>Newgrounds Style
Is this the start of a new Animation counter revolution?
>Newgrounds Style
Is this the start of a new Animation counter revolution?
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It is just shitposting
Newgrounds style doesn't even exist its a meme meant to target Oney and psychicpebbles specifically because people are jealous that their pilot was liked.
if flash is dead, what are kiddies using these days?
krita? opentoonz?
I thought it was people trying to deflect criticism of the calarts style
Normal words, but a newgrounds style
it's not even oney's pilot, it's zach's and michael cusack's. people shitting on smiling friends or newgrounds or tom fulp just to get at oney are kinda assholish
You have to be fucking stupid because I've seen it used on mostly things that aren't related to them
It came from a tweet directed at him
And Calarts Style was directed to Iron Giant
And we're running with that shit to piss of Cal Arts fans, it's so fun.
Whatever the STA are using I guess?
I see a lot of the more serious animators using Toonboom, it is kind of the industry standard. Also there is no way people are going to try and using opentoonz. Do you think people that do stuff like Odd1sOut or JaidenAnimations gives enough of a shit to learn how to read a timing sheet?
got the sauce on that?
Not that I don't believe ya, I just wanted to know where the calarts thing came from
The mention of "newgrounds style" only came after the smiling friends pilot dropped and people praised it, that was making waves
The real question is why do people think that being associated with a style is automatically bad?
There's quite a few shows that are widely praised that are called Calarts Style
It was actually because of a tweet
Calarts style is used because it's easy to animate and emulate. Corporations want it popularized so artists will be less of value, replaceable. It's about streamlining art and animation to a basic simple form for profit.
>nerwgrounds style meme came from an sjw
so it is a political motivated meme, why am I not surprised
>let's mock people's criticism of a style born out of cutting corners by mocking their style born out of being grotesquely detailed as a form of humor
Do they not see how this would backfire?
no its because the twitter user and massive psychotic twink DevDev_Doodles made fun of popular horror artists in a way a lot of tumblry types thought was mean spirited. So they retaliated by making fun of his art for being "newgrounds style" because he's got a very OneyNG inspired aesthetic.
i dunno i just figured people would flock towards free software
Seething lmao
turns out calarts shitposters can't take the bantz.
No I'm serious, why would you respond to someone mocking your drawings being oversimplified by drawing attention to their drawings having detail?
>so it is a political motivated meme
Are there any other kinds these days?
Well, calarts style doesn't exist either
this is the real reason all this back and forth about newgrounds style started and no one will remember.
I will remember the scary man that launched a thousand ships.
Do people really gotta deal with absolutes?
>really safe
>really grotesque
So was Nice Guy by the same creator who is being made fun of here
So you are what you're claiming you're against
t. assblasted Charlie Kirk mad because his "PRECIOUS 2EDGY4ME NEWGROUNDS CARTOONS XDDDD" are rightfully being called out for the blatantly racist and xenophobic quasi-fascistic far-right propaganda they are.
Edgy adult animation was always a thing people bitch about, they just got a shorter name for it now. Why does that bother people anyway?
Trying too hard with the bait
>blatantly racist and xenophobic
Imagine not being racist in 2020
t. never seen a newgrounds cartoon
well, people are calling edgy web animation newgrounds style so it frontfire maybe?
I envy him them, you can count the ones that don't suck in one hand
Why the devil did he feel the need to give a serious answer to this? It just makes him look weird.
How can you claim to push the limits of comedy and political correctness when a little ribbing gets you this agitated?
>imagine being an unironic stormfag in 2020
He caved and receded into a "j-just a prank bro" shell at the merest hint of pressure. It's honestly one of the most pathetic things I've seen.
This thread is veering away from being about artstyles into full political commentary.
Just goes to show the basis of this argument was disingenous from the beginning.
>How can you claim to push the limits of comedy and political correctness
I don't, I'm an observer here.
>hen a little ribbing gets you this agitated
I'm asking a legitimate question. The only thing that's possibly going to agitate me is if you keep refusing to give the question a fucking answer.
*coof coof*
take the weebpill. save yourself.
Honestly the one thing I love is how this entirely proves Oney and his fans as hypocrites because it did exactly what they did with New Guy
>Y-you can't make fun of Oney's style and work!
New Guy was meme'd for that reason in regards to an unknown comic book artist, heavily mocking them and the comic
>T-this is just for politics!
New Guy was given attention solely because of the politics regarding the comic
>Y-you should have tagged me!
Funny since Oney reposed the girl's art to all his followers through his regular tweets instead of just replying with his discontent with the comic and leaving it at that. Also since that creator had actual harassment towards them since they were smaller
The sheer hypocrisy being exposed is what makes this meme great
>I'm a radical centrist
Fuck off lol
>I'm asking a legitimate question
You're feigning concern over a fucking joke. It's kind of obvious.
you're a retard
New Guy had nothing to do with art styles.
Not a rebuttal
>New Guy was given attention solely because of the politics regarding the comic
Well yeah. It had nothing to do with art styles.
That was precisely that case.
You have to have your head pretty damn far up your ass if you can't consider the simple possibility that someone asks a question because they want an answer to said question.
Pepridge farm remembers scary man.
The art style was mocked in addition to the politics
But let's be real, people are only upset this newgrounds style is getting brought up because they put the word "racist/sexist" in their tweet so it's the same shit like they were upset with the original new guy comic because the person was a "sjw"
Your question has no answer because it's based on pearl-clutching of the worst king; that being feigned by a person with little to no interest in the topic at hand and who wants to wax some philosophical shite about petty thievery.
No it was laughing at a self centered cunt who didn't understand why they were being a dick in the comic.
>not a rebuttal
try arguing in good faith if you want people to take you seriously
>"try arguing in good faith"
>just replies with "you're a retard"
>New guy was political
it was about the creator having no self awareness
is this literally the defense you guys are using, a terrible whataboutism
I don't even have a fucking clue what you're talking about now.
>post that is inherently dishonest
>expects a real response
everyone can see through your shit, he doesn't need to put in the effort.
>blatantly racist and xenophobic quasi-fascistic far-right propaganda
Tone down your mental illness and go back to producing school shooters please crazy Feminazi.
>art style was mocked in addition to the politics
Never saw anything like that. If that's the case explain how the vast majority of art done using the guy used the same style.
Criticism of New Guy was a mixture of politics but mainly the writer's fuck up in unintentionally making the comics main target actually rather likeable.
wow shes gonna really fuck up her kid