How the hell did this last for 4 season with such a repellent main character?
Duckman got shat on constantly by the world and his siter in law Bernice. That's how. Also I ship duckman and bernice, fuck king chicken
Shows can be more than how much you like the main character. Watch less anime.
That's the worst example possible. Anime is invariably carried by the supporting cast
Because he's a good main character.
>defending anime
Not even Yas Forums would stoop so low.
I'm not saying it's good. But an annoying as fuck main character is usually what makes it bad
Anime main characters are annoying because they are the audience's self.insert and anime.creators want to make sure you know how fucking annoying you are.
And thus Duckman was a hit
Have you got an offer to be on fg writing staff yet?
Because he's balanced off by cornfed and his more or less sane relatives. That's how many cartoons with annoying or repellent characters work
A fine balance of the audience agreeing with, mocking, or pitying his anger as well as his sweeter moments where he shows loves for his sons, his only friend, or the memory of his wife.
The Klasky Csupo look is so kino. What's the modern equivalent? It's not that one dont say it
Bad qualities the audience can relate to, but exaggerated enough for them to feel good about themselves because they're "not that bad"
>not 1 mention of Jason Alexander's performance
I've never read the comic, but his over-the-top performances with his sarcastically angry voice I think is a perfect match for the character and carries a lot for Duckman's iconic personality.
>What's the modern equivalent
None because all animation is outsourced to Korean and Indonesian animation farms now. Duckman was produced entirely in the USA, and a lot of Klasky Csupo shows had lots of animation work done in the US as well.
Fuck off.
What possible excuse could cornfed have for not telling him she was still alive? The last few episodes had some plots and jokes that made no sense.
>not 1 mention of Jason Alexander's performance
Why would anybody know who the fuck that guy is, if all he does is do the voice for some cartoon duck show in the 90's that wasn't popular in its time and is largely forgotten by now?
As much as I love him, it was pretty grating. I think you need him on screen to actually find his voice funny.
Also the gig almost destroyed his vocal strings iirc
Holy shit the sheer no-hold-barred professional-level Fortnite-brand-sponsored zooming
>The last few episodes had some plots and jokes that made no sense.
The showrunners knew they were getting cancelled so they stopped caring and made the final episode as a fuck you to the network. They had no plan or reason for anything, they just wanted that final troll cliff-hanger that didn't make sense because they knew they were out.
this image has never been used in a scenario so perfect before, please god tell me I'm not getting baited
I was thinking so. If they ever get a continuation I hope they just ignore most of season 4 and start off with whatever they like instead of picking up right where they left off. I like Beverly as a character but bringing back Beatrice and having them all married would just break the status quo
There will never be one, not just because of but because everything has to be no sharp edge, safe for children, inoffensive to millennial sensitivities style.
>inoffensive to millennial sensitivities
Nigga millenials grew up with Klasky Csupo. Don't lump us in with the Zoomers.
I associate Duckman with me staying up late on school nights and eventually dropping out of high school because it was the only thing I could find to watch during that time period. Whenever I hear the ending theme I just remember my last few days of school meandering around knowing I was about to leave and the pivotal life altering moment it was. It disappeared a couple weeks after I dropped out so it's remained a time capsule of that specific instance.
I remember the femdom prison warden woman.
What a time to be alive.
>getting baited
Please tell me I'm being rused.
Four seasons and four terms, tranny.
Was he an incel?
It was cashing in on the popular trend of rant/insult comedy of the time.
Confirmed didn't watch even a single episode.
I mean, so did Star Vs
Star Vs. was not an adult cartoon aired on a non cartoon channel in 1994.
>ignorant underage youtuber
The post.
It only really works when it's trying to be grotesque and surreal (Real Monsters and Duckman) and not when it's trying to be realistic (every other Klasky Csupo Nicktoon)
Rugrats worked from a warped perspective of a toddler which is what I thought the style was for before I realized it was a company style altogether. Especially with certain hairstyles.
Bernice was hot as fuck.
Hey Kingy
Repellent?! You think I'M repellent? Well I got news for you, you little safe space having tablet watching mama's basement dwelling little baby, IT'S THIS WHOLE STINKING WORLD THAT'S REPELLENT! Day in stinking day out I have deal with constant disrespect from the world and see all the horrors of humanity first hand. I see people mugged and killed over pocket change and know that every time I go into that god forsaken office I could be signing my own death warrant. But I do it anyways just to make chump change to help support my freak show of a family. Im depressed. Im lonely. I got a hole in my heart the size of my liver and you want to know why Im a bit on edge? It's because unlike your nintendo switch coddled ass Im out there living. I don't know for how long but every miserable waking hour I spend out there is at least proof that I'm alive. So go ahead and call me repellent. But unlike you, user I at least ain't hiding from shit in some nice KUMBAYA singing hand holding coddled every body be nice and get along joke.
Absolute legend.
I always thought it was interesting how I couldn't stand Jason's way of talking in Seinfield and would always cringe when he'd do his overblown exaggerating rants but with Duckman it was charming and enjoyable most of the time. Maybe it's because I didn't see a live action person doing it? Some things are more charming if you don't think about a person saying them. Except for Seinfield's beginning and ending comedy club standup routine. That way of talking is shit animated and live action. Sincerely the worst part of the barley background noise worthy show. TBS should fill those couple slots with more Everybody Loves Raymond.
He was entertaining. MCs don't have to be nice people to be enjoyable, unless you're MrEnter.
Family guy
I'm an older millennial, and seeing the millennials 10 years younger than me talk about Gen Z who are maybe two years younger than them like they're an alien species when from my view there's almost zero cultural daylight between them is the most bizarre and tedious shit.
Every time Cornfed's name was said my sister would laugh and she said it was a joke I'd understand when I was older. Is it really just a pig eating corn joke or is it a sex thing? The only other time she did this was about a vibrator joke in some movie but she demonstrated what that was about, I still don't know what she was laughing about with this.
He got lots of poontang, but he hadn't gotten over Beatrice
It's just a pig joke, but
>The only other time she did this was about a vibrator joke in some movie but she demonstrated what that was about
I'm sorry what?
>Anime main characters are annoying because they are the audience's self.insert and anime.creators want to make sure you know how fucking annoying you are.
What more anime and less shonenshit, you fucking retard.
I read this in Jason Alexander's voice flawlessly.
The difference is in that two year gap, Web 3.0 happened. I was a hermit in high school and even more of one afterwards. I have no idea what the world outside is really like but from what I can see online, Gen Z is almost exactly what Gen X thought Gen Y would be. They have no concept of privacy or offline living and have an existential crisis in response to anything outside their algorithmic bubbles.
A character doesn't exactly have to be nice to be likeable, relatable, and compelling
But Duckman isn't repellent, he's one of the greatest cartoon characters of all time and his show was (literally) decades ahead of its time.
Please please please tell me this is a meme. Please god let this be a ruse.
Watching this for the first time and I'm currently on season 3. Season 1 was pure unadulterated kinography. Simply perfect.