Did you like The Powerpuff Girls?

What was your favorite episode?

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When they went on a group date with the rowdy ruff boys and then the episode flashes forward showing how they’re all happily married to each other.

when galactus invaded and mojo jojo kicked his ass.

I coincidentally just started it, watched 3 episodes. So far, it seems smartly written enough for me to enjoy, and Genndy is showing his influence.

When Mojo was hired to babysit the girls.

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The Beatles episode

You really made me check if there was a Galactus crossover.

This one

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Any episode involving HIM or the Justice League.

The Father's Day episode (where Blossom steals golf clubs to give as a gift to Utonium) was hilarious and great on so many levels. All the characters were used so well, including Mojo for his brief appearance. I especially loved the side of Utonium we get to see.

Supper Villain is rightly praised too, but the Father's Day one is my personal favorite.

I cant remember it well but I remember liking the show as a kid but there were two episodes I thought were really off and I hated them. The one about the neckbeard collecting figures of them then trying to collect them and the episode where they go to a new town and try to defend it, cause some collateral damage and the show takes it super seriously.
Thinking back I guess the new town thing just had a really weird tone and the neck beard one seemed like a weird criticism of fans or something.


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The episode when they kept beating the shit out of Mojo for candy or whatever


The Time Travel Episode and Giant Robot episode.

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Princess Morbucks intro episode
>Them dbz references
>The girls being curbstomped until Blossom goes zen mode
>PPG armor

The Rowdyruff Boys
>Fantastic action scenes
>feral fighting style
>Calling out attacks

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Equal Fights


>Did you like The Powerpuff Girls
I wasn't really much of a fan, but there were some things I liked.
>What was your favorite episode?
Definitely the one with HIM ruling the world 50 years in the future. Shit got really heavy out of blue. Did a big impression on ~6 y/o me.

Probably Beat Your Greens, which actually got me to eat broccoli when I was little.
This one is probably a close second

>Probably Beat Your Greens, which actually got me to eat broccoli when I was little.
That goat riders rescue scene is one of the most memorable moments of the show, at least for me.


The episode where they defeat a radical feminist with true feminism.

That one episode where buttercup fights bubbles and blossom because she doesn't have a special power
The whole episode was the writers saying we have a ton of leftover animation budget, fuck it we blow it up on a 20 minute fight scene

This could have worked in a Danny phantom/ my life as a teenager robot kind of way

I don't really remember many episodes, but the one that's always stuck with me is where the girls fly so fast they fly into the future (somehow) and Townsville has become a nightmarish hellscape.

Episode made me terrified of Him.

>page 8
wtf does nobody remember this thing

You have to shitpost to get replies OP. Next time say something at least slightly instigating, like "why is the episode where bubbles brings crayon drawings to life the best episode"

and then someone will post a picture of the second time they did the dog episode and say "it isnt"

or something like that

But anyway the best episode for me as a kid was the one where bubbles can't do the training as well as her sisters and so secretly practices really hard and gets viscous. It was all about proving she can be hardcore like her sisters. She was my favorite character cause she was the funniest, but also I was kind of a pussy when I was a kid so seeing the nicest sweetest one prove she can be tough was inspiring for me, even as a boy.

the rowdy rough boys. The world in a nutshell

>Did you like The Powerpuff Girls?
>What was your favorite episode?
That's a hard one, probably Twisted Sister.


Always liked the one where the clown gets covered in a weird liquid, turns into a mime, turns everything monochrome making everyone depressed and the girls form a band to bring the colour back to the world.
Also liked The Beatles parody where Fuzzy Lumpkins, Him etc form a crime group.

The one where they create a retarded fourth sister.

The episode where the city acts more retarded than usual and the girls quit for a day, leaving them on their own.

>The Time Travel Episode
That one is great too. Seeing the girls lose for first time was pretty neat, and giga Him had a cool design as well.

all the gangreen gang episodes

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That's my favorite episode OP.

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Either this one or the episode where the Gangrene Gang was prank calling the town.

I like MLP FiM

Forced Kin.

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>"It's all right, because it's all white."

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>nuPPG removed Sarah Bellum
Always makes me chuckle in a "ha, lame brainless joke" kinda way
I honestly liked the "Susan B. Anthony" episode for the morality bit at the end. Treat all criminals equally.

It was great until Craig left and Savino took over.

Oh man. I should watch that episode again since I would get the references now.

I admit, seasons 1 and 2 are kinda eh but season 3 is making me laugh a lot more.

The one where they have to solve HIM's riddles only because the professor didn't want to pay for breakfast.

Meet The Beat Alls

Holy shit.

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Mojo got BTFO

Man, that's good animation as they're getting up. Wonder who did this

Best rainy day ever


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The "Monkey See Doggie Doo" episodes since they are the most memorable.

Best Rainy Day Adventure Ever

Mmm...this was a good one , me thinks.

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The PERFECT example of how internet discourse has changed. When this came out, I couldn't think remember a single person complaining about it. People had no problem acknowledging women like Femme Fatale existed. Lauren was later basically forced to apologize for it.

the only thing bad about it is the generalization of female standalone super heroes (which we have plenty of now).

Reminder that this is technically a CalArts show, and that CalArts should not be used as an umbrella term for a cartoon you don't like.

That being said, my favorite episode was Speed Demon.

>Well I may be able to talk, but I sure don't know how to drive!
>Oh hey Bubbles, I-

The Powerpuff Girls Rainy Day Adventure. The part where The Mayor tries to fly out the window still makes me laugh all these years later.

>Hello? GIANT ALLIGATOR?! Don't worry, Mayor, I'm on my way!
>I, uh...fell in the mud.

I used to watch it all the time as a kid but I can barely remember it now, just like all the other CN cartoons I used to watch. I do remember the ending song vividly.