How did one random guy manage to completely change the tides of public opinion that the animation community has
How did one random guy manage to completely change the tides of public opinion that the animation community has
Did he? Most responses were either just people having fun with the meme with really no strong feeling one way or the other and people being if anything defensive of "Newgrounds style" (Since it's admittedly just Oney style). Sure some people agreed with him but they were a small minority who always had a resentment of the website and it's community long before he decided to joke about it.
They guy is a dork but I do think Yas Forums is way too defensive over a dumb joke not even the artist himself took that seriously.
I have no idea who this is
Dorkhead didn't.
Once again, another FLOP from calartists.
I don’t know who that is. Fuck off.
By speaking the truth.
He’s the guy who made this post.
Does anyone know what this guy job is? Like what show he work on?
Why do you keep bringing him up unless you are him? That shit died after a day on twitter like all drama does but it’s still being spammed here. What the fuck is wrong with you?
>They guy is a dork but I do think Yas Forums is way too defensive over a dumb joke not even the artist himself took that seriously.
Basically this. It's been a long time since I've seen this board get so unquestionably and thoroughly assblasted by a randomTwitter post.
The undeniable truth is that he made this board seethe, absolutely fume for an entire week. And why is that? There's a bit of truth to his post. There are a lot of online animators whose entire shtick is "funny face lmao". Oney, Psychicpebbles, Pelo, Meatcanyon, Egoraptor; the list goes on. Yas Forums likes these guys a lot, which is understandable, they make great content, but to insinuate there isn't some commonality to all of them is lying.
This is how memes are born buddy.
The fact his name is a variant of this dude certainly was a contributing factor if nothing else.
it's just trolling 101. It wouldn't have latched on so well if people didn't get so upset by it. But here we are.
It is the new Boomer
I missed all the drama when Newgrounds was trending
quick rundown?
He called a bigot out for that they actually are. He did not actually do anything that Oney would not have attracted to himself in time anyway.
And Newgrounds style is fucking disgusting. I refuse to believe there is anyone out there that actually, truly likes it, and is not just trying to be an edgy asshole.
Isn't this that faggot that was thirsting after some NG creator and got rejected and got ultra butthurt about it?
Guy made a Twitter post throwing shade at the Smiling Friends creators and other Newgrounds people. This all lead to a shitstorm.
Here's your (You). Enjoy it, it's the only one you're getting from me.
Don’t forget, this also started because one artist was making fun of generic spooky monster designs.
Oney is enemy of the state no.1 to twitterniggers so it's just more seething directed at him and his NG friends. He's shitposting and laughing at it as per usual.
I haven't heard of any specific "newgrounds style" until Yas Forums was making daily threads about it. This is purely memetics and people are latching on because that's what people on the internet do when exposed to literal memes.
Surprise surprise Yas Forumsmblr tries to force memes that originated on leftist Twitter accounts. I wonder why.
I don’t know who that is. Fuck off.
>All this because he couldn't get the cock he wanted up his ass
>Insert racist/sexist or homophobic thing
Y'know, just in case you forgot how very virtuous and heroic he is and anybody he doesn't like must automatically be in the wrong.
God these fuckers are so transparent.
you know, maybe the MCU is not all bad
This. Yas Forums have its own CalArts moments.You guys are venting because you're not used to have your own sacred cows called out and it's going to happen more and more in the future.Pic very related
Calling things "Newsground art'" is the equivalent of Linguini spitting back "and you're thin for someone who like food". You didnt except your opponent to have such a mean punch because you grown complacent and convinced of your own superirority after a full decade of sniffing your own farts
calarts btfo, again.
Industry plant.
>mean punch
>no u
Okay, twitternigger
It's true though, the only thing he forgot was "video-game reference".
Yes,you have at least 2 threads around here where you are collectively licking your wound and circlejerking about how the other side is wrong, haven't you ?
There's a grain of truth hidden with this guy overgeneralisation,deal with it
>getting way too defensive over a dumb joke
its literally just trannies making more and more threads about it
Wow 2 threads on a board where people have threads arguing about shit like who'd win in a fight Donald or Daffy and how does Superman trim his ball hair and what does flavor of the week's armpits smell like. Truly game-changing.
Back to twitter, twitternigger.
He just paved a way for people to channel their unreasonable hatred toward what they disagree with.
They have to. This is their most epic got em' moment on the Nazis. Their victory must be known.
too many twitter threads all made by the same user
Oney did nothing wrong and is only one of MANY artists on newgrounds
What exactly did Oney do to earn this animosity?
"im not owned! im not owned!!", i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob
Epic post, make sure to screencap and tweet it.
You're way too defensive over a dumb joke,user
He called someone out for being an awful person. This person was a tranny. That's a big no-no.
Make a wojak about it
You're way too defensive of your dumb joke, user.
Wojaks are just copypasted obnoxiousness from people who have no creativity and have to recycle and regurgitate. So they're more your speed, twitternigger.
If CalArts was btfo why is this board so assravaged about this Twitter comment?
on model*
Who is this sack of meat and why should i care about his opinions
More seriously tho ,from another thread
newgrounds style is a fairly effective meme that more or less showcases how similarly phrased buzzwords are inaccurate and primarily serve to troll people.
Best way for me to describe the style is "contrarian for the sake of being contrarian". Rebel without a cause, extended teenager syndrome, facts don't care about your feelings (unless those feelings are mine), etc.
I actually like PsychicPebbles work but i'm honestly fairly amused at how butthurt Yas Forums act when for a change it's your sacred cows that get satirized
>when its your sacred cows getting satirized
im more offended that this isnt causing more people to bring up their favorite flash games and are spending more time telling trannies to gtfo.
Even if a lot of it wasn't that good, I still miss the early years of newgrounds
IMP and RAB are still guilty pleasures that I like to go back and look at
Brackenwood was the hypest shit to teen me
Twitter ruins everything fun
how has anything been ruined, newgrounds still exists and i seriously doubt adult swim even knows these threads exist
They said the same thing about Boomer. These things spread.
>did it all out of spite because his sex-pest homolust was ignored
amazing really
You kidding me? Watching the collective Yas Forums seething is making my week.
>flirting is creepy, akshually
Always shooting themselves in the foot, these massive retards.