Taika Whatiti is revealing Thor Love and Thunder stuff on Twitter
Trans Meik
Taika Whatiti is revealing Thor Love and Thunder stuff on Twitter
Trans Meik
I thought it was Samus from the thumbnail, lol.
>Trans Meik
It's a fucking alien grub in a power suit. Actually you know what? I don't care, you can have this. Sure its retarded as fuck but if the mentally ill want to identify with a maggot than more power to them
I knew Planet Hulk wasn't going to happen, but it still hurts.
What the fuck is a Meik?
Triggered faggot.
Also Asgard on Earth is growing.
This is all bad and will end the careers of everyone involved.
I make fun of trannies and I'm the fag here?
After fatThor did you really want to see them take a swing at it?
The irony of the whole non-binary propaganda is that it reinforces the established gender norms in the attempt to vilify them. Rather than seeking harmony with themselves and the rest of the world, they push themselves into isolation through the overactive self-categorization.
T. nervous man growing increasingly nervous after saying this for every Marvel movie since IM3
Not really, I don't even want them to touch Bill.
Fuck, I forgot the MCU existed. Now I can only dread all the inevitable threads and Yas Forums spam shitting up the board again.
This is about brainwashing weak and at risk people into transgederism by using the entirely fictitious conceptual poison called "gender".
Scrolled past this in the catalog and honestly though it was a Metroid Prime screenshot.
> trans
But isn't the grub a girl anyway? It laid eggs
Not that user but all these designs are just bad. Marvel Studios have been hiring shitty designers for their movies and it isn't exactly a new thing.
Welcome to Yas Forumsumblr, home of Steven Universe.
Let the weak be culled. I honestly would rather have a proper plague to cut the world population by half or more. Especially in China and India
Yeah this decision seems bizarre. As a concept it comes off as the type of thing meant for satire, not diversity for its own sake or a genuine portrayal. I guess I'm just supposed to turn off my brain and not put the alien caterpillar cyborg under critical scrutiny because superheroes rofl.
Miek became a hermaphrodite Brood queen at the end of World War Hulk and started laying eggs.
So they are adapting Siege?
If Dark Avengers is hinted as the next build up, I may want to see that but by the time it finished I might have a 5 year old too young for these movies.
Hunn, thou art baitin'
I feel like this is a fetish thing.
Same. I'm not interested in P4 at all, and even the titles that I was interested in, mainly Strange, I'm becoming more leery of based off the stupid shit I see printed in the entertainment media and on social media.
The color scheme reminds me of Omega Sentinel.
The Asgardians are persecuted more than mutants at this point.
Is anywhere else confirming that Meik is Trans, or is it just OP bullshitting?
MCU died with endgame. Prove me wrong
All the better for a female Brood Queen to oviposit and possibly rescue Miek's race from extinction by intertwining
You're telling me that the Miek who was discharging eggs in the last Thor film is a woman?
Colour me shocked.
They haven't put anything out since then so there's really no metric to judge one way or the other. Black Widow would be out this month if not for corona shutting down society.
Fuck me, I forgot about Far From Home. That still grossed over a billion worldwide, so it wasn't exactly a failure.
>it’s ok when dc spams BOP and joker threads
making Mutants a long lost Aasgarddian diaspora is about ten times better an idea then the mutant gene being left over spillage from the Kree's original Inhuman Weapons Project, or disregarded Deviant/Eternal hybrids.I wonder if Marvel has the balls to do it, you know, Endgame Krakoa with Odin getting a call from some deep elder god and informing Him that his long lost cousins have established an immortal micro-nation and thereby registered on some Pantheon detecting Family Tree system in The Great Library or something. I like this idea. Very chill way to wrap up the X-men's anti-mutant bigotry story. Especially now as all the financially sound white people politely move away from densely populated urban centers.
I feel that the MCU is damned if you do, damned if you don't no matter what they do with the mutants. But I'm going to cringe if they don't call them X-Men because "women are on the X-Men too!"
Jay on Red Letter Media kept saying how he wished the MCU would go away for a year so everyone would miss it and want it back after Endgame, and ironically, Cornavirus did just that.
>disney got the fucking mech right better than sony did
>not posting the full thing
I think this movie was likely well in development before the Fox-merger so I don't think they intended to tie mutants together, but the movie is more than a year away so who knows
Why do I need to post the Thor Ragnarok costume?
these designs are hideous
so what synthwave group are they going to borrow from next? Carpenter Brut?
I do know that the song of the film is Dio's "Rainbow in the Dark" like Immigrant Song was to Ragnarok.
Maybe-ish. According to one leaked thread, S.W.O.R.D. developed after the Snap and their main job is watching New Asgard but it's also to make sure Earth doesn't appear as welcoming to other aliens. They're not thrilled when New Asgard becomes the setting for the upcoming big battle because they don't want another Thanos/Chitauri scenario but they also don't have a Heavy to use against such a threat.
Which leads to them looking for someone who can promise someting as simple as hey bob, throw this guy into the sun
For some reason, I'm wondering why the Earth doesn't take this alien tech and try to evolve with it. I know Status Quo is king in the MCU, but the way they have to keep dodging why there isn't a massive leap in technology in the MCU kind of baffles me.
what does authentic bulgarian miak taste like?
If only those DVD tie-ins still stuck. Part of it was SHIELD was keeping stuff hidden, which we then learned was HYDRA making sure they were just amassing weapons.
The tinfoil hat production theory is that's what a FF/Nova film could be about and how that invites cosmic shit to Earth's door (Galactus, Annihilus, etc). Which is why Disney is making sure all their shit is lined up since that would take another decade to get through.
>they also don't have a Heavy to use against such a threat.
I worry that Disney might be TOO focused on trying to have its next endgame. They're practically going to have 4 movies a year with 4 shows a year. If they start introducing every other character under the sun, their big Infinity War/Endgame style finale will probably be TOO complicated to pull off. Especially if X-Men are involved.
there was some turbo autismo that theorized it's like tahini but sweet
bullshitting. Its always been female.
This looks like a DOOM enemy
He also showed off some of his latest draft.
this looks like a fucking mess
what the fuck happened to sci-fi design
Stop me if you've seen this film before but while Carol may be in MCU S.W.O.R.D. there may be people that feel she's not on their side and push for creating a new kind of "sentry" obviously loyal to humanity
They really like to take the piss out of important moments in the MCU
>Robert, it's Bob Iger. How much to come back and say uh "wazzuuuuurrrp"
>Voice over or in person
>What's cheaper
>Just a good firm handshake, 30 percent of the opening weekend and whatever five times two million is.
SWORD's run by two of her bffs so probably not.
>concept art
oh look, it's fucking nothing
In some hidden draft folder we eventually do see Dark Avengers and Norman getting the Tony Stark Director of SHIELD role.
We're also supposed to get at some point a Silver Sable/Black Cat buddy film and a Kraven film. But again, who knows how any of this shit works out.