what's your stance on gay characters? should they be more upfront instead of being background filler?
What's your stance on gay characters? should they be more upfront instead of being background filler?
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If they're written by beta males or obnoxious hambeast SJWs, they'll be shit, just like all characters. Most western writers fall into those two categories so I can probably count on one hand the amount of times western media has had gay characters that I liked.
they literally suck(cocks)
This one would have been perfectly fine if they weren't wearing the absolute cringe as fuck t-shirts. It really would have
They didn't even talk in the episode lmao
What's the point of making them gay if they're not even going to have personalities like the rest of the characters
I don't care that they're gay, just make them interesting or something
For some reason gay couples are usually less toxic and in shows usually less annoying, like Gus and Wally
They look so stiff and lifeless, like robots
Depends on how you look at it. Most people aren't actively homophobic but want to see people that represent themselves so it benefits basically any kind of entertainment to cater to straight people. Plus little drops of gay in the straight bucket normalizes it for kids. If their parents were actively homophobic they aren't likely to study what their kids watch that hard.
Not saying gay media can't make money... crowd funding has proven that.
Gay characters in comics are all over the damn place though. Anyone that says otherwise probably has their pet non canon gay ship they demand to be made reality and ignore the waves of books coming out for over a decade with half the casts being gay.
It's a conflict between Disney who doesn't want controversy with their running series by making anyone significant gay and creators who really want to jam lgbt characters in
Upfront. I don't like half measures.
Gays don't matter.
>Most people...want to see people that represent themselves
I don't care. if the sexual orientation of a fictional cartoon charcter is something that makes you seethe, you need to get a fucking life.
How will the gay birds be edited for China and the Middle East?
Do they think they're doing something good for putting them there?
Most gays don't even like when cartoons have a gay character show up for 2 seconds and then never appear again, that's not representation, that's pandering
They already sold their souls to Mickey, so why even bother
My personal favorites are ones that are just fun characters to read/watch. They have flaws and shit and are allowed to feel organic in whatever they're in.
My least favorites are perfect angels who can do nothing wrong, or characters who are effectively gay for trivia. I'd take absolute fucking degenerates before these last two.
unless there is some context missing i want to assume these couple have an adopted child and the joke is both are his/her dads because if not it sure is creepy that they are trying to expose the entire daddy fetish in a children show
Gay characters can be some of the most popular parts of a show even without much screentime; look at those two farmers from ''E-I-E-I Annoyed Grunt'' that Yas Forums loves so much.
Please, get back to the closed
Thank you
The best gays are the flaming faggot comedy relief characters.
Does China/Middle East even get Ducktales?
If they do either they edit the scene out or they change what the shirts say into something like "#1 friend"
same, i hope they aren't using the dad in a fetish manner because that's very creepy, children don't need more of that shit exposed
this is what i don't get about western animation, is like they want to recreate animated shows that can entertain both children and adults but they rather focus on adults than children
They should be dead in the ground away from cartoons. 80s Ducktales was propaganda free disney should show that.
I'm fine with gay characters as long as
(1) being gay is NOT their entire character
(2) they are obviously just shoehorned into the character roster for a diversity quota
People are gay. Up to 10% of people. I don't personally care for male fags because most of them are degenerates but whatever. I like some degree of realism. Gays are real. But just having a character walk up to announce they are Disney's first gay character (for the hundredth time) is just shitty filler. Gay people are in fact capable of being complex characters but thats not possible if you are just including them to appease liberals
>let's make children be uncomfortable to call their fathers dad after finding out it's a kinky word for everyone.
first it was daddy now is gonna be dad, how much do these people hate their fathers?
So how is Yas Forums going to react when the make Darkwing and Launchpad a couple?
I refuse to watch nu tales
What makes this something to be mad about it?
If done right there is no problem.
Clarence have one of my favorite lesbian marriages.
>what's your stance on gay characters?
>should they be more upfront instead of being background filler?
>Up to 10% of people.
Bullshit it's like 0.3 of people.It's a mentally illness that not many of the population have.
I don't mind it but I get annoyed how writers try to pat themselves on the back for their LGBT representation. Especially if it's super half assed. It really comes off as self serving and self righteous.
I also feel like that a lot of media is cashing on it because it's trendy and you gets idiots on social media going "It has LGBT characters so it must be good!"
I feel like gay characters can absolutely be well written and even apart of the main cast but even then, they're stripped down just to their sexuality by the fandom even if there is more to them.
So anyway, how is their sex life?
One Million Moms chimp out when
I always thought it was kind of awkward to put characters being roasted to a crisp in Children's cartoons.
Wow I'm glad people are truly showing off what assholes they are!
i think its very gay to put in gay characters in ur show lmao
I'm just waiting for the porn
It's like how Beauty and the Beast's gay LeFou was left in completely uncensored in Russia because they didn't see him as representation, they saw him as a gay joke, and they're perfectly fine with making fun of the gays. (And his name literally means "the fool", so they're not exactly wrong)
I literally don't care but people in the episodes keep making a huge deal out of it.
get the fuck out of everything
>angry Yas Forumstard rants about gay ducks
They should be well written if they are lead or if they are background they should have a purpose. That is to say compelling characters, traits and flaws.
I feel only Hey Arnold and Mission Hill did inclusiveness right, Diversity is fake and phony and focuses only on very particular groups of individuals, kinda implying that if you are straight or white you cannot be odd.
the "im with dad" is what disturbs me the most, not the fact that they are a gay couple
I always see Jack Black from this dude.
Holy fucking cringe, Yas Forumstards are subhuman.
Papachads win again.
This would be infinitely better if they switched places, so their arrows were pointing the wrong ways. You get a joke and get to establish personality traits for them: they're charmingly ditzy.
They’re not ducks user they’re hummingbirds
real gay people are bad
fictional gay people are good
Can't wait until he hears about Drakepad it's going to be delicious
fenro is superior, when will people wake up and see this
i dont watch the new ducktales
but i am gay
what are they like? i'm curious
No speaking role, you see what you get
that's pretty much what i expected
as expected from disney
Since you’re gay, what do you think of and look for in the portrayal of gays in cartoons?
But user Fenton is stuck with Gandra in canon
uhh, idk? i guess if you want a gay character, then having them be gay should be something secondary to them. that is, except if you wanna write about gay romance/gay-specific conflict, then go big or go home. weird silent cameos or one-off appearances don't really add anything. a lot of this gay stuff being recently written is mainly by straight people in the first place.
but i don't necessarily look to cartoons/media for validation of my faggotry since i'm in my 20s and i know who i am lol. as for how they're portrayed, i don't care.
so tiring, i wish they stopped pandering to us
They're almost always portrayed in a way that reminds me of carnival freaks.
they just want you to consume their products user
theyre doing this all for YOU!
its only kind to repay them back by giving them money you know