>Pre-New 52
>Loved, 90% of his stories were well-liked and loved
>Post New-52
>"He was never good, no one liked JSA/Superman/Flash/GL"
What happened that people retroactively hated him?
Pre-New 52
The children who liked his comics grew up.
He abandoned us for Hollywood.
>no one liked JSA/Superman/Flash/GL"
When it's phrased like that, it's usually said by shills with an agenda.
JSA was good and wholesome. Then he became obsessed with replacing legacy heroes and turning Justice Society of America into edgy cringe.
Johns became popular, and then Yas Forums decided overnight he was shit. Don’t get me wrong, Johns has written his fair of shit, but the knee jerk reaction to him is blatant Yas Forumsntrarianism if there ever was one
I didn't retroactively hate Geoff Johns. I've always hated him. His Flash was shit.
Didio shills and Yas Forumsmblr invaded.
Didio and Lee were sinking a lot of advertising cost into shills for a few years. Their targets? Anyone who didn't like the New 52.
I think Cereal Boy is a pretty cool guy. He give out pizza to sidewalk-walkers and doesn't afraid of anything.
He also write a good Superboy and Bart and Lanterns too!
That is such a terrible take, His JSA Flash and Green Lantern are all some of his best stuff.
fuck Johns, his JSA, Superman, Flash and Green Lantern are shitty
Johnsfags are all retards who started reading comics with Johns
literately the worst Wally West writer
Doomsday Clock
People started turning against him during his TT run when he kept killing or ruining characters. Most people still liked his GL at the time but that was the first time the fans started going after him.
I forgot how terrible his Teen Titans run was
Geoff Johns has always been bad, even that miniseries for his sister wasn't good
He doesn't really respect/research what comes before his run if it doesn't fit his notion of what the character should be. Superboy is the prime example of this, Conner was already the half-clone of another dude before CerealLord made him half Lex.
I never liked him much but he was tolerable. He got worse though, it happens.
I think his GL run started tapering off after Blackest Night/New 52, personally. Not bad but every single arc including and after BN was a universe wide crisis and it just got annoying.
Oh and Hal and Sinestro always being friends was really hammy.
>literately the worst Wally West writer
Imagine saying that when Tom King exists
He's the JJ Abrams of comics, user. He's good at recycling his favorite back issues, but once you start reading other stuff you start to realize how creatively dim he is as a writer.
I'd guess some of his old fans just dropped comics. In addition to that...
His Superman was never that big actually, but he repeatedly tried going back to the character. In the New 52 specially some people soured on him because he blatantly attempted to ignore Morrison's run, especially in JL, from getting the wrong origin in a flashback to outright writing about how Superman regretted his actions from early in his career.
His New 52 Justice League also never reached the height of his previous big comics, with Darkseid War specifically ending up as a long underwhelming mess to close his run.
Flash and GL get mixed up due to his more recent work (Flashpoint, post-New52 GL). I don't see much criticism for his JSA, which plays into the factor that most people complaining now likely weren't reading back then.
the five year rolling Green Lantern event was pre-new 52 right?
yeah, we hated him back then too, the guy was a fucking joke
I bought his entire run as it was published and it did feel to me as if he kept trying to recapture the success and acclaim of Sinestro Corps War. The buildup to Blackest Night was pretty hype at the time though with the introduction of the rainbow corps. If anything it was good marketing.
I'll defend Johns against JJ Abrams. Abrams has remade the original Star Wars twice now. Johns isn't the creative but he's also not that bankrupt.
mate he started out as a production assistant and was producing tv shows long before he was writing comic books
comic books are his side gig
during New 52 he just kept writing whatever he wanted to and didn't bother with the new continuity at all, which was very noticeable and confused a lot of fans at a time when DC really needed them to get behind New 52
every other creative team was sticking to the New 52 notes they'd been given, but Johns didn't because he didn't think he'd get fired for not doing the notes
Anons being contrarian.
I’ve been saying this since 2011 but Johns GL and Morrison’s Batman should have been allowed to continue on changed and take place on New Earth. They were perfect long runs to have served as a send off to that continuity. That way Prime Earth could have been a cleaner reboot that didn’t have to work around what Johns was doing or fuck up what Morrison was doing.
He was a mediocre middle of the road writer doing books that weren't flagships so he couldn't really piss of the majority. He stood out cause he was playing up the nostalgia at the time when grim'n'gritty was in a downward curve cause people got tired of that through the 90s when their hormones calmed down. That gave him some brownie points and he was chosen as the next big thing. He got handed the keys to the company car of deciding the course of the entire line when the higher-ups decided to make him the architect or whatever. And his Silver Age meets ultra violence with constant references to comics you read as a kid doesn't age well. Basically Jeph Loeb without being completely insultingly retarded. He's just one in a long line of average writers that become the big guy in the company. Every decade has one. Snyder or King is the current one, it's just that with the internet their shittiness comes to the surface much faster than it did during the dial-up era.
Johns GL did and it didn't really matter. Much like Bendis, Johns sometimes even retcons his own stuff.
Bendis is the comic equivalent of Abrams, remaking established properties with no real substance
He made Doomsday Clock.
The whole the where Johns and Morrison got to ignore the reboot while still being in the reboot canon was so retarded. I find it fascinating in a way though. It means that DC has never ever fully rebooted.
Also 500 dollars to anyone who can explain how the FUCK the scene in pic related fits into the New 52 timeline.
The last twenty issues of Johns run was in the New 52. I’m saying it shouldn’t have been. It made it so way too much had to have happened (like all of the established earth lanterns) to make any sense with the reboot that was going on for characters like Superman. Even within Johns own books JL and GL didn’t work together.
Yeah it was a mess
>The last twenty issues of Johns run was in the New 52
it changed nothing
You seem to be completely missing my point
You don't have a point.
Oh shut up
>every other creative team was sticking to the New 52 notes they'd been given
[laughs in Morrison]
Yes, retard. Johns and Morrison’s runs should have stayed on New Earth and not have been shoe horned into the New 52’s Prime Earth. Green Lantern shouldn’t have had a million established earth lanterns and Batman shouldn’t have had 4 Robins when everyone else got a pretty hard reboot. Nothing was consistent because of it and you had Clark going to ground zero and not being with Lois even five years later and Bruce had a son with Talia. It was a mess. And we were to belive all of Johns run happened in some way even though Barry and other charachter who had been in that run before Flashpoint had all new timelines and yet Hal’s story continued unchanged. Even though I’m Johns’ own JL he was a completely different charachter.
If you're the type of retard that, while reading a comic, keeps thinking about other comics and how it all fits into canon and shit like that... you need help. And I'm not even joking or being snarky, you clearly have ADD so you should seek medication.
Holy shit fuck off you mongoloid. You realized you have no idea what your talking about so now your just going with “haha nerd.”
A true retard... the words exited your head as soon as they entered. Seek help, you fucking cretin.
Lol kill yourself faggkg there's legit no reason to post here if you think like this. You're a shill or here for (You)s. Slash your faggot ass throat on stream and let's watch how long it takes to bleed out.
>inb4 s-see you need h-help
Says the faggot shitting up the Mongolian basket weaving forum.
>You're a shill
This truly became a buzzword, huh?
Anyway, you're pretty pathetic.
You still have nothing to contribute. Gas yourself you insufferable faggot.
>You still have nothing to contribute
Actually I'm teaching you how to read comics, but you're too dumb even for that.
Geoff Johns's
Are all perfectly acceptable. I can understand not liking him, or questioning some of his creative choices, but some of the backlash on Yas Forums puzzles me. Would never cry samefag, but there are some anons on here who whine about Johns like he personally raped their mother wit the same demeanor as Tommy bitching about Doctor Doom for the thousandth time.
No one wants your faggot ass advice now go fuck off and die
You're so fucking mad. And dumb.
You can’t even keep track of a fictional funny book universe so you “suggest” people just don’t pay attention to what they are reading. Is that because it’s too confusing, mongoloid? Or is it because you only understand what’s in the handful of trade paper backs you got from a department store so you it’s much easier if you pretend the stories don’t belong to an established universe?
>Dude just turn your brain off
That’s literally you faggot
Retard, you fucking worry about what's happening in other comics while reading a different one. You are mentally in-fucking-sane. Posterboy for the fat autistic unintelligent capeshitter, that's what you are.
oh yeah, I forgot about Rental Bat
Geoff Johns has never made a good book, his fans are actually retarded
You are literally a meme “just turn you brain off” drooling retard. You are a living and breathing meme. I don’t go on Yas Forums or Yas Forums and pretend I know what I’m talking about and then get angry and confused and attempt to insult people when I make an ass out of myself. If I’m a loser for reading too many comics what does that make someone who pretends to read comics but is too much of a failure to even follow them?
>“just turn you brain off”
Are you retarded? Well, you might be a Geoff Johns fan so this is probably how you consoom your media.
All I'm saying is that you should focus on the story at hand, you fucking retard. Focus on the themes and characters and plots instead of thinking "gee, I wonder what Flash is doing right now" while you're reading fucking Green lantern. You wonder why DC and Marvel make so many crossover events? because of retards like you, because they know they can sell their garbage to dumb consoomers like you.
I really wonder how you can actually read capeshit when every single fucking run ever has had retcons and inconsistencies.
No one is telling you to turn your brain off. Just that endlessly worrying about what is or isn't canon doesn't really matter.
When Disney said "the EU of Star Wars isn't canon" a thousand internet nerds got mad. But guess what? It didn't delete those stories from history, neither did it erase them from people's minds.
Everyone knows the new 52 was shit for various reasons. But you seem really mad at that other poster for simply pointing out "canon doesn't matter as much as you think it does".
Johns wrote some good blockbuster popcorn flicks that you kinda knew where they were building up to shit. Then his big runs fizzled out. And in the New 52 he was on books like Justice League that didn't capture that fun blockbuster but came across as really bland with REALLY bad characterisation.
They squandered an entire reboot (one they shouldn’t have happened but that’s besides the point) so they could kiss his ass because he was the golden boy at the time. They changed up Morrison’s run more than his even though that run was much better. But Johns had clout and was willing to abuse it.
I don’t care about canon but when they interrupt their entire line of comics to reboot it but then half ass it to make Johns happy which ends up creating tons of holes and inconsistencies that resulted in the entire line falling apart it deserves to be called out
Geoff Johns ruined the Justice League in comics and in movies
Geoff Johns is the single worst thing that DC ever did, that scum doesn't even care about comics, he just wants to make it in Hollywood
Not him but....are you saying New 52 was Johns's idea? It was primarily driven by both Dan Didio and Jim Lee
>I don’t care about canon
You're really mad about continuity and all this inconsistency when it doesn't really matter does it. Those big runs continued. Yeah it was poor on DCs part. But it is what happened. And you are mad about canon because you're angry that the New 52 had a silly time frame.
>Creating tons of holes and inconsistencies that resulted in the entire line falling apart
I mean inconsistencies isn't why the line failed. The line failed because it was mostly creatively bankrupt and annoyed enough long term fans to make them rethink it. Good books got cancelled, shit books continued. The characterisation was very poor in places.
Comic timelines have never really made as much sense as people believe. Like, we can all complain about 4 Robins in a few years, but if you start to think about it, Gotham, Metropolis or the world going through so much crap over a year would drive anyone insane. This is the old "where does Batman get his tires from" shit. It isn't the point of the stories.
I mean the point the other user made and the point I am making is: it doesn't matter that much. And you seem to be misunderstanding that and thinking we are defending New 52 crap? We aren't. While these details of a universe can elevate a story, endlessly pondering over shit doesn't fix things. An editor saying "this happened in five years" doesn't really effect whether or not the story is good. It is a single detail in the grand scheme of things.
Don't give me that shit, he was Chief Creative Office and his run is the only one that wasn't affected AT ALL by the reboot.
That’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying it should have been all or nothing, or a half ass reboot that let Johns continue on and making the whole thing a mess. His Justice League and Green Lantern New 52 runs should not have been allowed to coexist in the same universe but it seemed like he wanted to have his cake and eat it too. Meanwhile Morrison’s run, which ideally should have also finished unchanged in the old continuity as it was meant to be, got fucked up to try and fit in with what everyone else was doing and he ended up having to change the ending. But Johns got to do whatever he wanted and have it both ways because his head is so far up his ass it’s not even funny.
>Don't give me that shit
But it's completely true. You're blinded by fanboy rage. Johns would have NEVER accepted the treatment The Flash got, especially Wally West, in New 52. Rogues with powers? He hated that shit. Hell he didn't even want to bring back Barry at the time.
So you're going to blame Geoff Johns for editorial mandates implemented by Dan Didio and Jim Lee?