Fuck, Marry, Kill

Fuck, Marry, Kill

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Fuck Frankie
Marry Frankie
Kill the other two.

Canon or fanon version? Because fanon Vicky is based.

Two of them aren't even legal, moving on.

Left kill
Middle fuck
Right marry

Marry Vicky
Fuck Franky
Kiss Wendy

Sorry I can't kill. Red heads are a treasure

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Kill Vicky
Marry Franky
Fuck Wendy

Done. Bye

That easy. Sex Wendy, Marry Frankie, Kill Vicky.

Beside why would anyone want Vicky she horrible and ugly, don't know Yas Forums appeal of her. Maybe i just hate her but still.

1. Marry Frankie so I can pull a Hal and feed her steady desserts of cookies as my wife.
2. Fuck Wendy so I can film it and send Dipper the tape.
3. Kill Vicky cause she picks on kids.
>not legal
>all are 16 which is the legal age in any developed part of the world
Tourists who moralfag 2D images should jump into a wood chipper.

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Someone did a three-way fusion of these characters and created the perfect redhead.
Anyone got it?

Fuck Frankie, she's good for a fun time.
Marry Vickie. Has a sense of humor but hates just about everything, sounds like we'll see eye to eye.
Kill the useless boring character.

Fuck Vicky, Marry Frankie, kill the last one

>Fuck Wendy so I can film it and send Dipper the tape.
I always wished that it would turn out Wendy and Soos were casually fucking all the time, and Dipper learns this partway through the series.

Marry Frankie because she's already got the housewife training from taking care of Foster's Home
Fuck Vicky because putting her in her place and having her be angry/tsun through the whole thing would only make it hotter
Kill Wendy because she's the only one left, no real grudge with her.

Kill Vicky
Fuck Wendy
Marry Frankie

Fuck Vicky. She's had that older girl femdom appeal to me for almost as long as I've watched the show.

Marry Frankie. She's a sweetheart who needs to be loved and treated nicely.

Kill Wendy. I don't have anything against her but she really doesn't have anything that particularly appeals to me.

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Marry Vicky, then cheat on her with her sister.
The other two were boring as fuck so kill both.

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Anyone who entertains this shit thread seriously needs to kill themselves.

On one hand, you have the right idea
On the other, you realize you'd have to fuck, marry AND kill the fused result right? Not even in that order necessarily.

>U.S. fag
Maybe if you worried less about fictional drawings you could get covid-19 under control in your country.

>Wendy telling Soos to do not worry too much about finding a gf.
>Stan questions her by asking if she couldn't go with him in a date.
>Wendy backs off and dodge the topic
That would never happen user, and being fair, Soos is a cool guy, Wendy wasn't for him.

>Wendy comes from a line of lumberjacks and can dual wield axes
>Frankie has access an army of imaginary death unicorns
>Vicky is armed to the teeth and leads a future 4th Reich
Going to be honest, I'm not sure I can overpower any of them, much less kill them.

Yes, that order is OK with me

Fuck Frankie
Marry Vickie and then fuck Tootie behind her back
Kill Wendy

Fuck Wendy
Marry Frankie
Kill Vicky

Vicky actually dragged down the whole thing down. The best fusions were the ones that were just Frankie and Wendy plus the final that was pretty much just those two.

Marry Frankie.
Do Wendy on the side. Frankie can join in.
Kill Vicky in self defense.

Ok redwood

I french kiss Kim Possible's asshole

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Fuck the girl from GF whose name I don't remember, marry Frankie and kill Vicky. Easiest round of this game ever.

Anyone have the image where future Timmy is transitioned, meeting her child self ssying he'll love it eventually?

More like Frankie did. Vicky at least has different eye color to add variation. Frankie was just a shittier cut and paste rip off with the same color scheme, voice, angular design, and hair style. I mean FOP may catch a lot of shit for having bad seasons from Poof onward but Foster's was always an inferior CNsoomer ripoff. Betas prefer Frankie though because her dull defeated personality is less intimidating.

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>Just remembered the thread in which Plague created Red Friday.
At the time we didn't know how good those times truly were.

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Kill, fuck, marry

Fuck Wendy, she's hot but has no substance.

Marry Frankie, she's hot but also a hard worker and seems really cool to hang out with.

Kill Vicky, I bet she molests children she babysits.


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Fuck Frankie
Marry Wendy
Kill Vicky

Fuck Wendy (Cool wild lumberjack sex)
Marry Frankie (can clean and cook also good sex)
Kill Vicky (lazy selfish nagging bitch)

fuck/marry no one
kill myself

>fanon Vicky
Which one? The one where she is incontinent, or the one where she raises Tootie's kids?

Ngl tho I'd still pick Vicky over the other two.

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Fuck Wendy
Marry Frankie
Kill the ugly FOP thing

Turning off her life support after decades being happily married satisfies the Kill requirement right?

kill them all take samples of their dna give it to a chinese scientist, fuck marry their fusion clone


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Chadliest answers in the thread.

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>The one where she is incontinent, or the one where she raises Tootie's kids?

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Around October?/November? of 2012?/13? a thread about Wendy+Frankie fusion was made in Yas Forums. PlagueofGripes reapeared as the artist and at some point an user suggested to include Vicky in the fusion, thus Plague added her and created Red Friday.
If you want to read the thread just go to Desu Archive, search Red Friday on Yas Forums and look around that time frame. It should be there.

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Man we really had higher hopes for Wendy not turning into a fucking nothing burger character, did we?


Fuck Frankie
Marry Wendy
Kill Vicky

Marry the mean dominant one who's voiced by Grey Delisle

Fuck the snarky good karma one who's voiced by Grey Delisle

Kill the one not voiced by Grey Delisle

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I remember the argument being that Frankie and Wendy's combined coolness balanced out Vicky's evil, resulting in the sort of cool delinquent who you love hanging around no matter how much trouble she gets you into.

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2012 I was in high school back then the constant Gravity falls it was fun
You are right, I remember now

Make any answer and have the fbi kick your door down

Frankie's 22.

she should have got a spin off series where she actually did something with herself

she don't sure as shit look like it