Wow okay so shit is ROUGH right now. You times are tough, it seems like the world is ending.

You know what else is rough, tough and world ending?


SPECIFICALLY Godzilla in Hell! Let's read it!

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I rather fucking kill myself. Dark Horse Godzilla is the only good Godzilla comic.

then just stay out of the thread you faggot

please continue

You are bonkers if you don't like Stokoe Zilla

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How is everyone doing tonight?

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No I'm not. The art is fucking atrocious. Its deviant art garbage.

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Actual faggot, KYS
The Color Special was fun but overrated

Shill spotted

I'm not talking about "Color Special", faggot.

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Come on now man. While busy at times Stokoe's commitment to detail and overall fun is REALLY incredible. Just reading something like Orc Stain or Wonton Soup will make you appreciate him.

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I don't appreciate shitty deviant art crap.
He's a fucking talentless artist.

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I actually bought the trade for this when it came out, last I check it’s going for anywhere between $75 and $200

Can I ask what specifically you don't like?

That's because books are all OOP right now. It'll go down when publishers turn on machines again.

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Them get off the fucking thread asshole

Considering the current star of the industry and IDW I doubt that’ll happen for a long time if ever

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if u think his art is shitty then i wonder what art you do like?

His art style is cartoonish and juvenile and so is his coloring. He's easily the shittiest artist to work on a Godzilla comic. The Godzilla v Barley comic has better art.

The Dark Horse series was all well and good but even still I think Half Century War is the best Godzilla comic we've yet had
Wasn't IDW about to keel over and die even before the pandemic started?

Hell yeah this is a good one.

This has been ok my list a while but j javent picked it up yet. I guess I'm surprised itd be out of print and expensive. Godzilla shit always be like that.

Pic very relatez.

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If IDW crumbles someone will scoop up all their assets, Image, Dark Horse most likely.

I think you confuse bright for cartoonish. Stokoe relies heavily on a combo of purples, reds and oranges but in the case of a book like this it makes for a believable hellscape. He also has a good grasp of WHERE to put Big G in a cell and always makes him and other monsters look huge, imposing and the action always flows well, Stokoe is always quite good at flowing action.

I heavily disagree and while this isn't the first artist everyone would chose I think Stokoe has every right to be among Godzilla artists.

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I saw it in a Tractor Supply for cheap a few years back
Should have grabbed it desu

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No, I mean fucking cartoonish. Like those hills in the page you just posted or the fucking awful fume towers.

Oh man. Been awhile since I seen something so stupid. An artist who would rather do a beautiful pages than steady work called deviant art.

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Look at how the tower breaks when the monster comes out. It looks like the fucking thing turns into rocks and pebbles rather than shattered cement and building material. Because Stokoe is a fucking cartoon artist.

I'm looking at them. They look great. You in the other hand sound like a child

Bottom left panel, what the fuck is wrong with Godzilla's face? It looks like the page was lifted when scanned but its clearly a problem with the art since the actual frame of the panel isn't warped. He has a shit sense of depth so he drew Godzilla like a two dimensional figure but still trying to depict him in a three dimensional position.

How do you imagine the hills should look in this interpretation of hell?

The Abandon all hope structure broke the same way, it's consistency.

You seem to want everything to look the way you want it to but that isn't how art works. What do you complain that GMK Mothra had purple eyes too?

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Godzilla thread? Godzilla thread.

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you cant help but think godzilla deserves this for all the innocents that he killed when ever he rampaged

Actually it's a story time! I am posting all 5 issues of this.

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Yeah, but the feeling Godzilla is completely oblivious this is a punishment.

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Probably but he’s just a giant monster and more of a force of nature with a tendency to be a dick

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I’m pretty sure this whole fight is symbolic for sex

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how did godzilla get in hell anyway. like I know how he got in hell, but how did he die like not much can kill him

Sadly I gotta go to sleep, but thanks for the thread, one of my all time favorite graphic novels.

I mean 54 zilla died ezpz

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Night user! Stay Happy and Healthy!

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>Smoke spells "LUST"
dude what

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It’s explained later on, or maybe not the whole series is purposely made to be like a fever dream of sorts so it’s really impossible to say how much of it’s real, an illusion of hell or something else

true but like fucking legendary godzilla survived that and then survived a meltdown with mothra magic. also if hes weak enough to die to an oxygen destroyer I dont see him causeing that much trouble in hell

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