What is it about these comics that makes her so memeable? First New Guy now shoplifting.
What is it about these comics that makes her so memeable? First New Guy now shoplifting
A: Horrible person who keeps posting about how horrible they are online without understanding how it makes them look so horrible
B: Twitter grabs onto things and beats the everliving fuck out of them even worse than reddit does
Tranny my bad. Twitter bio says jack shit about tranny status
The sense of entitlement.
The fact that s/he responds to all criticism with "I'm trans" like a srawman from a mspaint comic.
Honestly if we get 3 in a row we have a true lolcow on our hands. Blaming the progressives, artists and fellow tranny for not defending her enough
Reminder that Oney is a hypocrite who had a mental breakdown over someone mocking him the same way he did to this fucker
What is a chud?
We can laugh at both of them.
The only thing he does right?
Left wingers taking ironic satire and turning it legit
>Make shitty comics
>Explode in popularity and pageclicks for a few weeks
>Stop getting attention
>Make new shitty comic
>Explode in pageclicks
Keep it up, cucks
Of course
This girl keeps bringing the lolcow to herself
>implying I even have a Twitter account
There’s no profit though. Sharing stuff on twitter and getting it reposted elsewhere gets you nothing. Patreon isn’t going up either. This is Dobson 2.0 all laughs no cash
Cuck made the left screech in fear when a mirror was held up to them
Soiboi made the left screech in fear when a mirror was held up to them
NPC made the left screech in fear when a mirror was held up to them (and Twitter feared it so much they changed the rules just to ban it)
And what's the best the left comes up with? "Chad" but with a different vowel. That's their fucking insult. It's 75% Chad.
I feel bad for her getting so much hate but she's so good at pissing people off.
Like, idk I didnt really find the comic offended sive, and sometimes the criticisms seem a little disingenuous, but obviously dont dhoplift if it's something not necessary. Like dont.
Idk and this panel sucks and I hate it.
It's supposedly taken from a movie.
This panel is the least offensive thing about it all.
I do genuinely feel bad for the kind of bullshit retail workers are supposed to say while pretending they are being excited/genuine.
i thought it was a baby chode.
These comics are like if South Park was about Cartman being heroic and always right instead a pathetic psychopath.
A garbage person who held a garbage ideology for so long they don't realize they're saying stupid shit. The artist changed up their entire shtick and people still accidentally found them because they keep making asshole comics.
Why don't you post the full comic because I have no idea what's going on.
Reminder that the man behind this comic is almost 40 years old
Yeah people from all across the political spectrum and the internet at large are calling you a piece of shit but it absolutely isn't your fault. It has zero to do with you. This person should just go date Dobson. They deserve each other.
we do not need another thread about this
Fine here’s your three page storytime asshole
I'm offering doing by the word balloons being played out obtusely. The panel reads better left to write. It's a shit panel.
>people from all across the political spectrum and the internet at large
Ehh I call bullshit on that.
I'm liking it so far.
This and the New Guy comic were drawn by the same person. The New Guy thing everyone got in on.
What are those light blue cases?
Electrical fuses?
Hard to be insulting when titles like "racist" are a badge of honor to you.
Cannibalistic Humanoid Undergroud Dweller.
Like clockwork with these people.
Why does anyone care about this shit
And then what happens?
Why did >she steal all that stuff? She came from a house and it looks like she's not a starving artist, did she just steal for shits and giggles?
Neat character I sure hate them already.
>did she just steal for shits and giggles?
That's what shoplifters do.
I hate these comics where the creator is just saying "PLS FEEL BAD FOR ME AND GIVE ME PRAISE PLS I AM SAD :((((("
It's one step up from "cry typing".
>cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers
OHHHHHH, so the left's just projecting. Normal day.
Oh man, I need this with some red pill Hitler quotes...
i get it, this bit of zany and aimless mischeviousness is supposed to be relatable and quirky but she comes off as an utter cunt.
shoplifting usually comes at the expense of the workers which she has shown seems to have little empathy for in the way she reacts to listentining to the workers recite what they are told to recite
There's no winning with stealing from big corporations because they just fire the workers and collect significantly more than the value of what was stolen via insurance. You have to actually destroy the store and kill the executives to really make an impact which these pussy keyboard warriors could never do.
what pisses me off the most is that this asshole doesnt even need that crap, she clearly stole more than she would realistically use, she seems to live comfortably and not be lacking for money and she doesnt even know what to do with what she stole, she did on a whim for no reason at all
what a piece of shit
I don't really get it.
One of the reasons I invested in a tablet and paid for a perpetual license on the software was because it's all one-off costs and after that all I need are pen nibs, but only rarely and they're pretty cheap. Over time it's saved money because I don't need new sketch books, or pens, and I'm not paying monthly subscriber fees.
In fact most digital artists I know only do pen and paper because they miss the feel of it, not for practical reasons. So this is just stealing a shit-ton of supplies for the thrill of stealing. It serves her no real benefits to her livelihood.
>pop culture reference
every time
I refused to believe the internet is filled with zealous retail and service workers the way internet discussions about shoplifting and tipping implies.
>racist is the worst insult I can think of
>75% chad
>difference between chad and chud is just living underground
So you could still be a cannibal and a chad.
This poster is a woman. Obese too.
>So this is just stealing a shit-ton of supplies for the thrill of stealing
>Go into store to buy something small, say a can of soda
>walk to the exit sipping it away
>Suddenly get the feeling everyone is staring at me
>"Shit, they must think i went in to steal and just used the drink to draw away atention"
>"Fuck, im sure they think i have a lot of stuff in my jacket"
>"Oh fuck i have a bag of skittles in my pocket but i got that yesterday and forgot about it, what if they think i stole it from here?"
it's a weird kind of feeling
you know you have done nothing wrong but it still feels wrong for some reason
Why are you here? Serious question.
No he didn't.
The number one employment sector in the US these days is service, meaning waiters, cashiers, and that sort of thing. The majority of manufacturing is done in China now because China has no health or environmental standards, which saved a lot of money in the short term until it caused a global pandemic. The honest to god majority of Americans are employed selling the end products and other services.
So how you treat those workers and if you tip them matters to a lot of people.
The thing with shoplifters is that it's a massive pain in the ass. Like you can't really do much about them, but your company will kind of passively punish you over it, always ramming "shrink" numbers up your ass and installing policies to limit how you behave just in case it was you that did the stealing.
>Like, idk I didnt really find the comic offended sive, and sometimes the criticisms seem a little disingenuous, but obviously dont dhoplift if it's something not necessary. Like dont.
The comic got normies and SJW's riled up because depending on the store they work at or how bad management is, you can be fired if a shoplifter gets out with a lot of inventory because management decided to be assholes that day. So it's not cool and "Fuck the system". Not every one has a store they work at that has work policies that defer any matters of security. And on top of "Stealing for the thrill of it is cool". That's why they got every side attacking them.
I don't care about stealing from stores because the owners are rich capitalists, and if the employees didn't want me to abuse them they shouldn't have gotten jobs licking the boots of a boss I don't like. They should live off webcomic donations and commissions made with stolen art supplies. Also I'm gay so if you disagree with me for any reason you're just a Karen.
Adventure Time, originally.
>check twitter comments because watching morons try to defend bigger morons because they’re on the same “team” gives me life
>artists says “it’s just a character guys” when called out
>then when someone tries to defend him and says nobody does this the fucking retard immediately says this is how he got all his art supplies
This has to be fo attention, no one is this out of touch with reality. I also realized this is the second time this guy got into shit for screaming about how much he fucking loves theft.
>Work retail for college
>Someone steals shit on my shift
>I get in trouble because people are shit stains and I don't have x-ray vision
There are loads of places on the internet to discuss AT, what draws you to Yas Forums? Happy you're here but it seems like the typical discourse makes you uncomfortable
>Stealing for the thrill of it is cool
Where's the lie tho?
What kind of genetic defect makes people feel thrill
Not that user but the racist bullshit was not originally endemic to Yas Forums. In the olden times it was funny, like "black people love chicken" regions of tame.
Eventually faggots like you showed up who thought you were earnestly among racist friends, and moot refused to do anything because "muh free speech" as he waged a losing speech war over a bunch of people liking My Little Pony too much.
>artists says “it’s just a character guys”
That's not entirely unreasonable, I see that argument all the time in regards to villains and "problematic faves".
Imagine if this person just went 'lol yeah I'm kinda a shithead'
Some people are just born radical.
just because it worked for the Man of shad doesn't mean it will work everytime
>Horrible person who keeps posting about how horrible they are online without understanding how it makes them look so horrible
Fuck off Yas Forums
Would you?
It wouldn't matter. We would still be having this thread and clutching our pearls about degeneracy.
I'm not the user that user was talking to lol, but I guess the same question applies to you, why are you still here?
Moot was too chickenshit and greedy to tell Ponyfags and Stormfags to fuck off once they took over the site and then went to Google because he couldn't control them and sold it to Hiroshima who's just using the site as an ad revenue generator and NSA honeypot.
good point
>There's no winning with stealing from big corporations because they just fire the workers and collect significantly more than the value of what was stolen via insurance.
This is why Yas Forums laughs at you Yas Forums
not that user but I still gravitate here for several reasons
a) internet forums are dead, if you want to discuss something you're stuck with reddit, random social media groups, or chatrooms
b) there's no username or reputation attached to your posts. You can post whatever dumb shit you want and you don't have to worry about any sort of "reputation". This makes people speak more freely, albeit at the cost of a lot of garbage to sift through
c) all posts are equal, there's no threading or upvotes or comments getting buried because they're unpopular
I really wish Yas Forums didn't exist though. It and GG destroyed a lot of the site
I crossboarded to Yas Forums from /tg/ around the time when Adventure Time was chugging along into full swing. I've been on Yas Forums for a hell of a lot longer, but mainly stuck to /tg/ originally. What originally drew me to the site was the idea that anonymity would reduce the amount of posturing and egotism that tends to develop in online communities, especially in nerdy hobbies, since you couldn't really cultivate a reputation without being derided as a tripfag.
Stephen Merchant looking ass
Because I've been here a long time, and where the fuck am I supposed to go now that all the old forums and personal websites are gone? Facebook? Instagram?
Some of the trite ideological faggotry here is tiresome but at least it isn't algorithm targeted faggotry specifically tailored to bait and switch me from harvested personal data.
To talk about comic and cartoon and also drive off racists from this site so we can discuss shit without people whining about gingercide.
>FBI Hostage rescue team didn’t make it in rainbow six siege
>No one will take HRTs seriously ever again
>Still no video games about US marshals expect far cry 5
I post both on Yas Forums and Yas Forums.
>stealing is cool
Yeah it's pretty juvenile. It's like teenager shit ya know.
Do you think twitter users actually get ad revenue for clicks? That's not how it works. Twitter isn't youtube or some clickbait journalist website.
>tailored to bait and switch me from harvested personal data.
>he doesn't know
Sure Oney
>Jessica will never let you smell her sweaty gym socks
why even fucking live?
Me too