Robin Hood Remake in the Works at Disney+ With Blindspotting Director

>Kari Granlund, who wrote last year's 'Lady and the Tramp,' is scripting the remake of Disney's 1973 animated feature.
Disney has targeted Robin Hood as the latest of its animated classics to get the remake treatment.

>Carlos Lopez Estrada, perhaps best known for directing the 2018 crime movie Blindspotting, is on board to helm the project, which is being written by Kari Granlund. Granlund is already in the Disney fold after having written the studio’s recent remake of Lady and the Tramp.

>Justin Springer, who counts the studio’s Dumbo and Tron Legacy amongst his credits, is producing the feature being developed for the studio’s Disney+ streaming service.

>Hood was a comedic and musical take on the famous Robin Hood tale, with anthropomorphic animals inhabiting the roles of the characters made famous over the centuries. Hood was a fox; Little John a bear; Friar Tuck a badger; Prince John a thumb-sucking lion; the sheriff of Nottingham a wolf; and Maid Marian a vixen.

>The movie has seen its critical appraisal rise, fall and rise again over the years, although its influence seems long-lasting. One of the songs, "Love," was nominated for an Oscar, while another, "Oo De Lally," has also enjoyed playability.

>The new take is said to be a musical and will again feature the characters as anthropomorphic, this time in a live-action/CG hybrid format.

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Why can't we have nice things.
I'm not even going to bother to outrage watch it, it just can't come close to that country style the OG has.

>this time in a live-action/CG hybrid format

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>Googles it
>It's actually happening
What the hell

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Fuck Disney and fuck China

Didn't Lady and the Tramp and Dumbo completely bomb? Whatever, I don't even care in the slighest.


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So you want a realistic CGI animals in a live action setting...dressed in silly medieval clothing like a cartoon?

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>The new take is said to be a musical and will again feature the characters as anthropomorphic, this time in a live-action/CG hybrid format.
Have we learned nothing from Cats?

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>this time in a live-action/CG hybrid format
Sounds like someone wants a Cats tier disaster!


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Let me guess, "Leave my childhood alone" and all that? This is the company that made Fox and The Hound 2. They couldn't care less about your childhood, or the integrity of an IP.

It's not just directed at Disney, it's also directed at the braindead audiences that eat up this slop. Even 10 years ago, Disney seemed to care more. Now they couldn't give less of a fuck about anything. And yeah, they're a dirty conglomerate that's so far away from what Walt wanted that they might as well be on Planet Mongo, but I just want to see them get their shit pushed in.

Pixar’s gonna be next.

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This makes sense.
In fact why wait a decade or two?
Let's give Zootopia the Cats 2019 treatment already while we're in the mood!

I remember when this was just a Yas Forums WeGotThisCovered shitpost. Are they actually doing this?

>its influence seems long-lasting
They know don't they?

Nope, now buttholes with be a feature

At this rate, we really will get live action Treasure Planet

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>John Goodman
>not Danny Devito

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>this time in a live-action/CG hybrid format.
Why do they hate cartoony animals so much now? Fuck Disney. Hyperrealism never looks good and ages like fucking milk every time.

They do not know what they are messing with...

I doubt DeVito can handle the emotional gravitas of seeing his childhood love dying before achieving her dream

It will be a live action movie with CGI enhancement. Oh and Little John will be gay.

I've got a dreading feel that this won't even be set in England proper but some urban machination Sherwood Apartments or some such shit,

Prince John will be the Landlords fucking Cat instead of an actual Lion.

Eddie Redmayne and Anna Kendrick for leads pls.

You know what the worst part is? Billion dollar gross.

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like fire

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I actually wouldn't mind a Treasure Planet live action remake.

>who counts the studio’s Dumbo and Tron Legacy amongst his credits

I'd think anyone with those amongst their credits would no longer be working for Disney by now.

What's gonna happen once they remake all of their classics and not so classics?

That's a damn good cast.

Not really, only Dinsney's already heavy hitting franchises have been actually profitable. Both Dumbo and Pete's Dragon bombed while Lady and the Tramp was Direct to Disney Plus trash. This will fall under that, as will most future adaptations since they've already burned through most of the shit worth exploiting.

What was the consensus on the mulan live action during its world premiere a few weeks ago?

>a few weeks ago
Really it came out?
Are people even able to go to cinemas anywhere in the world right now?

This virus is the best thing to ever happen to movies.

It had its world premiere with the stars before the closure of EVERYTHING went into effect

>Mulan 2020
>101 Dalmations and Peter Pan 2021
Which movie will be tainted in 2022? The Little Mermaid? Pinocchio?

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It's time.

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>Live action

Not possible if everything is animated in cgi.

>live-action/CG hybrid format.

its a Disney+ exclusive.

As usual, this wasn't necessary, but I'm stupidly kind of impressed they're actually doing it with anthros.

Not "impressed" as in I think it'll be good, just that I'd expected if a Robin Hood thing got made at all, they'd just do it with people.

and yeah I know obviously they are doing it with people, but you know, I thought just humans with no CG. Traditional Robin Hood

You know as much as it pains me to say it, pretty much every attempt at doing anything with Robin Hood or King Arthur in the last couple decades has really ended badly. Im not sure why you'd want to try now.

>Live-action CG hybird

Wouldn't it be easier to just make it fully CG?

What does having to involve real sets and film equipment bring to the table?

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As long as the aliens are CG I honestly wouldn't mind

Maybe they could make the movie past the robot's introduction less of a slog

The sets will be CG aside from some real objects. It's just marketing buzzwords now.

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Look, as long as I can jerk off to the main character its cool.

I mean, it's use in Jungle Book was sort of justified since they still had real people in it. I guess this is purely to attract brainlets who think animation=kids

they don't care about it bombing, they care about maintaining the IP for another 100 years

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Where the fucks the Sword in the Stone adaptation we were supposed to get ?


Im pretty sure Robin Hood is very much public domain what with being, oh about 800 years old or so.

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robin hood yes. fox robin hood no, just like Disney's version of pinocchio or the 7 dwarfs is copyrighted by Disney

That would actually have a point though. Remaking cartoon animal movies as CGI doesn't, sci-fi does. Though I would expect it to be terrible.

I mean it would probably mean that at some point we'd get a gritty remake of Song of the South where the little girl dies from an illness and Uncle Remus gets hung for it.
So that seems worth it.

Little Mermaid has been anounced and partially filmed I believe.
Pinocchio can't be worse than pic related at least.

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The original Italian version wasn't as bad. Weinstein took a chainsaw to the script with his dub.

>photorealistic furries
Oh god.

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Yeah, "impressed" like you'd be of a guy trying to perform break dancing on a busy highway. It's stupid, but you have to admire the dedication and the stick-to-it-iveness,

>Won't give us Cabs season 2
>Wasting money on this shit when L&TT for a time made Disney+ fail

>The new take is said to be a musical and will again feature the characters as anthropomorphic, this time in a live-action/CG hybrid format.

Robin Hood as a fox is just lazily mixing it up with Reynard the Fox. I'm pretty sure that's not copyright protected as a concept as such.

it was originally going to be renard movie. but Disney thought that story wasn't child friendly enough to adapt

I'm pretty sure I watched the Italian version subtitled in French, and it was awful.

Its coming to Disney+, directed by the 28 weeks later guy

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If it's in the Zootopia style, at least the silver lining is the influx of new Maid Marian porn.

Sounds like kino tbqh
