I can't help it I really like this character. I want her to get a gf, preferably Webby.
I can't help it I really like this character. I want her to get a gf, preferably Webby
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haven't properly watched the show from beginning to end, but i really like her inclusion, her character sets this reboot apart from the original in refreshing ways
Agreed, I also like how she’s technically in the original series, we just didn’t know until her big reveal
oh shit, gotta binge it sometimes then
Why does she have to be a lesbian?
Why not, the two just seem to click. Gender is irrelevant so long as two characters have the proper chemistry. Chemistry is all that matters
That's called being friends, especially when neither of them has ever had one before. To push it to romance feels like overcompensating.
>Age is irrelevant. If an adult man and an 18 mon-
No, wait...
Ok, I’m just saying that if the two end up clicking, then all that matters is that they’re happy together
I never mentioned age you sewer dwelling asslamp
Why are modern American adults so OBSESSED with forcing children to have sex in front of them?
I like this ducks tale, if you know what I mean.
>born of shadow as a last ditch plot for revenge
>made her way alone to Duckburg as a teen
>infiltrated McDuck family
>renegaded against her maker
>spent months in isolation in shadow realm
>plauged by nightmares involving her self esteem and fears
>battled moonvaders
>has become happy with her new adopted sister
Lena's got a nice tale alright.
I want her to get a bf, preferably a dog who has turned good
wait huh? Is that in season 2?
They're not going to put the kids in a heavy relationship. but I just thing they're very affectionate to each other.
they're biased against dogs though
She's got her sights on Huey.
Homo romance will never feel as natural as straight romance
Me too
Bitch is easily the worst part of the show along with Webby and Violet
Cant you do something productive with your life instead of making constant shitpost and bait threads?
Then what do you like about it? lol
Hey I'm only here because I'm bored because of the dumb virus.
And where's the bait? I don't get it.
I wasnt the one who started the thread, autist
If everyone took the Cabspill instead of bitching about this show things would be easier
Lena love thread?
>scrooge and family go on an adventure
>webby doesn't even think to invite lena along
>lena and her dads were sitting around with launchpad in a cavern doing nothing the whole episode
Even when she's there Lena gets kicked to the curb.
yeah of course.
It's funny, it's pretty obvious they moved her to the Violet side of things so that they separate Webby from them and only bring them in when the plot demands it
I'm pretty sure that Lena doesn't really want to go on any dangerous adventures considering that shes been through enough chaos in her life already
That much was obvious in last season. The best part is how insulting it is to promote faggotry and how shallow they went in their pandering. Though looking it another way it really seems to say something that Webby won't hang out with her best friend"s gay family. We'll see how the future episode tries to handle the convenient friendship Webby has with Lena+Violet.
I don't watch this show but Lena does look hot
Is the show worth watching just for her?
You can get some fanservice scenes if you want to coom for her sure
Lena's the only reason I'm still watching at this point. You can easily look up the episodes that have her.
Even the creators seemed a bit miffed they at that point only could get that shallow of a gay couple
You, I and everyone know what the real gay ship they are setting their eyes on is. Just have to wait to see if they actually pull it off
>You, I and everyone know what the real gay ship they are setting their eyes on is.
Yes Donald/Jose/Panchito is the real prize.
Biggest open secret out there
The shows genuinely good in all honesty
calm down it's just a drawing
Best character, really
Yet the show seems to be doing its damndest to forget she exists half the time and that makes me sad
I will give the show a chance and if it doesn't stick with me I'll just skip to the Lena episodes
How gay of them.
The Donald Effect.
Yeah, the truth is it really gets some people and some people just hate it, and no one can tell you until you watch
It's likely you'll like either this show or the Caballeros show though
Everything else about the show is fine, Glomgold and Launchpad are easily the best parts
I never saw the old ducktales, does that factor in if I'm going to like it or not?
the old duck tales was better. in more ways than one
>Everything else about the show is fine,
What's it like having no standards?
Agnones samefagging
there's a fair bit of easter eggs and reoccurring characters from the duckverse, but i wouldn't say it matters too much
not knowing who della is and how big of a mystery she's been in the comics for decades is probably the big thing
descriptions for the May episodes are now in the wild
Astro B.O.Y.D.! (May 2, 2020)
>With Boyd on the fritz, Huey, Gyro and Fenton travel to Japan to the lab where he was created.
The Rumble for Ragnarok! (May 9, 2020)
>Dewey must embrace his inner heel to beat beloved Viking wrestling champ Jormungandr.
source: showcase.onthedemo.com
>Huey is joining the previously mentioned nerd gang in Japan
Oh man Yas Forums is fapping to this one
Because mods want to keep these threads on topic and not just the coomfest the rest of the board is
If you want to discuss duck asses make a thread on /trash/
uh oh. mods lurkin
the fuck is a coomer? you stupid fags need to stop making up words to describe people
>Lena's brastrap
Dear disney. Gay agenda shilling is seen through by the parents of your intended victims
Also, said parents are at home rested and looking for something to be possed about.
The drop in dusney+ subscriptions should tell you all you need to knie.
>that astro boyd description
Oh I'm so ready
It's people who only consume media to fap to characters
Just don't make it all about duck asses, duck threads and ducktales threads don't need to be /trash/'d
fuck off oneangryshitter
Onto Tokyolk.