Why does/co/ have an irrational hatred for MeatCanyon?

Why does/co/ have an irrational hatred for MeatCanyon?

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Because hes more successful and funny then the anons here

New words, but Grounds face!

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Because there are so many threads but it isn't even that funny.

I’ll bite, what’s “Grounds face”?

He's cringe and incelpilled.
Now Sick Animation, that's based and chadpilled.

short for 'newgrounds'
A couple of days ago an argument on twitter erupted over when an artist drew picture making a light jab at a typical horror design you'd usually see among the likes of SCP or Trevor Henderson.
It somehow went from people bickering about criticizing someone on their styles and preferences to Calarts style bashing and the snowflake-like behavior it's artists have, which prompted some push back in the form of people stating that the diametric opposite 'Newgrounds style' is indicative of a specific personality trait of people idiosyncratic of using grotesque, grossout closeup expressions, off beat humor and irreverent low brow jokes.

He isn't funny or enjoyable. I hate him because I hate the things he makes. Simple as

I only watched one animation of his and it was the EEnE one.

Hated it because he never actually bothered to study how the show was animated, Kevin ironically looked more disturbing in action than even the Ed-Boys did.

MeatCanyon, I know you made this thread.
Learn how to fucking animate speech you twat. And stop begging for attention on Yas Forums.

I'm actually impressed that CalArts grads feel as threatened by Newgrounds as they do.

Yas Forums hates anything that isn't SU

He's not that funny, yet gets shilled here 24/7.

I like the Ed Edd n Eddy thing when it showed up in my reccomendations

What I don't like is faggots shitting on the board constantly to pretend there's anything controversial about some half-assed Max Gilardi motherfucker posting nostalgiabait cartoons on youtube

They're boring and probably spammed by shills

>another shitcannon thread

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Yas Forums hates SU
Actually pay attention to things Yas Forums likes because there's a lot

Because he's just another YouTube cartoonist whose videos are, "I took a kid's cartoon and made it dark and violent! I'm so original and subversive!"

I hate the shilling


This shit has been done to death for years on YouTube and it was NEVER funny. It's just as bad as those shitty edgy animated video game parodies.

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I wouldn't consider having to leech off existing properties successful
And you don't become known for being funny

>newgrounds style
No thanks

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They like calling it "Newgrouds style" for some reason, while it can be literally just be called a grotesque style without forcing retarded buzzwords. Also, Yas Forums is generally pretty racist.

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>Yas Forums is generally pretty racist
Jesus this place really is Yas Forumsmblr. I bet you landwhales have a panic attack if you went to Yas Forums

>Also, Yas Forums is generally pretty racist
What does this have to do with Meatcuck

I'm not even female, sexist cuck

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For what?

Taking a thing for kids and putting violence, swearing and sex in it was played out when Robot Chicken did it.

>state a fact
>what the fuck tumblr?!?!

Well, regardless of how any of us feel about him, we have to admit he has caused more of an impact on the real world than most, considering that because of him now it's officially canon that cartoon mascot Bugs Bunny is a Rapist.

>CalArts copy and paste shows.
No thanks.

Imagine thinking this is how it works and imagine thinking that that shitty video was in any way darker then actual LT shorts

Because it gets fucking spammed you autistic faggot.

So it's calarts fags trying to deflect criticism, good to know

Because his humor is repetitive and the Newgrounds Style art is gross-looking.

He is okay in my book.

>Learn how to fucking animate speech you twat

Yeah. I second this. It's a sign of how spergy and impatient he must be to get a shitty final draft out to the public.

purely IMO but the voice and animation sucked on that one (the only one I watched) and I think there's a difference between aesthetic ugly and poorly-drawn ugly.

The disturbing stuff in a children cartoon jokes work for most of his stuff. I think the voice acting and delivery make the whole thing work.
Robot Chicken is usually too fast paced with these jokes, never letting the situation sink in, that and toys just don't give the same visual effects as animation.

>cartoon but gross and scary XD
type humor was old 10 years ago. Zoomers have just discovered their OneyNG except Oney had decent animation at times.

He shills his videos with shitty reddit-tier forced memes, blatantly shills his merch and social media by samefagging and baits anyone who criticizes his threads by insisting everyone who hates him watches his channel every day and secretly thinks he's really the big daddy of dark internet animations.

Not an irrational hatred. He's fucking obnoxious. On the off chance it really isn't Meatcanyon himself, I wish that fag would fuck off. He's giving his hero a bad name.

He's got only four or five gags and doesn't have the technical skill or imagination to make them consistently engaging.

I like him, some of the longer videos drag the joke out

>I wouldn't consider having to leech off existing properties successful
>And you don't become known for being funny
This post is invalidated by the mere existence of Weird Al.

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Feels like a poorman's oneyg during an era when youtube animation is all but dead.

I'm more curious as to why he's constantly shilled here.

Because his stuff aren't funny, they're not interesting, his creations are completely derivative and specifically your pic got (and to some degree, still gets) spammed to hell and back on Yas Forums and other boards.
In fact, it gets posted so often in the exact same cookie cutter way I can't help but think it's actually him doing it.
I'm not the kind of person that thinks that every time something I don't like gets posted it's either a shill or the creator shilling, but honestly it would be less embarrassing if it were the creator and not some random fuck.

Because it's cringe "ironic" creepypasta/"WEIRD SIDE OF YOUTUBE LOL" bait

The dude who makes it obviously has some aptitude for animation but it's dissapointing to see them do this shit instead of something less creatively bankrupt. It's a polar opposite of U M A M I or whatever where the dude has basically no actual animation skill yet he still is able to make something that's not [u]predictably unoriginal[/u] (still unoriginal though, but originality really isn't a criteria for quality.)

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The Newgrounds Style also doesn’t help it

sounds like something uneducated, irrational people from California would think

speaking of forcing something to catch on by spamming it as much as possible


>Implying it isn't all the same style/design
Sorry it's against e-celebs you like but it's the truth

I honestly don't care about "newgrounds style" or whatever the inevitable ironic-diametric meme to "calarts style" is. the style is shitty but it doesn't detract from what MC is trying to do (which is shit)
But MC is shit for the reason why every other "newgrounds style" or basically "non-calarts" cartoon is shit: the absolute lack of an art direction and inability to commit to a central theme or aesthetic. It's the refusal to limit the work to one "world" or "story"essentially, which is why I don't think something like Smiling Friends is gonna "save animation" like everyone is saying.

I mean look at the smiling friends compared to something more cohesive like [any anime]. The characters and settings all look out of place because there's multiple conflicting artstyles, the tone of the show is all over the place, basically each scene is just "let's add in funny jokes and adjust each scene so has continuity", it's simply just not fucking COHESIVE.

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I know. Hacks keep trying to force Newgrounds style animation and it is always the same gross shit. Meatcanyon, Oney, Flashgitz, Egoraptor, Hotdiggedydemon, and psychicpebbles are the worst offenders.

But my favorite let's play e-celeb youtuber made it it's kino1!1!!1

>implying the lack of cohesiveness in style and jokes can't also be a cohesive style in itself
For example, Family Guy's sequence of unrelated cutaway gags is an iconic characteristic of the show, love it or hate it.

Because he is the next stage in the evolution of man, they know this. And they dislike being humbled or made to feel so obviously inferior.

"what if a silly cartoon was grotesque and repulsive instead" is not a trick you can pull over and over again without it getting tedious.


That's definitely true, but if you want to do a whole "lack of cohesiveness" aesthetic you have to make designs vary extremely widely and use a shitton of different artstyles. SF fails because it uses a variation of like 3 artstyles, notably Zach Hadel's, Michael Cusacks, and then a generalized "Misc" artstyle.

If you want to make it cohesive through a lack of cohesiveness, good examples are Gumball or Samurai jack. Although jack is kind of a cop-out because it's not different artstyles per se, but extremely different designs essentially filtered through one art-style (or maybe you could even call SJ's "artstyle" a motif)

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I think it's because his ugly ass cartoons keep getting spammed here every time he makes a cartoon

>more subscribers than ZONE


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There was post either last week or a few days ago (quarantine has completely ruined my sense of time) venting about how they could animate but felt self-conscious because they had no ideas. When pressed they admitted to having a fairly successful channel full of parodies. Keep bullying canyon and he may get better. or worse, i dunno.

I hated the EEnE one more because he has Eddy say "it's right behind that door" when there's a curtain behind him. That shit irked me real bad for some reason.

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thanks I hate it!!!!