Religious/spiritual scenes from comics/cartoon. Godspeed

religious/spiritual scenes from comics/cartoon. Godspeed

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This isn't necessarily religious. While yes the angel and devil are characters from religion the context for this is meant to be more of psychological symbolism.


Scooby Doo/Harlem Globetrotters crossover had this scene. I sure didn't see it coming.

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are they praying? For what?

like, a subway sandwich dude

It had no relevance to the plot nor was it a butt of a joke. Apparently it was just an unironic prayer before bed.
However, I never found a rip of the original English dub so maybe there was more to it there.

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always surprised me you can summon satan in space, I guess he has good work ethics.

bruh this is what angels look like, as described by the bible

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You think Satan gets that ripped sitting on his ass all day? That red nigger puts in the work.

this scene in justice league doesn't endorse any particular religion, but makes creationism canon in the DCAU

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There were also a few exchanges between Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman, an atheist and believer, respectively.

it's religious
and there's spirits

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You don't always have to pray for something you can just say hi.

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care to elaborate??

I can't find a image of them but I love the way they portrayed Angels in Judas

In Ezekiel chapter one, the Prophet has a vision of angels.
They are nowhere near humanoid, that impression comes to us mostly from Renaissance art.

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jewish stuff seems to come up in cartoons a lot

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That halo has a wire on it; Gerald needs to spring for better materials for his angels.

>Described as a creature with four heads in Ezekiel.
>Later described as four distinct beings in Revelation.

Do you know what symbolism is?

>makes creationism canon in the DCAU
>Posting religious bullshit on Yas Forums
Fuck off Yas Forums

When the 90s spider-man cartoon knowledge peter Parker was a christian. And it remain canon until all different and all new made everyone who isn’t a muslim or captain America an atheist.

>A vision
That is a key part of the description. A vision does not really entail a reality. The same can be said of dreams where outlandish things can happen. So the vision should not be taken literally.

The purpose of the vision was to instill awe, giving a glimpse of glory that is way above anything humans can gain.

More accurately, no one know what a spirit looks like in its true form. The Bible describes God as a spirit, a being made of dynamic power. The angels are the same, as well as Satan and the demons.

An /x/ post I saw some months back suggested that all spirits are the same in substance and form, and that "angel" and "demon" are stations of which they take according to thier behaviour. Again, any visions are purely symbolic. Like how God calls the Devil a serpent, a creature that Satan would consider beneath him. Taking the serpents legs compounds this strike at Satan's ego.

The awe inspiring and horror inducing imagery of the Bible fulfills its part in making us ponder over it. Just don't take it so literally.

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Redlettermedia and Seth Macfarlane are full of shit when say Star Trek was always anti-religion. That was only a thing in the next generation. Atheist themes of TNG themselves are very questionable. Every series were neutral or outright pro religion. But it’s the TNG fags who run the Star Trek wiki.

You have no idea, user...

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Star Trek a worse setting to push atheism with than even doctor who. Gods and the afterlife clearly exist in Star Trek. Q even hinted they created humanity.

the bible also says that man is made in god's image, so i think it's safe to assume what he looks like

who shit in your cereal

It's really ironic that the Hays Code, a measure meant to promote conservative values, effectively prevented faith from being shown on screen. Surely this lack of exposure must have negatively affected religiousness on global scale.

There's a reason angles say "be not afraid" when they introduce themselves.

Isn’t it a Christianized depiction of the Greek Daimon, in the later philosophical form of the Eudaemon and Cacodaemon?

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Why? Are you an angel?

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Already know you're talking out of your ass.

Super meta:


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As a kid it was mostly a kindness, just ask God to bless my friends and family a d shout out to anyone up in Heaven with him.

>tfw this movie was basically the magic schoolbus but instead of Mrs, Frizzle teaching a classroom of children the wonders of science its Satan convincing Adam to commit suicide with the wonders of science

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I think The Cramp Twins had a prayer scene when Lucien was asking for forgiveness when he thought he killed a bug or something. Which was quite odd, considering he'd be the last person in the show you'd expect to be religious, he was pretty hard left.

Can you remember what episode it was in?

Doesn't help the the star trek fanbase has a long history of fedora tipping

>Doesn't help the star trek fanbase has a long history of fedora tipping
The most intelligent race in the federation is Vulcans. I recall a single atheist Vulcan. In fact, Vulcans are religious fundamentalists compared to humans and Klingons. Star Trek being anti-religion doesn’t hold up. Few things discovery and even Picard did right is admitting the series always had a spiritual bent.

arent ferengi the most religious of the races we encounter in the shows

>ferengi the most religious of the races we encounter in the shows
Yes. Friendly reminder we will never see them in Star Trek again thanks to SJWs calling them antisemitic.

ferengi were cool though

aw they were so fun

Ferengi aren't exactly religious, but they do have a strong adherence to a set of beliefs

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their whole set of economic beliefs is a religion

>The Ferengi seemed to draw a distinction between selfishness and greed, indicating that the accumulation of wealth serves a greater good and is therefore not selfish. This is likely the role of the Great Material Continuum and may explain why such accumulation is rewarded in the afterlife. However, it may also be the case that selfishness itself is considered a moral virtue and the accumulation of wealth is rewarded in the afterlife precisely because of that.

>In the case of Ferengi, the mercantile belief in the finite but eternal nature of material accumulation meant that you could take it with you. Upon death, a Ferengi found himself before the Blessed Exchequer, to whom Ferengi prayed in life, and was evaluated on the basis of the profit earned while alive. A successful Ferengi was allowed to bribe their way into the Divine Treasury, where the wealth he had accumulated could be used to bid on his next life, under the supervision of the Celestial Auctioneers. An unsuccessful Ferengi might find himself cast into the Vault of Eternal Destitution, never to return

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i love how often radiskull is getting posted these days

user's not wrong. There are multiple descriptions of angels in the bible (as well as the kabbala and various other apocrypha) that are all pretty terrifying. From rotating concentric rings of burning eyes to vaguely humanoid figures surrounded by six wings with faces that would shift appearance depending upon the angle you viewed them from (changing in no particular order from man to hawk to lion to ram.) Biblical angels are some of the most underutilized imagery in western civilization.

>Redlettermedia and Seth Macfarlane are full of shit when say Star Trek was always anti-religion
The issue is directly addressed in "Who Mourns for Adonias?" After the crew confront an Alien that lives off of worship and has been presenting itself to a less advanced species as the god Apollo, the alien addresses Captain Kirk and asks him
>Does your species have no need of gods
to which Kirk replies
>we find the One sufficient

Captain Kirk clearly has religious beliefs. But Star Trek wiki said he an atheist.

5 Deep inside it, the likenesses of four living beings were visible. Their appearances were similar to human forms, 6 except that they each had four faces, four pairs of wings, 7 and straight legs. Their feet resembled calves’ hooves, but they gleamed like polished bronze. 8 From under their wings there were human hands on their four sides.

Now as to their four faces and four pairs of wings, 9 their pairs of wings overlapped each other. They moved in straight directions without turning their faces around as they moved. 10 The form of their faces was human, but each of the four also had the face of a lion to the right, the face of an ox to the left, and the face of an eagle behind them.11 That’s what their faces were like. Their wings spread out above and around them, one pair overlapping another, with one pair covering themselves. 12 Each moved in straight directions. Wherever they decided to go, they went without turning themselves.

15 As I observed the living beings, I noticed one wheel on the earth beside each being—that is, for the four of them. 16 Their wheels and their construction details looked like gold-colored beryl. Each wheel was identical in form to the others, and they appeared to have been constructed and designed as if one wheel were within another. 17 Whenever the four moved, no matter which of four directions, they moved without turning around.

18 Their wheel rims were ornate and terrifying. They were full of eyes that surrounded the four of them. 19 Whenever the living beings moved, the wheels moved, too. Whenever the living beings rose from the earth, the wheels rose also. 20 Whatever direction these spirits went, the wheels would be lifted up along with them, because the wheels were alive. 21 They moved around whenever they wanted to move around, and they stood still whenever they wanted to stand still; and whenever they rose from the earth, the wheels remained close beside them, because the wheels were also alive.

Thank you. Very interesting