Which mutants do you feel should be more critical of the Krakoa status-quo?

Which mutants do you feel should be more critical of the Krakoa status-quo?

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That guy made out of wax I guess

>let's have the Catholic priest tell all the mutants to fuck lmao

Well, if it's with intention to procreate (which is exactly what Krakoa wants), it should be fine by him.


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>Apocalypse is calling mutants who don't have their powers filthy flatscans and beating them to death so they can be "reborn" and get back their powers.
>"Brilliant, I need to create a new religion inspired by this!"

pretty much all of them, honestly.

none of them

they all went full Kool-Aid in AvX at the mere sniff of power

fuck 'em, they're worthless garbage

Kurt's had a positive view of sex since the 80's.
This is a much more pressing concern.

Any of Spider-Man's former students.Spider-Man's is a Great Morality teacher.

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I would say the majority of them feel a vague uneasiness about it honestly. even if it's a "this is too good to last" thing

I meant to use this image.

Too bad they're all pussies that don't voice any complaints.

>Which mutants do you feel should be more critical of the Krakoa status-quo?
Great question, if I had my say I’d put Kurt, Logan, Hank, Warren, and Piotr on a team of the best boys who would never be part of this new age hippie death cult.

Well it’s kind of in character, “be fruitful and multiply” also Catholics fuck a lot. They really fucked his Priest aspect up.

>they all went full Kool-Aid in AvX at the mere sniff of power
I still think these are all clones and Charles just made his perfect versions of these characters. Totally submissive.

Why would a they speak out against anything at all? They have preety much accepted their role as underlings and will follow their orders when they are told too. Only exception is when they kill each other over the right to tell the underlings what to do. So yes there is no reason for the chinese to complain about the government, no idea about mutants though.

1) Kurt isn’t a priest anymore and he only ever was one because of literal mind control.
2) Despite his Catholicism, Kurt is and always has been an absolute sex fiend.

Have you been reading? Kurt spent an entire issue talking about how horrific the resurrection crucible ritual is and how he tried to stop it to no avail from the rest of the council.

So he's just a regular catholic got it

None of them because they're all under Charles' suggestion. They're as critical as he allows them to be.

Every mutant that left Utopia with Logan in Schism.

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Logan was written retardedly out of character for Schisim to happen in the first place both him and Beast where massive hypocrites.
Especially Beast.
Fuck Post Decimation Beast

>It's another Starkfag pretends the whole thing wasn't the Avengers fault episode

Didn't happen because of Captain America and Cyclops while acting like children?

I'm assuming you meant to type "were" instead of "while"
And the Starkfag user I was responding to specifically said
>they all went full Kool-Aid in AvX at the mere sniff of power
Which I took to mean the Phoenix Five fiasco which only happened because Stark shattered the Phoenix and broke it's psyche into pieces

You should defend Isreal's- I mean Krakoa's right to exist!

Its Sublime

Cyclops is always right and based. Even when they try their hardest to make him a Hitler analogue.

>Oh my god Scott! You're telling all these teenagers to be X-Men. You know the exact same thing we did at their age! What would Xavier (who did the same thing to us) think? Come on Bobby let's go I can't stand to look at how low our friend has fallen.
Seriously FUCK BEAST
And Fuck Tykelops too

stop it. Cyclops was hitler

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Chamber’s just been reluctantly following the New Mutants around lately. Seems like they’re just using him and Mondo as background decoration for that book, they haven’t really said or done much.

>When you're so BTFO you resort to posting him possessed by Dark Phoenix AND HE STILL never did anything as bad as
>Stark in Civil War
>The Inhumans
>Or Post-Retcons Xavier
The Absolute state of Sentinelfags

TykeCyclops I just feel bad for. He was just a White-guy punching bag. Anything he said or did was always followed by another character mentioning that he'll grow up to be Hitler. Or to Check Himself.

Any team he was on it was like this. Champions, Xmen, etc...

I mean imagine Beast ripping you and your friends/girl friend out of time and then yelling at you for being worse than Hitler!!!!, (for killing one guy while under mind control of the PF) (Also Hank probably did this cause he wanted his younger self to fuck Jean like he always wanted to)

I remember this page in Champions where Nova asks Scott, "Dude what's it like knowing your gonna grow up to be the next Hitler?"
I remember this one panel

Its hilarious that they confirmed the Hitler shit was literally Inhuman brainwashing.

Marvel hates all guys named Hank.

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Do you remember it was a fake Cyclops in everyone's being mined f***** by Emma Faust?

>TykeCyclops I just feel bad for. He was just a White-guy punching bag. Anything he said or did was always followed by another character mentioning that he'll grow up to be Hitler. Or to Check Himself
I was actually ok with that characterization (for him, fuck everyone who called Cyclops Hitler)
What completely turned me against him is that one page that Hopeless wrote in IvX where he was going
>So what if we're on the verge of extinction WE'RE ALWAYS ON THE VERGE OF EXTINCTION NO BIG DEAL
As a rule I hate the lack of grandiosity in modern comics and what I hate more than that is "Ayy lamo seen it all before why even pretend the story has stakes" AND WHAT I HATE EVEN MORE THAN THAT is a character that absolutely has not "Seen it all before" fuck they've barely even seen some of it going
>Absolute extinction of my people? meh

I can absolutely buy his hatered for Realclops being based on constant propaganda from the people who dragged him into the FUSHAA. What I can't believe is that he can be so lazzie -faire about mutant life being impossible on earth

Grow up

hickman is a sociopath with no ability to feel human empathy

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What if xavier is telepathically controlling them all? Why is phoenix ok with this and not burning everything?

Thank sana amanat for that

The series is obviously being written from a
>This is creepy going too far and wrong
type of framing.
You can still call it shit for forcing characters to be OOC but let's not pretend it's not internationally playing up the immorality

That's every hickman story

Sauce, I don't believe you

People keep saying Hitler (because you're too stupid to learn of any history outside of explosion-heavy war movies on cable) but whatever happened to the Morlocks? You'd think they'd be included somehow. I haven't read everything, an impossibility whenever the X-Men have a long running multi title event, but where's Mr Sinister?

>Why is phoenix ok with this and not burning everything
Aaron gets to use Phoenix first in Avengers, and is giving it to Namor.

AvX, Havok calls out Medusa for using her propaganda machine to convince people that Cyclops was hitler.

>Aaron Phoenix
I hate how he completely butchered it because he's a movie nigger that never touched a comic in his life and now it's
>The Phoenix becomes evil over time like the universe reaches entropy
Adaptation shit is retconned into being how it works in the comics

He gets fucked in the butt by wolverine now :^)

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>What if xavier is telepathically controlling them all? Why is phoenix ok with this and not burning everything?
My headcanon is Xavier has copies of his “perfect versions” of every mutant, he also will send then on suicide missions so that there’s no option BUT to clone them. Once cloned Charles uploads his preferred version (that is totally loyal and obedient to him). That’s why Scott is wearing the blue a lot, why Jean is Marvel Girl, and why Logan is in the browns. My theory is those are the preferred most obedient versions of those characters.

Hank is based, only butthurt faggots hate Beast.

You could at least use pages from comics instead of shit articles that use clickbait headlines.

>this whole title
Fuck Hickman, fuck whoever wrote this and fuck you.

But Hank hates himself
by your logic Hank is a butthurt faggot
So you are absolutely correct

Based Scott here, calling Fagneto a loser to his loser mutant nazi face.

still doesn't fit in

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The truth is worse. He's a cuck
Check the only connected rooms

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>Seriously FUCK BEAST
>based Beast still making X-fags SEETHE
Imagine being this butthurt

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>happened because Stark shattered the Phoenix and broke it's psyche into pieces

better than the alternative of flaming heat death for everyone that scott was gonna bring in


>Schisim to happen in the first place both him and Beast where massive hypocrites.

how so?

>better than the alternative of flaming heat death for everyone that scott was gonna bring in
>Starkfags still this desperate to rationalize his massive fuck up
Yes we know you don't read comics you don't need to make it obvious

It was gonna go into Hope and do the same thing that Scott did but with no problems. As Scott saw the future and this was told to him and multiple other people that Hope Summers was the perfect host and would not be corrupted.

>Cyclops is confirmed cuckold
>Logan is a sexpet
>Jean is nothing but a whore
I’m telling you Charles mindfucked them all. Logan has probably hundreds of kids, and could sire a new generation of tough and long loving mutants, why settle for sharing some firecrotch?

See As for Logan he's had how many teen sidekicks? Jubilee being the most memorable

If they're in a polyamorous relationship then no one is getting cucked, learn what words mean.

>would not be corrupted.
Fuck Aaron and Editorless Marvel.
The Dark Phoenix Saga only happened because of Mastermind Mindfucking her

>This is how cucks actually cope
what a pathetic creature

Scott, Hank, Jean, Bobby, and Warren were teenagers when Charles turned them into soldiers. Charles specifically started with Scott this bullshit. He also killed Scott's brother in a botched mission then erased Scott's brother's death from Scott's mind so Scott wouldn't turn against him and could keep going as his soldier.

So for Hank to turn around and point fingers at Scott for allowing the teenagers to simple defend themselves from certain death in a situation where they were alone because Logan, who was their teacher, went out drinking instead of safeguarding the kids, was... fucked up. Specially since Scott was somehow in the wrong.

Scott's still being portrayed as being a loving husband, Scott's the owner of the house where his family all reside in. Logan's the one man out there, but he's living in the same house as Jean's sex pet.

It couldn't be more classic case of cuckoldry. It's like Hickman's screaming at the top of his lungs that Scott's a cuckold.

the android sent the phoenix to earth to see what would happen if the host didnt have her 5 lights to support her. giving her the phoenix would have killed everyone.

and starkfag? naw, its fuck stark over here buddy. pym forever

The android didn't sent shit. The Phoenix was coming to Earth with a vengeance to fix Wanda's altering of reality. Wanda brought the fiery bird. Nobody else.

where the original x-kids killing people? defense is one thing, but this wasnt that. but then again, scott is known to throw kids to the grinder