LAST new episode (and thread, for a while) of Bluey, today at 3pm PST ("Sleepytime"). Are you ready?
>Bluey S1 (51 eps)
>Bluey S2 (so far)
LAST new episode (and thread, for a while) of Bluey, today at 3pm PST ("Sleepytime"). Are you ready?
>Bluey S1 (51 eps)
>Bluey S2 (so far)
Only 10 more minutes.
What happened to the other thread? Does Bluey have its own Barneyfag? The anti Australia coalition? The Emu Defense Force?
That episode was an acid trip
Imagine being over 18 and still watching pre-school cartoons for children. You should have been swallowed, all of you.
The OP was too degenerate so everyone obviously loved it
Thanks for keeping the thread alive mate
Thanks dude.
Bready good.
The Bandit abuse never stops and I love it
whats the context of this because i am not watching this shitty preschool show
Holy shit that was fucking beautiful! This short deserves an Emmy!
Also Bandit as Jupiter was hilarious
Bingo the Star Child
why are you here, then?
Rough night for the parents. Bet every other night is like this.
Except when Jupiter smashes into the sun if y'know what I'm sayin'
That was beautiful. Great animation and music in the dream and good pacing between it and the funny waking moments.
>"Morning, Wendy!"
What an episode. Stunning animation and beautiful music, actually made me tear up a bit. Could have told me this was a theatrical short and I would've believed you. Second half of the season is going to have a hard time topping this
This episode was fucking crazy
>that animation
>music from "The Planets" by Gustav Holst
Fuck me, this was beautiful.
I can't remember the last time a show (whatever the intended audience age group), managed to outshine it's competition by just doing it's own thing. Like it's not following an intended formula like most other shows do (especially shows meant for toddlers).
Honestly, after seeing this, I'm afraid that whatever comes out in the future won't be quality wise as magnificent as the first two seasons. The mention of Disney alone being present among the distributors is not a promising sign.
Every time I think it can't get any better, they go and completely blow away my expectations. Bless Ludo, bless Australia, and bless you user for all the uploads.
Could some Drawfriend do a Starchild edit of Bandit
Thanks for providing us with every episode in stellar quality mega provider. You made the ultimate contribution with your quick rips and I can't thank you enough on how much easier it is to connect with the kids than watch and play around with this amazing show about a creative loving family of doggos. Hope you will be here when the second half of this season drops too wonderful stranger.
Probably the most stunning episode in its entirety, this could have been a finale for the season as a whole. Can't wait to see how they wrap it up in the second half.
user, You Rock!
I thought they couldn't top Flat pack and here we are, what a way to close this batch of episodes
Why is he so perfect?
Bandit is for belly rubs
Fuck off and fuck your preshool shit you literal child. It's no wonder adults now adays are turning into sissified little children.
No you don't you stupid LARPer, you are so pathetic no chick would ever lay in bed with you
Dude what are you gonna get out of this?
Hopefully this will wake you manchildren up and stop watching baby cartoons you fucking losers.
what's your favorite episode, user?
What a trip
>This episode of Bluey is called Teasing
Not until you stop watching SU
The season batch is done. We’ll be back to nothreads in a day or three. Chill the fuck out.
lol imagine getting this mad over a preschool show.
The second half of the season is going to be rough without Bluey.
i can't believe bluey fucking died halfway through the season im literally shaking
user are you mad because you can't get a dog to sleep with you?
He's the dad we all wish we had.
They're going to announce Season 3 on Tuesday.
If this was an adult show, I’d say that this season has been foreshadowing that Chilli is gonna die. Thankfully, this is a baby show.
They were just warning us
Goodnight lads til next time
Fuck it, this is my favorite episode of all time. Nothing can top this.
>inb4 foreshadowing
Thanks, dude. I wasn't expecting them to do this kind of show, graceful episode. It's nice.
Pic related.
>I'll always be here for you, even if you can't see me
Yeah, that's a good one. Really touching, and I appreciate how they didn't try to water down the 'lesson' at the end (if you even want to call it that), or try and 'fix' her sadness. It acknowledges the kids emotions and respects them enough to try and work through them to focus on whatever it is making them feel that way without giving empty platitudes. I feel like I could have worded this all a lot better, but it's late and I've been drinking
Yeah, that part fucked me up
The posters the LUDO staff make are truly something
These are amazing, do you have any others?