>literally a warrior for social justice
>Yas Forums loves him
Not that I'm complaining, I'm a lefty and I love Green Arrow, I'm just curious.
Literally a warrior for social justice
Because he's a fuck-up and most of his friends think he's annoying.
I'm more racist than Hitler or the Founding Fathers ever were, and I like Queen because the Grell stuff I read back in the day were good, and he's usually a fun swashbuckling hero. He's not in my Top 20 or anything, but I can enjoy a good Green Arrow story. Also The whole point is that he's an overcompensating faggot. And even if he wasn't, eh, if the story's good, the story's good.
Queen's political views aren't shoved down my throat, that's why
Does character's political view matter when you like some character? I'm lefty but I love US Agent.
He's very sensitive
Do you read judge dread?
>Does character's political view matter when you like some character? I'm lefty but I love US Agent.
I find that as long as the character is principled, nuanced, has character development, and actually learns through their preconceived notions. I’ll happily enjoy a comic character or storyline if it’s actually well written and shows good CD. John Walker is also one of my favorite Neoconesque characters. I love Oliver (mostly because he’s DC Robin Hood) even if he’s a bleeding heart because he’s a pretty good character. Shit like America Chavez on the other hand...absolute garbage.
Literal social justice warriors aren't the same thing as twitter SJWs. Twitter SJWs have that moniker because that's the opposite of what they really do. They don't actually fight for anything. I thought this was common knowledge, but it's a line SJWs like to blur to suit their needs.
if it's Dennis O'Neil writing social justice comics than it's all good
You should give Ben Percy's run a try. Super solid forty issues, and it was all about Oliver's values being expressed through his actions. Highly recommended.
Oh, and he gets back together with Dinah, too.
Anyone know when Ollie's monthly is coming back? Are they just going to keep him roped in on the Leviathan thing despite not using any of his world class tracking skills?
You see op, when you write your characters as an actual person and not a soapbox for you to brag about how great your personal beliefs are, people will tend to like them even when they don't agree with the characters political views.
I'm sure if a shitty writer got their hands on him they would turn Oliver to a generic white man hating Twitter whore, just as I'm sure a competent writer could make something as dumb as America Chavez actually work in a story and have people enjoy who she is
Because Ollie is a real lefty and not the modern bastardization it is now?
why is john walker against evolution? comic characters time travel like it's going out of style and know this stupid fuck has seen dinos in the savage land. this is almost as fucking dumb as Mr. Terrific being an atheist when he's been to the source wall
As soon as I saw this thread I knew there would be a post like yours. What are you retarded or something? Queen is preachy as shit.
And his new archnemesis is an evil bank. Like, it's baked into the actual comic book.
fuck banks
Walker's from Georgia, being a conservative religious redneck is the stereotype.
If you haven't yet, you need to read Percy's Green Arrow. It's excellent.
>All these retards in this thread saying Oliver fucking Queen isn’t preachy
The answer OP is that most of Yas Forums doesn’t read comics so they don’t know just how “SJW” and “preachy” Oliver is. What makes Queen tolerable for me is that he avoids the self insert syndrome that drags other leftist work down. Other leftist work is little more than
Now GA does that too but what keeps it interesting is that Ollie himself doesn’t get wanked. He’s a fuck up, a heavily flawed protagonist. He’s a hypocrite, a liar, a cheater, a deadbeat dad, a copycat, a womanizer and a loudmouth and he’s repeatedly challenged on this. People don’t just immediately praise him and sometimes the stories will challenge his beliefs. That’s what makes him good.
Hey the supervillain bank shit was cool
Eh, I'd recommend starting with Percy's Rebirth stuff, his pre-Rebirth stories have pretty massive plotting and pacing issues. Also I'm really not a fan of the poverty fetishism, but that's pretty common among GA writers.
Kanigher's a fair hand at it too. Weirdly good at it from the mind that brought us Merboy and Birdboy anyway.
That's what I'm saying, dude! It's a fucking perfect villain for Green Arrow. Like, the only way you could be more on the nose is a Cheetah-style anthro CEO that calls himself Fat Cat, and is also fat.
Because back in the day Writers knew how to let someone be preachy without the metanarrative being that they are always right. Queen is shown to be a hypocrite at times, and often not living up to his idealized standards.
the fact that he is a straight white male probably has something to do with it. everytime someone complains about some character being too SJW, it's a female character, usually a brown tranny lesbian
>Also I'm really not a fan of the poverty fetishism, but that's pretty common among GA writers.
I dislike how they never do anything about it. A lot of writers come close to him having Merry Men, and then they always back off. Either give us Green Arrow's Merry Men in whatever forest surrounds Seattle.
But yeah, definitely start at Rebirth. I don't know what the hell he was trying to do prior.
Ben Percy run fucking sucked major dicks. Instead of Ollie actually being a lefty he took Black Canary and made her constantly guilt-trip Ollie about being rich and a hero, to the point where Ollie started himself for being privileged. He also made Ollie and Dinah pairing abusive as fuck. It was as bad as the Batcat shit done by King.
Real lefties still exist, just look at Bernie’s online supporter base. Most of the cringey “left-wing” shit we’ve seen in recent years was never actually left-wing to begin with; it came more from the corporate neoliberal crowd looking to cash in on woke points.
Well the reason why I personally like it is good world building. Super villains need to make transactions all the time, so why not have an off the grid private banking system for them?
There's nothing wrong with Percy's Green Arrow though. All Dinah does is ground Ollie
>He also made Ollie and Dinah pairing abusive as fuck
It's not abuse, it's calling someone out on their bullshit and it's something that Dinah's always done with Ollie and part of what makes their relationship classic. She doesn't let him get away with shit, as she shouldn't. At the beginning, he's a privileged billionaire with no idea what actual day-to-day life was like, until he lost his money.
>Super villains need to make transactions all the time, so why not have an off the grid private banking
Oh yeah, it was like when Paul Dini introduced a Gotham villain whose entire schtick was building lairs and death traps for other villains.
If I ever get around to it, the Ninth Circle is the central villain in the Green Arrow script I wanna write.
Because if anything the Savage Land would disprove evolution. We're talking about an isolated collection of species who after millions of years haven't shown any evolution at all. Plus the concept of godhood in superhero universes would be thrown completely out of whack. Most superheroes have feats equaling or exceeding that of mythology, and divinity is something to question when you're sitting at the DMV next to the literal Hercules and watching a guy raise an island from the ocean using superpowers gained from the same gene that gave your cousin Darryl 36 fingers.
>don't let corporations and bankers rule the world, everyone deserves food and shelter and health care
is good
>every group must have specific representations of every demographic, straight male lust is evil, white people should feel guilt, crude speech is a hate crime
is bad
Ollie is an OLD leftie and OLD left ideas were good. Current "left" ideas are not only bad, but probably motivated by bankers and rich jerks to channel the inherent rebelliousness of the youth into bullshit pseudo-woke non-causes, to distract them from what actually matters, eating the rich.
>fuck banks
t. Andrew Jackson
Are you referring to The Carpenter or The Broker? Because Carpenter occasionally hangs with The Wonderland Gang, while The Broker is a generic suit who is basically just a super villain realtor
>There's nothing wrong with Percy's Green Arrow though. All Dinah does is ground Ollie
There's everything wrong about Percy's run. Ollie didn't become a lefity on his own, it was all because he was simping for Dinah he was constantly shitting on Ollie for being privileged as a rich man. Dinah didn't just ground Ollie in that run, she would constantly mock, shit-talk, insult, and blame Ollie. It was awful. It didn't shit on Ollie as a character, but specially Dinah who'd come off as a major bitch.
I'm of the mind that comic writers simple don't understand how to write a loving couple anymore. It's always the same toxic shit where the woman walk all over the man and the man self-punish themselves to make the woman happy.
There's a big difference between how Dinah would try to ground Ollie back then, and how Percy wrote them. There was nothing classic about Percy run. It was everything wrong a modern writer could do with the kind of character Ollie and Dinah are. It's the modern woke rendition of a lefty hero and a hetero romance.
Stopped reading right there. Jesus Christ you fucks are completely incapable of speaking without your forced buzzwords of the month. You need to go back to your fucking discord
Oh shit, yeah, I didn't realize I was describing two different characters. But yeah, love that world building,
What? Is the truth. The entire run is Dinah walking all over Ollie and Ollie feeling bad about it. It was obnoxious. Dinah didn't even made sense most of the time. She'd blame him for things he had no control over and things others had done. I hated Ollie and Dinah in that and couldn't wait for the end of the run.
You've never had a partner invest in your self improvement, have you? It's pretty cool, having someone around to let you know when you're being an asshole. That way, you stop being an asshole.
It could be worse. They could reintroduce Felicity.
There's a difference in a partner knowing your flaws and trying to help you work on them so you can improve as a person, and your partner seeing your as everything there's wrong in the world, constantly insulting at every waking moment, constantly comparing you to other people while making them look great so you will feel down, and constantly insulting you to others.
All I'm seeing is an insecure beta who doesn't like it when a spouse encourages the guy to be better. Ollie isn't a fucking doormat like you're trying to push, Dinah is there to challenge him and motivate. Christ their entire relationship is basically screaming at each other followed by makeup sex
As a tech billionaire, yes, Ollie was one of the things that's wrong with America.
>Walker's from Georgia, being a conservative religious redneck is the stereotype.
And his best friend is black. That's based
Nigga, stop trying to make Percy's shitty run as the standard of how the couple is.
Beforehand Ollie was the ultra left, the chauvinist, the serial cheater, and that's why he'd be often in the wrong and be deserving of receiving bullshit from Dinah. Dinah wasn't also perfect. In Percy's run there was nothing wrong about any of the shit Ollie did. Ollie would constantly try to do better, but that never stopped Dinah from shitting on Ollie simple for being who he was. It was bullshit. Ollie wasn't even a true lefty in that run. He'd just try to do everything Dinah told him because she would constantly make him feel like a shit about everything. That's not how you write them and specially not how you write a couple.
What's next, you're going to defend Tom King's run on Batman?
>would you still marry me if I was black, Superman?
>Lois, I... *drops to his knees and pukes*
This issue rocked
>Defend King
You can fuck right off with your strawman. If you have a problem with Dinah being a ball buster, then you don’t like Black Canary
>If you have a problem with Dinah being a ball buster, then you don’t like Black Canary
I have a problem with Percy's shitty writing. Percy wrote Dinah as shit.
Sure, Ollie's a loudmouth liberal. But he also gets his ass kicked all the time and his girlfriend clearly wears the pants in their relationship. It's an honest portrayal.
Did he forget to write a couple of lines where she reminds you how you're actually her real boyfriend and he's just a meanie because he has to?
“I don’t like it” is your shit opinion, not a criticism on how he wrote Dinah, which was fine. I’m getting the feeling you’re projecting something else here
You can make that argument about Captain America, but his politics are actual liberal. Not the, "Shut the fuck up and do as I say, you're ignorant and I'm going to hide all my agendas behind the word progressive" fake liberal.
Dude, I think it's just you that has an issue.
No, he wrote Dinah saying Ollie can't be a hero and a rich guy at the same time, while saying in the same breath that Batman is a much better person than Ollie. Dumb inconsistent shit like that.
Of course, says the guy who tells people to start with Rebirth shitty run instead of Hard Travelling Heroes.
I'm not a fan of going too on-the-nose with the Robin Hood analogues, though I really dig the idea that Ollie is the head of group of mostly independent actors operating under a mutual support network rather than a leadership authority. It's a great way to set him apart from Batman's top-down, authoritative command-style given the relative size of their heroic cast.
As for Percy's pre-Rebirth stuff, I imagine that he wasn't sure if he was going be kept on the book and crammed a bunch of plots together. His first arc was at least two four separate plots, two of which were clearly set up for long-running story lines, shoved into 3 issues.
I think he laid it on too thick at times and that Ollie comes across as more obtuse than his personal history should allow, but it worked as a whole. I think where a lot of writers screw up is that Ollie is supposed to be an idealist while Dinah is a cynic, but that doesn't mean that Ollie is wrong nor that Dinah is right as they both have their own biases and blindspots. I'm more irritated at the idea that GA has to be broke; it's not like wealthy people can't empathize or understand what it's like to be poor. There is a weird equivalency of poverty with authenticity and wisdom that is kinda insulting and more than a little classist. Plus it strips GA of a lot of plots involving his corporation and the elite that could be told because god forbid he's not a hobo using a bow whittled out of a discarded mop handle.
No you dumbass. She’s saying you can’t fight pretending you’re the little guy when the reality is you’re not like everyone else you stupid shit
That whole issue is based
Borrowed money has to be paid back, Andy.
t. Andrew Jackson's numerous creditors
Just cause I would recommend Rebirth doesn't mean I'd recommend it be read first. I'd say start with Longbow Hunters, to see if he's your flavor of hero, and then go to the Denny O'Neil years, Grell years, etc.
But Ollie didn't pretend to be the little guy, he just worried about the little guy. Just because Ollie would never rebut her shitty remarks that doesn't change how shit her character was.
Dinah is certainly a ball buster towards people who deserved it like supervillains and Ollie when he cheated on her. But Percy's run Flanderized her into someone giving Ollie shit all the time for no reason. It's an unhealthy relationship that's unsettlingly portrayed as normal.
Green Arrow as the 'head' of an anarchist commune of poor folk avengers would be fucking amazing.
Remember that time when Riddler helped a dark magician cast a dome over Star City and caused a blackout, allowing for crime to skyrocket over a two-day period with no heroes able to get through the dome to help Green Arrow. So when it came time to play Riddler's games, Green Arrow just said fuck that.
>Borrowed money has to be paid back, Andy.
>t. Andrew Jackson's numerous creditors
>gets debt from the US bank
>gets rid of the US bank
>” In 1833, Jackson retaliated against the bank by removing federal government deposits and placing them in "pet" state banks. As federal revenue from land sales soared, Jackson saw the opportunity to fulfill his dream of paying off the national debt - which he did in early 1835.”
Based Andy. Fuck banks.
If you're a reasonable, thinking human being and not a cardboard cutout who lives and dies by who you pull the lever for...then yes, it's fine to enjoy a character who's worldview is not 1:1 with your own.
Based John is the only neocon I like.
That's why Gotham villains stay the fuck out of Star City/Seattle; Ollie doesn't play games, and he packs broadheads.
>dig up a 50 year old run full of laughably outdated and out-of-touch lefty talking points that is essentially GA yelling at GL for patrolling space and fighting supervillains instead of political advocacy
>don't read the GA run from a few years ago that has his gf busting his chops because he's being champagne socialist as fuck
This is a broadhead, if you're curious.
Now she would be a roasty feminist and he would be happy watching her get cucked by a Barack Obama lookalike.
Because while the former might be outdated somewhat, any person can understand what's talking about and how the times were back then while enjoying good stories where both co-stars get to be equally right and wrong on several issues.
Meanwhile the latter was much more on-the-nose in its concepts and had awful as fuck characterizations where only one character was ever right despite coming off as a hugely dislikeble.
Honestly if the whole schtick of a character is talking a shitload and manipulating the fight that way why not just clobber the cunt right in the gabber?
Sometimes I think superheroes should just switch the city they're defending. Batman might not be so stressed out if he was in Metropolis. Superman might actually give some hope to Gotham.
GA vs. the Rogues would be worth seeing.
I was really hoping they'd just stay with Star City.