Which gave the best closure?

Which gave the best closure?

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The movie, Future was just pure wasted potential.

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Each one has elements that the others lack so it's hard to decide.

I think for me personally though, I think CYM gave the story a better ending while the movie personally gave me more closure to the characters and the world.
Future didn't do a bad job, but compared to the other two its simply too sad. SU deserves a really happy and optimistic ending like CYM and Future didn't even attempt that, though that's clearly not what they were going for so it feels to hold it to my personal expectations


>Steven Universe
>ever having a fucking closure
How long will you keep deluding yourself user?

How did the movie NOT have closure? Or CYM for that matter

>We still didn't get Sneople

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The movie had a single cohesive story to tie everything up at least.
CYM and SUF finale are both soured by wasting too much time on their build-ups and rushing their climaxes.

If you look at the series as a whole as Steven's struggle of self-actualization and figuring out who and what he's supposed to be, then CYM brings extremely strong thematic closure and catharsis to the series.

None of them have a plausible ending as far as I know, not if you count that piss poor excuse of a finale as a closure.

Overall I'd say the movie. Actually played with the show's ideas in a fun way, not an antithesis to the show but a hey some problems are bigger than just a song. It felt like that little twist and kick in the bum Steven needed. Themes need to be challenged and the movie at the very least had a little more to say than be super nice and everyone will agree with you.

CYM was overly simple, but then again so was the show. Steven was just able to wiggle his eyelashes and get what he wanted. It stuck the the show's themes at least, it was an appropriate end that could have been so much more. At least WD was so little of a character that you can argue that sure turns out she did just need a little poke. Future's issue was it appeared to do more, it seemed like it was hitting against something more real. The writing just isn't that good. They can only explain PTSD in a blatant PSA that kids will laugh at in time. All of this, for it to get hugged out. Steven had much deeper issues blatantly shown yet they were solved in an even more childish way. That didn't even really address his main hang ups, throwaway lines about oh he is getting online therapy is just fucking nothing/

Movie > Show > Future

None of the above, in a good way?

The best thing about how SU evolved was it became a setting rather than one single story.

So to that end, I’d say the movie is the worst because its the one with the most finality to its end. The main show wrapped up too abruptly, so I’ll say Future edges out the win. It left the most plot threads open for the future no pun intended, rather than just dangling unanswered.

Pic very much related. Its in a perfect place for a tabletop RPG or a vidya.

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>no steven universe: college where him and his normal friends fight sneople

CYM would have been the perfect closure if it had confirmed the Steven & Connie relationship. So I'd go with Future.
The movie was just pure waste of time and energy.

The movie should've been the ending, but it should've gone for a different plot involving Steven and the Diamonds. I really didn't like Spinel or Future

Future, I don't give a shit about Spinel so the movie didn't give any closure to me

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I liked the OG ending and while her potential was used too great WD is one of my favorite antagonist in animation and Change your Mind is just such a sweet song to end the series on

Ronaldo had a lot of predictions that didn’t come true. Plus most are addressed in the same episode.

>Steven can get pregnant
Unless him and Connie form Stevonnie in the future, or somehow expels Pink/Rose’s personality by budding off his Gem or something.
>Lion can turn invisible
Kind of, if you count it as predicting the teleporting.
He also mentions bodiless creatures that can possess people in the same episode. People gave charitably suggested this means he predicted Corruption.
>Watermelon Stevens are aliens
>Greg is also an alien, as depicted by Steven’s drawing of “Guitar Dad”
Can be counted kind of as Steg.
>Stole a piece of Peridot’s ship to study
We never did find out what he did with it.
>The government covers up evidence of the Gems
Proven with Dewey’s freakout over it.
>Predicts the Diamonds and Peridot, as well as Injectors
>There is a mutant donut which he bought immediately
We never heard more about that one.
>Stevonnie could beat Kevin in the race
They could have if they wanted to.
>Documents Lapis and Peridot using powers
People assumed this would tie-in later but it didn’t.
>Finds out how the Gems live by trying to join them
>He knows about the Moon Base even before he sees it, and discovers Lapis is on the moon with the barn
>Learns about Gem warfare talking to Bismuth at the wedding
>Documents Pink’s ship, then White, Yellow, and Blue’s ships

He compiled a fuckload of information, which Steven kind of undercut when he and the Diamonds sent out a universe-wide message about the history of the Gems and Earth, which Earth also received. He went from being aware of all the Gem events to being on the same page as the rest of the human race.

That said, he probably got footage of all of Stevenzilla including him turning back.

Ocean Gem.

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There’s also the stuff on the fake blog the crew work on to advertise the show.

He thinks Stevonnie is an espionage bodysuit that Steven and Connie wear, that Peridot is an eco-terrorist, he calls an in-universe reference to the Uncle Grandpa crossover non-canon, thinks glowsticks are made with ectoplasm, thinks Youtube copyright removals are arbitrary and random, and ships the mascot of the burger chain that used Greg’s song as its commercial with the Pear from Crying BreakfastFriends meaning he’s a Greg/Pearl shipper.

The entire series after season 1 was wasted potential.


Funny how that pink steven doppleganger ending and the movie ending was butchered when Future came along.

the scene between pink steven and steven, not the original cartoon ending, just the scene
it was the only part of steven universe that had someone competent working on it

Ideally : I'd say that the best thing would be the movie ending, but tied with the ending of Future.
Make the movie longer and have more of a plot about "Steven battling with himself on whether he wants to move out that ends with an affirmation that he does need to move on with his life.

How? Steven turning pink in Future is his powers, not his Gem side taking over.

What? Steven Universe future was the best way to end the show because it was the Steven arc tying the titular characters story up is the best way to end it and I don't see how it butchered anything

>SU deserves a really happy and optimistic ending

Reminder that Steven will one day end up as a wageslave for Cartoon Network, and inspire Amethyst to make a far more successful cartoon based on him than the one he’s working on.

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Every resolution was unsatisfactory, illogical, and terribly paced.


>already came to accept himself
>already came to terms with his mother
>lol nope here’s extra drama about his ptsd and mama

What are the problems people have with Change Your Mind? I see people shit on it a lot.

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none of them
who made the gems?

Why does it matter?
Who made the humans?

Too much creepy self cest that was animated better than any preceding scene in the series

Xiaolin Shodawn was the first CN show to be directed by a woman

Pink/Rose wasn’t really a factor in Future beyond the real Roses, which was already a dangling plot thread.

Plus, think of the final step of the monomyth. Future dealt with Odysseus being unable to be happy in Ithaca anymore.

>thinks Youtube copyright removals are arbitrary and random,

Perhaps he was the sane one the whole time.

They bought the rights to show it. But it wasn’t made for them or by them. Its a Kids WB show.

shitty writing, rushed conclusion, undeveloped characters; that sort of thing

>ships the mascot of the burger chain that used Greg’s song as its commercial with the Pear from Crying BreakfastFriends meaning he’s a Greg/Pearl shipper
Damn, S2 Future was gonna be dark.

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Movie.Because it was entartaining in songs and fights.



Counterpoint: we didn’t get another Blue song in the movie and the Future ending theme was good.

Better, yes. But that doesn’t mean we didn’t get two nice additions later.

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the crystal gems are eco-terrorists, the show just never really acknowledged it.

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CYM because Spinel and all the faggy shit in future wouldn't exist if cym was really the ending.

gentle reminder spinel is canon non binary :)

>There's no such thing as happy ever after. I'll always have more work to do.
>Bye everyone! Happily ever after, here I come!

Doesn't matter

Closure is a made up thing by Steven Spielberg to sell movie tickets. It, like true love and the Munich Olympics, doesn't exist in the real world. The only thing to do now is just to keep living forward. Finding piece, thats just someone trying to convince themselves of something. Steven thinks if he does everything right and does the little dance he'll get a plaque that says "I found piece". Poor Steven will probably kill himself looking for purpose in a meaningless existence.

Closure? This shit ain't done bro. Just watch.

i'm glad you're accepting, user. steven universe wouldn't be special if it wasn't so casually homosexual.

I think its more about how Peridot kind of betrayed the Empire to become a horticulturalist.

Who hurt you?

That’s not how you say pan-omni.

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I think the diamonds were made by stars somehow. Maybe dying stars that wanted to continue living in a different form. Later on they developed other types of Gems and their technology. Pink Diamond was created or found long after the other diamonds got together.

Some questions I have:
How did Steven open the chest? What was inside?
What were the Gem armies fighting? Jasper said she'd been fighting all her life. Were they fighting the Sneople? Why was it hardly a problem for Yellow to disband her armies? Wouldn't the Gem empire be relatively defenseless now?
What will become of the zoomans?
Was Pink Pearl's scar repaired?

>I think the diamonds were made by stars somehow.
Naw man. I think their servitors for a long dead/ascended race of hyper advanced beings. White was the main one that controlled all the lower gems so once her masters left it was up to her to take control and restore order.

I like your theory.

But Pink was very clearly overcooked, same as Amethyst. Its why she had to be taught by Yellow how to colonize and Blue how to behave. She may have been White attempting to make another Diamond by Injector, although there is a snag in how her lines in CYM imply she removed something from herself to make the others but deluded herself on it actually being gone.

> How did Steven open the chest? What was inside?
Visual metaphor for Rose’s secrets. More literally, probably nothing important and he may have gotten Bismuth or Peridot to do it. Amethyst has treasure chests full of pirate gold in her room, and its not like everything in Lion’s hairspace was meant to be hidden. Some was just important to her, like the sword and flag.
>What were the Gem armies fighting? Jasper said she'd been fighting all her life. Were they fighting the Sneople?
No. Peridot says Kindergarten Beta was made during the war to bolster the armies of Homeworld when it turned out the rebels couldn’t be beaten easily. Jasper’s character arc stems from having come from Earth, and even more so from the Kindergarten where Gems were mass-produced in imperfect states. That’s why the Jaspers that survived the war got lumped together with the first gen Famethyst that survived on the Human Zoo.

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>Why was it hardly a problem for Yellow to disband her armies? Wouldn't the Gem empire be relatively defenseless now?
According to Sugar, there are no other intelligent species known. That said, the Jungle Moon is clearly like the Creepshow asteroid and is a failed colony. She deployed her forces to destroy the organic life, and seems to have lost.

Plus its more a concern of so many soldiers with so many weapons suddenly having nothing to do like the movie Flesh+Blood. >What will become of the zoomans?
Like a cruise ship across the universe that you can’t get sick on. They seem fine with their culture, so they’ll probably keep mating based on genetic mixing. Plus Famethyst romance may occur.
>Was Pink Pearl's scar repaired?
Intentionally vague. They showed her cracks are visible from the side before the Fusion. After on the beach, her cracks are gone. They intentionally block where her cracks are in the ending like nudity censorship, but you can see a single crack in one frame but not the others that were near it. They don’t want a yes or no on that one on purpose, but taken at face value you can say she is just less damaged now. Maybe with an eye back.

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