about Garfield


Everyone who matters, which doesn't include you

hey guys, they also bought us!
remember us?

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post Garfielf videos

Viacom bought the entire Paws, Inc./Garfield franchise from Jim Davis late last year and are putting him under the Nickelodeon banner. Jim Davis will still work on the comic strip with a few of his cartoonists, though.

My faith in them taking care of Garfield is extremely low, considering Jim Davis was always vocal about no identity politics in the franchise and this is one of the first things Nick did under the new social media account.

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>newgrounds shit

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Ah shit...

Wonder if Mark Evanier is gonna be involved. Animated Garfield owes a great deal to him.

I gotta have a good meal

>Having integrity at any point of time

Eat shit and die, US Acres

>wanting to make money means you can't have integrity.

Taken from Mark Evanier on his first experience with Jim Davis:
>On my first visit to Jim's offices outside Muncie, Indiana, this happened: We were meeting and talking about the creative direction of the show. An aide to Jim interrupted to ask him if he could sign off on the prototype for a Garfield alarm clock that one of his licensees was about to start producing in large quantities. Jim's OK was necessary and they needed it right away because the factory was poised to begin making them by the zillions and there were deadlines that had to be met to ensure on-time delivery to wholesalers and retailers.

>Jim inspected the prototype and he said, "No, they still don't have Garfield's eyes right." He picked up a Sharpie and indicated on the model just where those eyes should be.

>The aide said, "If they have to break the molds and redo them, it will cost them thousands of dollars and they'll miss their shipping dates." To which Jim said, "So?"

>Jim doesn't know how close he came at that moment to getting a big, wet one on the lips from me. I had worked for way too many companies and individuals — including people who'd created the characters who were about to be done wrong — to not be delighted by his attitude. Later, he told me his philosophy and he's also said this in interviews: "If we take care of the cat, the cat will take care of us."

Just because Jim Davis made Garfield to be a money maker doesn't mean he didn't care about the quality of the brand.

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I'm honestly just excited for more Rise of the TMNT episodes.


the wink bumper is creepy

this is underwhelming

Old news. It's going to be trash, same guys that did those godawful silent popeye shorts.

Just like Garfield as a whole!

>Jim Davis was always vocal about no identity politics in the franchise
Jim Davis was always vocal about no politics, period.

>Q: You said that you need some sense of the pulse of life to write the strip. Yet there are no topical references (in Garfield). You don't even make reference to cultural events like Pac-man and the pro football strike.

>A: It's a conscious effort to include everyone as readers. If you were to mention the football strike, you're going to be excluding everyone else in the world that doesn't watch pro football. Garfield is an international character. Therefore, I don't even use seasons. The only holiday I recognize is Christmas. I don't use rhyming gags, plays on words, colloquialisms, in an effort to make Garfield apply to virtually any society where he may appear. In an effort to keep the gags broad, the humor general and applicable to everyone, I deal mainly with eating and sleeping. That applies to everyone, anywhere.

>(...) I'd like to say it was some sort of a divine inspiration that created the strip. In fact, it wasn't so much that as a conscious effort to come up with a good, marketable character. I've been trying to get syndicated for eight years. That's a lot of time to try to figure out what makes some strips go and others fail.
>It's essentially a formula. I notice dog strips are doing well, and I knew an animal strip would be strong. People aren't threatened by an animal. They have a lot of latitude. Do a lot of things that humans can't. By virtue of being a cat, Garfield's not black, white, male or female, young, or old or a particular nationality. He's not going to step on anyone's feet if these thoughts are coming from an animal.


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In case the new cartoon sucks, we'll always have Garfield & Friends:

Season 1:!GAAxEQBI!4_loGHyVtIl-QXVVIRylvQ
Season 2:!FVsEHQja!V8JvAdpI2-GNy7iqhIe--Q
Season 3:!TJoG2YxY!dcYAwIfjEz-IYOF7kgA2Vw
Season 4 (3 episodes only):!hQ8USArZ!diuJn9GJe2517BUapCNAeQ

Since they weren't available anywhere, I decided to rip them myself. So far, only seasons 1, 2, 3 and some episodes of 4 are available for stream on\Boomerang.

Files include English dub, English closed captions and Latin American Spanish dub, plus Matroska-type chapters for easy seeking.

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>Burp after Burp

Waow it's shit.

Why? Nothing will ever top the elder god tier kino that is Garfield and Friends.
Why don't Nick just rerun that 2 hours a day and put it on their site. The episodes are timeless.

based and garf'd.

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>comes back and burp finishes
>Garfield immediately starts downing a 2 liter of Cola
I lol'd

Otherwise it was pretty bad.

I've rewatched those 80's Garfield episodes countless times, I've always skipped these cunts though.

This is my personal favorite:

What about wanting to drag people into the street and shoot them for singing badly?

Reminder this is made by Madlab, formerly Ankama Animation. How the mighty have fallen.

What the fuck are these calarts looking shows? I only recognize Spongebob, TMNT and Loud House

Holy fuck, my respect for the man just increased.
Truly a grand master craftsman cartoonist.

He's the all style over Wattersons all substance approach.

Also, whut?
I haven't visited Yas Forums in a while...

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Thanks to the Dofus movie's abysmal failure, part of the Ankama Group shares were sold to a conglomerate named Media Participations. One of their first actions was to merge the smoldering remains of the Ankama Animation subsidiary, which had technically never done anything but bleed money, with Ellipsanime, their own long-running animation company, creating Madlab so they could create cartoons they could sell, for a change.

The result is in that youtube link above.

Looks safe and bland, okay for Garfield.

The animation doesn't really look very dynamic but I've seen WAY worse soulless subsided europroductions.

What happened to their interesting tweening/3d gimmick?

Everything about this is the worst thing ever.

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New Lasagna Cat when?

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The tweening's right there in Garfield

Retarded people and women.


6 years to go

A gag that I'm sure everyone wants to do at one point

speaking of Nickelodeon
check out what Nicktoons is bringing out today

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ot a wat bababyat

Makes sense, Garfield practically invented Nickelodeon's strategy of "Take something moderately amusing and run it into the ground until it can only be enjoyed ironically".

I mean, The Loud House seemed to have been made by people who only know of human interaction from the lesser Garfield strips.