JSA Storytime: Transformers

Good evening owls,

Back to robots because...

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In good news, I have PCR's Parsifal

in bad news, only in print


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Hello, Storyteller.

I have grave news to report. I have finally given in. I've sold out... to Comcast. Predictably, setup was a pain in the ass, but it at least works, for now. I rightfully feel unclean.

it's most important to take care of yourself at this time, and sometimes that means bending over for Comcast

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Sorry for missing out the last ~10 threads OP, my parent is sick and I had to drive around a lot with subway and shit till last week and tons of check ups for her and job intervies and job searching and blahblah plus Corona stuff for three weeks here by now but now I regularized most shit (aside from findign a job) so things should be a bit better and I hope I won't miss any threads again.

user, you're doing the good stuff and that's more important than threads

anyway I got furloughed too, so, well

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No worries. Is it worth looking out?

>Megatron's been pounding
That's what I like to hear

As much as we spitefully mock the fickle nature of the robofuckers, your IRL stuff is obviously vastly more important than some storytime shitposting on Yas Forums. I hope things are better for you from now on, user.

Yeah, but it's the oligopoly. We all hate this illusion of competition, but we've no choice but to give in to the broken system.

>The Autobots need someone who can plan.
Prowl, I fucking swear, dude.

SO ANYWAYS I'm going to fire up the Met Parsifal myself, and watch along, although tomorrow is the most proper day for doing so

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Glad you're back OP
Or rather, glad I finally noticed a thread

I actually stopped reading comics altogether after Lost Light for a few months...

Thank you anons. It's technically a serious illness but thankfully a not so serious form of it and she will start weird therapies next week so stuff should be a bit better right now, I just hope she won't catch the virus, wouldn't be the best combination right now.
>your IRL stuff is obviously vastly more important than some storytime shitposting on Yas Forums
Yes but- then again not as much as you think maybe. Threads like there are fun and comfy, I have not many people to talk to irl, not even per chat, so Yas Forums as a whole is pretty damn good. But hey, if you are into anime like me this week is better anyway because the new series have started.

Winter almost got me back into anime with Eizouken. What's good this season?

I've been playing Greedfall because I had an RPG itch and it went on sale and I managed to get past general executive dysfunction for once

Also be warned Parsifal is 4 CDs of sloooow music

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Is it more than one issue, cause this is all I found.

Parsifal 01 (1st Edition) (1978) (Sir Real).cbr

Sup khunds. Yas Forums seems extra bad lately. I don’t know where I’m gonna find comics talk. Annoyingly @ing people on Twitter???

The new Digimon series

I sadly only started yesterday for the same reasons that prevented me to spend a lot of time on here. If you like Trigger you should check BNA, just testing the rest right now I might casually mention it in a later post I hope.
>and I managed to get past general executive dysfunction for once
That's plaguing me too and I just bought a moddable Switch for that very reason. It's easier for me to start games when I am not forced to look at my screen, this will only result in breaks and browsing. How is Greedfall though? I got interested when I saw the trailer for that.

Sorry about the furlong


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>I've been playing Greedfall because I had an RPG itch and it went on sale and I managed to get past general executive dysfunction for once
Is it managing to remain consistent in allowing for flexibility in choices? Cause that's where these types of RPGs tend to fall flat.

Also, get in a decent chuck of Resident Evil 3. I love Jill, and I'm kinda digging how much more action oriented this one is compared to 2. Makes sense, you're playing as a supercop and all.

It's fun how "social" media is really bad for talking, especially compared to anti-social websites like Yas Forums.
It doesn't help that a lot of social media people feel weird or are easily angered over nothing so I never ever talk to anybody there unless they are talking to me first.

thanks--it's not as bad as it could be for various complicated reasons I'm not going to talk about on this forum, but it's kind of frustrating too

Greedfall is pretty fun--wouldn't pay full price but it was made by like 12 people and it has relatively little jank for all of that. I wish there was more banter, but there's some good narrative and it plays great with a controller on PC

Yes, and it really matters who you bring where in terms of your companions in dealing with various factions, and PUT POINTS INTO CHARISMA and intuition

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Speaking of rpgs
Did everyone but me know FF7 Remake was like part 1?? It’s the first like 6 hours or something!?! Only now it’s 40ish hours?? I’m more conflicted!!

Never got into an FF btw, never had a PlayStation before.

even the /shelf/ threads have gotten rough. Never mention that you're reading something, or else someone will go and detail plot points to ruin it for you

>Did everyone but me know FF7 Remake was like part 1??

>Never got into an FF btw, never had a PlayStation before.
Play one of the other ones first. Or the original in fact

lol I played FF7 when it was new so this is all making me feel super-fucking-old

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Sarah was less of a biznatch for the Christmas story.

Also the PCR Parsifal comic is neat--it's basically Act 2, but it wouldn't have worked at all like the Ring did, where we could follow the video page by page. If the Met decides to run that astounding Mattila Salome, though, that comic runs alongside the show.

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>Yes, and it really matters who you bring where in terms of your companions in dealing with various factions,
Good, good. That's another thing that always reveals the cracks, when your party members tend to be interchangeable in that regard.

Mass Effect was pretty bad about this, for example. Even though they all have their own views and opinions, your squadmates would, at best, have some dialogue about how they approve of this, or dislike that, or that reminds me of my backstory, yada yada.

>and PUT POINTS INTO CHARISMA and intuition
It's highly amusing how you have to actively put points into diplomacy related attributes in a game about diplomatic relations. It's like a joke by the devs where they slap you in the face if you decide to be an idiot.

No spoil, there's a legitimately amazing option I didn't hit because I'm a completist, but if you don't pay attention to your first acquired companion and do his personal quests he's asking you about in a timely fashion, you pay and pay really fucking hard for it

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It was pretty much my first JRPG. Skipped 8, really enjoyed 9, but was more into Grandia and Wild Arms overall.


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I am looking so much forward to it, 6 and 7, and to a degree 9 were my favorites. Have to wait a year till there is a chance for PC release though. I wonder what they have added. Back then yeah, Midgar was like 5 hours? Or something. So there must be tons of additional lore things.

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It was my first 3D one. My dad would bring home jrpgs to play himself, but a lot of my childhood was filled with games like Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and Final Fantasy VI (when it was called Final Fantasy III).

So instead of 7 remake I should just buy the closest to 7 that’s on switch rn? 5,6,8,or9?

OG 7 hasn't been put on switch yet?

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Did they really have to reboot the first series?

>there's a legitimately amazing option I didn't hit because I'm a completist, but if you don't pay attention to your first acquired companion and do his personal quests he's asking you about in a timely fashion, you pay and pay really fucking hard for it
Ominous! This game seems to almost be going out of its way to avert the typical pitfalls of it genre, which I can definitely respect.

I've only really played three JRPGs, Tales of Symphonia, Super Mario RPG, and Xenosaga part 1. They were excellent, frankly. The latter was especially impressive since I usually bounce right off of turn based systems. Granted I enjoyed the story more than the gameplay, but still.

how big are the titties in comparison to that run a few years ago?

It has.

Look, I love dogs, but this is getting old

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It's often the case in RPGs that you'll eventually pay for neglecting your companions, this one (which I youtubed because I was all HOLY SHIT FUCK when the event itself went down) kicks you particularly hard, which I respect.

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Yes. It's the money maker.

No titties yet, and they likely won't get as big nor as frequent as Xros Wars

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I saw people complaining about it when we were still reading the early pre-dark cybertron issues and now I see why.

lol, fucking Prowl

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I really should play Journey to the Savage Planet sometime. It's a rare Metroid Prime style metroidvania, and y'all know how I'm down for that! It's also kinda Fallout-ish in terms of tone and leveling up your stuff, which, sure.

Anyone who mistreats their party deserves to get their shit slapped. Gotta look out for the crew.

I've now realized that I got the anime and some of the games conflated in my head. Cyber Sleuth and the like

I remember playing Final Fantasy six when it was new so...

Look being old is better than the alternative

Too be honest I may hate him but I would want Prowl on my side

Well at the time giving bots quirks was popular in the fandom and in James Roberts stuff so you know let's give one a dog

He really is like Vril.

old people high-five

yeah, it's a case where if you're paying ANY attention to the story you realize "Hey, my first companion in the game is asking me something, maybe it's important?"

and then if you're a chick you can romance him

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It isn't going to get to Cyber Sleuth titties like either. This is primarily aimed at little kids while that was for more of an older otaku crowd. The oldest kid is 12 after all

... So real talk, we can all agree that Digimon is just better, yeah?

I'm rooting for Galvatron now

Yeah. But Roberts was actually good at it...

>Tell my son
>I hope your sun

In comparison to?

What else? Pokemon.

James' stuff worked for me because he never fell into that trap of memefying them since the characters had too much development going on to simplify them. Cyclonus, Whirl or Magnus were characters that can very easily become static memes but rules were broken and Cyclonus became actually quite cheerful later, Whirl became the best friend and actually worried about others instead of being nothing more than the jaded sarkastic nihilist and Magnus' OCDs got better at the end because he genuinely became a friend of his former nemesis so if Thundercracker changes it might work and make him feel like a threedimensional character again but I no idea if it happens.

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these humans are really fucking dumb

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I love the psychos in these series. I wonder what would happen if you trapped all of them into the same room.

She kinda looks like the girlfriend of Pat from Two Best Friends

>she actually buys this crap for even half a second
... Seriously? DE-CEP-TI-CONS!!!

Okay yeah, no. This book kinda sucks.

See i like Pokemon. I enjoyed fucking around on /vp/ when it was /tr/. But i like like Digimon better for the simple reason that the protagonist gets one Digimon, who is his bodyguard/best pal and the fights don't feel like a kid friendly cock fight.

sniffle, this fucking opera

(track 9 is especially magical music)

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And here I am liking Digimon Frontier the most

Hey some of my fav bots are Decepticons

And now, extras, while I roll around in this music

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