Lets just make all the batman villains completely useless

And string them up in a row solely so harley quinn can murder them all while they cower in fear so we can show everyone just how "Cool" and "Awesome" of a character she is!

That's SURE to make this show a hit!

Attached: penguiin.jpg (1280x720, 98.75K)

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Well she is a femcel power fantasy.

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I like it. Reminds me of playing Lisa: The joyful RPG. Sure, I would have liked to see Penguin for a bit longer. But, since the superior version was always going to be in B:TAS, I think getting the most they could out of the character was for the best.

this is you OP

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>I would have liked to see Penguin for a bit longer
I wouldn't get attached to any of the villains.

First was Scarecrow, then Joker, then Penguin... two face, riddler and mr. freeze are going to get killed pretty ridiculously just to make harley seem better.

For some reason I don't get the impression that she's supposed to be cool and awesome. She's fundamentally a fuckup, albeit one with a high level of skill. But she still has to get her ass saved in every episode.

There has to be a better way of saying they half assed this show without sounding spergy.

Something tells me these deaths aren't permanent, unless they're purging all the A-list to give some B to D list some love.

It was not bad, feels like it tries to be like the venture brothers but it is not remotely as clever but I won't say it is bad either.

But yeah, I would much rather have a second season of Green Lantern TAS if WB really expects me to become a regular, they should add CW Flash to the line-up and Legends.

I don't think they're thinking "long term" with this show, I think they're thinking its cool and "quirky' to go "What if everyone just died randomly in dangerous situations like it was real life?" while not making it like real life.

Eh. That's kind of what villains are for, mate. Harley's not the first to do this either. Some variances of Batman kill their villains.

Let’s face it nobody has known what the fuck to do with the Dc IP since the fucking 90s

All of them are Boco clones

Attached: Boco (2).jpg (600x401, 130.66K)

yeah that was a pretty lame death

Blessed image

>Lets just make all the batman villains completely useless
It worked for Brave and the Bold when they made Batman completely useless.

Didnt joker kill scarecrow?

It is kinda cathartic to see a likeable show having the balls to do that

All I see is Jamie Oliver repeated dozens of times.

The fuck kind of logic is this.

>reminding me that scarecrow died

Why did they have to do my boy Rahul like that.

I dropped it, it just got boring, Harley is boring, and it obviously going for a dyke second season that I personally don’t having interest in watching. Others can enjoy the show but it’s not for me

Yeah and Joker wasn't killed off either. OP probably gets his info from hearsay or youtube clips.

Okay... see you in the next thread?

we officially don't know if he's dead or not, obviously they kept it a little vague so they can pull him out again at a later point same with Bats but if/when they do they're going to have to come up with some likely bullshit reason why they disappeared

No. We officially know he's not dead. They're doing a Joker becomes normal storyline.

Yup I’ll be to bitch some more, I need attention to live user

Why do they keep making Riddler bald lately?

they practically are all useless
Bane doesn't deserve to get a shitty death though

That's okay, user. We all do what we need to do to survive.

>Harley is the baddest of all Batmans rouges, just watch as she kills every last one of them
>Do you like her now?
>please like her, for the love of god please watch Birds of Prey

Why would the writers want you to watch Birds of Prey? Wouldn't they want you to think that they made the better product?

It's a fucking comedy. Lighten up.

>OP here
Technically he was just turned into a "normal" person by that vat, except that the entire TOWER exploded on him after that.

Bane probably will side with harley given he's on her side in literally every scene he's with her.

Yeah and he survived...
you really did get your info from watching clips on youtube didn't you?

TV shows don't compete with theatrical releases of movie, you dumb cunt.

There is an obvious Harley push in DC as a whole, but this is its own independent thing, and it is better. Besides, she only killed Joker and Penguin. Oh and Fables I guess, but no one actually knows who that is.

TV shows don't. Writers compete with other writers though. You dumb son of a bitch.

you don't understand how a company operates do you.

I have to admit, I liked the first season but this season opener rubs me the wrong way. Why would she make the goons rebel against their leaders? she was in a toxic romantic relationship with Joker, these goons are just employed. Her action is an overt agitation to the other crime bosses.

Im also miffed that they killed of Penguin so unceremoniously. And Riddler was pretty civil to her crew and Ivy, so I dread the time when he's about the get killed by her.

His hand popped up and then collapsed
You ever see Teenage mutant ninja turtles 2? This is literally the way they confirmed Shredder's death in the end.


>gave this show a chance for the first few eps
>kinda liked the “Venture Bros” feel it had to it, even if Harley as a character was pretty weak
>suddenly everyone just starts fucking dying for no reason

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>a company
Writers depend on their reputation to get work. Even within a company. DC's profits is not their own.

this. way to fuck up the goodwill from the first season.

It looks pretty garbage.

>Basing his opinions on TMNT 2
How about you stop being a casual and realise that this was a set-up for white knight?

this show is straight fucking trash, can't believe DC allows this

They need to have SOMETHING fill the gap between Season 4 of Young Justice.

How will they even justify Bane’s death? He was generally very nice to Harley.

Rent Free

I'd be surprised if they kill off Bane. The showrunners like him too much.

Id rather have nothing. This is insulting.

Will they have the gall to kill Mr. Freeze? He’s arguably one of the most popular Batman villains and as far as we know he hasn’t really done anything against Harley.

They've barely built him up, within the context of the show, so it doesn't look good. But this is me trying to guess based off of one episode. Who knows what they'll do. Depends on how much they want Alfred Molina.

Why do people keep sucking Harley's dick? No reason besides she is the MC
>"You did it Harley"
>"This was all you"
>"Gotham is yours for the taking"
Ivy has done everything! All the big moves both physical and mental have all been Ivy. But the poor girl is completely devoted to Harley. Ivy happily attributes her own accomplishments to Harley. Why?

I dunno. When she bit off his nose I laughed. It’s a superhero cartoon. Its entire purpose is to fill space between ads. It’s not like anything in it matters. Mr Myxyptlk or someone will pop in and bring everyone back to life. And if it doesn’t happen it’ll just be rebooted in another format.

You could say the same of Batman. Who's the hero? Batman or Lucius Fox?

>Lucius made all of Batman’s things
Based retard.

>Watching the show
Why do that to yourself

You’re joking, right? Batman was insanely OP in that show.

>Lucius made all of Batman's things
Lucius finances all of Batman's things. You casual.