Ruins your last season

>ruins your last season

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Piss off

>not liking Ahsoka
that's a paddlin'

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>not being a coomer and disliking bland characters with no actual character arc where the universe is bent around them

t. didn't even watch the episodes

Look I'm just going to come out and say it: This season was screwed from the word Go. Bad Batch was super generic and honestly it felt like an extended trailer for a spin off than an arc and now Ahsoka's bland ass is going to dominate the rest of the show? Get the fuck out of here.

I hope you orange buttcheek jackasses are happy with this. 100% your waifu and nothing else.

litteral monkey paw

Cute design, but a terrible character.

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>its now the worst rated episode of the entirety of TCW

A fucking Ahsoka episode is worse than any Jar Jar episode or C3PO/R2D2 episode

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This. The Bad Batch arc only looks good in hindsight because of how awful this one’s been.

>Making shit up, and using meaningless buzzwords to try and prove your flimsy point
Not looking good for you buddy

You all drank the Kool-Aid and then asked for seconds I think.

Why is she wearing leather panties on her head?

People who think Ahsoka is a bad character with no development are dumb. But people who think she hasn't overstayed her welcome and has become a very contrived character are also dumb. This is what happens when you give a waifufag full creative control with no checks and balances.

Show us where ahsoka has an actual character arc

Because all the did was become arrogant in S3 and stay like that

I’m as big an Ahsoka fag as anyone, but this arc is fucking shit and S7 has been a disappointment so far.

Thank you.

her ass is still fine though

Yeah, I like Ahsoka but she's been pushed to the point of annoyance for me. Filoni's waifu-boner is so strong he introduced time travel to save her from death after a fight with Darth fucking Vader.

I don't even know how to respond to that. "Arrogant" the fuck are you talking about, that was season one movie Ahsoka. Becoming more confident in her actual abilities and being more open to strategy is not Arrogant unless your definition is "Woman talk"

Garbage. What a fucking waste of time from the animators.

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As a Barrisfag, I agree. I DEMAND FOLLOWUP

Season 1 movie ahsoka was annoying little shit

Shouldn't be Disney ruins your franchise?

After watching the latest episode, this episode became even more pointless than it was last week. Seriously, I thought the reason for Bo-Katan showing up last week was to foreshadow her breaking Ahsoka out of the prison which Ahsoka failed to do, but then Ahsoka ended up breaking out of prison again because of the incompetence of the pkyes then Bo-Katan ended up showing up in the last minute anyway with a rushed single scene.
Come to think of it, was there any point of this arc? All that it managed to accomplished was the sisters telling Ahsoka to go help others and be a Jedi again or at least go down that path again which we have already seen with her introduction in Rebels.
Then again I saw this coming from the moment Disney announced the "final" season. It was nothing but to trick people into paying for their streaming service from the beginning.

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What a dumb shot.


I like Ahsoka, but there comes a time where you say 'this is where the characters story ends' and her's should've ended at the hands of Vader.

I assume they either just wanted more Ahsoka or plan to have her cross paths with the sisters again in a future story.

really hope the sisters don't tag along with Ahsoka in The Mandalorian

A-are people finally waking up to how garbage Filoni's series is?

TCW has always been regarded as a very qualified "it's alright." No one has ever seriously claimed to like Rebels or Resistance.

Ah yes, of course the two diversity inclusions are gay too. Thanks, Disney.

There's no evidence they are

They're sisters.

You kidding? People act like it's the deepest most amazing animated series of all time.

Its funny as they only say that as theyve only watched the reccommended episodes on a watch guide

Theyre essentially skipping all the shit episodes and getting a false opinion that the entirety of the show is good

Diversity has fucked up his brain

I've never seen sisters interact like outside of porn or Frozen merchandise.

Oh, I forgot to mention, they're fucking each other.

The 'Movie', S1+2 were considered to be bad

Season 3 + 4 are considered to be the best,

While S5 has Sheev vs Maul + Opress, it also had the worst arc in the form of the droids + Meebur Gascon.

Also the whole the Jedi are evil for fighting the war (Are they any less evil if they just sat on their asses in their temple for the whole war?) really started to come out in full force that season.

S6, I know ppl liked the Yoda arc, but were divided on the whole 'it was the brain chip made the clones do Order 66, it wasn't their choice'.

And 7, it seems the majority here dislikes it.

So can someone sum up how this took nearly two years in production? The animation is hardly doing anything resource heavy, the ahsoka sister arc was boring, and it's only 12 episodes. Actually since 4 others sucked dick make it only 8 episodes. I don't get it.

Seems like it was sort of a secret side project being worked on by a skeleton crew of individuals from the Rebels and Resistence team, some of whom worked on the original Clone Wars.

It was always her series you complete retard.

That's some impressive Ahsokafagging right there. She was always one of the main characters, but you'd have to be as obsessed with her as Filoni now is to think it was "her series".

You know except the parts she wasnt around for like Umbara, Talzin, yoda arc. Should I go on?

>droids + Meebur Gascon
>worst arc

Not him, but I have seen countless claims where people put it at the same level as ATLA.

>Season 3 + 4 are considered to be the best

Third season has a bunch of Padme and Satine muh diplomacy episodes that bring the whole thing down.

Its been years this since finished production. The wait was just a strategy to build hype.

Bitch the satine diplomacy episodes are kino

I had forgotten about that plank wood of a character. What a way to ruin Obi Wan's character.

She still has more character than Ahsoka

Just finished episode 8. It was actually pretty funny and had some cool scenes. There was NO kiss. It REALLY felt like they were doing for it but dipped out at the last second.

The production value is comparable to ATLA and some of the arcs deal with adult themes and things you wouldn't normally see in a children's cartoon. Clone Wars is wildly inconsistent in quality though and is more of an anthology series whereas ATLA generally focuses on the same characters throughout with few diversions and the quality is much more consistent.

It is a little like comparing apples to oranges though since the shows handle storytelling differently. Overall ATLA is better but Clone Wars does have some great arcs, which are basically movies split into four 22 minute episodes.

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>poisonous ice tea

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>worse than any Jar Jar episode or C3PO/R2D2 episode
JarJar and Droids episodes were based you moron

>we lost the giant kyber crystal and cad bane arc for this

Jar Jar focused episodes were better than they had any right being and the C3PO/R2 stories were like Lucas' own take on the Droids cartoon. Most of those kinds of episodes felt like pilots to their own spinoff series, I know the Youngling arc was originally meant to be that.

>a spin off about younglings
I can just imagine the jokes.

The younglings weren't that bad desu, little rough around the edges but it could've worked as a miniseries. The leads were basically Katara with a cold and a less goofy Sokka, the Wookiee and Ithorian were cute and droid Ollivander was the best.

There a mega yet?

Yes because Satine goes fucking NUCLEAR at the end of it, which is something new you see with her