Fear not anons, our robo-waifu salvation is almost at hand. We must only keep the faith.
Quit spamming this garbage you piece of shit. Tangled is shit.
I've literally never started this thread before. Just noticed it was archived and I'm not leaving at least till writefag user and AIanon get back to us.
Call that creature what it is. He/him
I've never understood this meme. Cass is perfection.
S1, S2 Cass? Yes. S3 Cass was the embodiment of a bad character.
>robo waifu
Cassandra's a robot? I stopped watching kinda early on. What the hell did I miss?
Cassandra has a man's ambitions and the unnatural desire to lie with women, as if a man. She aspires to be a man in all but name
So people have been asking what chance there is of future content, but I think the real question is how the hell did this show even get off the ground in the first place in 2017? 7 years after Tangled? The Mouse clearly wants nothing to do with it. They've done their utmost to kill it off what with the time-slots, the complete lack of marketing and the lobotomised third season. So how'd it ever get the green light in the first place? What does Chris have on them?
She literally DIED
Tangledfags don't want to let the series go and are borrowing the Ponyfags text-to-speech generator.
>Quit spamming this garbage
>Literally the only Tangled thread
I bet you're one of them LGBTQ+ SU snowflakes you faggot. Despite the obvious bait here's an advice: if you don't like Tangled Threads ignore it and hide them, don't go in acting like a retard just stay in your faggot CalArts thread.
The tragic thing about S3 Cass is that she still had some heartbreaking moments that were executed perfectly. The season premiere gave us every reason to hope, at least for the first few minutes, that S3 would be everything we had every reason to expect it would be coming off of S2. Everyone rightly shits on the gothel reveal for what it did to her character down the line, but the reveal itself was an incredible scene. I think up until that point the premiere rivals even the great tree, the generally agreed highpoint of the series. And they delivered in the last episode too, as everyone has noticed. It was just too little too late.
Cassandra will be a robot
Starcuck is still whining
Never change, Yas Forums.
They just can't bear to think that some people are actually able to look back fondly on a show
actually you'll find that cass is intersex (e/em/eir)
I still prefer the final form of ZT should be a hot evil lady instead of a giant goat-headed monster like the flashback illustration
I think that was the least of S3s problems
For all that was wrong with S3 I'm just glad they gave us this moment. There's literally no way in hell that twitch was unintentional. Ironically its probably the only unambiguous incident in the whole series that the yurifags have to prove their case.
How Raps can be smug all the day
I need to go back
It's probably the same magic which makes her feet so extremely sexy and cute...
Name another female character who can be smug and cute at the same time like Raps
Does Raps have any idea how staggeringly attractive she is? Given her constant hyperfriendliness with everyone and everything, does she have an army of Coronan orbiters?
Attractive women genuinely think that people are just nice to everyone. That the world is a nice place, and you only have to ask for help and people will jump to give it to you.
Women who have transitioned to men have stated that only afterwards did they realize men were only nice because they wanted an attractive woman's attention.
Not to mention having so cute and flawless feet all the time, despite walking around all days barefoot.
More lewds coming bros
This thread definitely needs more close-ups on Raps' cute feet...
Lying. Can't really decide on which path is the best.
that....actually makes a lot of sense. Is Raps just a dumb airhead who needs to check her privilege? Fuck. No.
>stacies are delusional and live in a disney princess world with themselves as the main character
tell me something I don't know
that's a lot of yams
Post rare faces
Standing is best because it shows her bunzies
oh no raps caused a mess in the hotdog factory
They're not completely flawless though.
"My feet have always gotten me where I need to go. They touch the ground in all seasons. They’re kind of funny. They don’t like shoes, and they’re what keeps me connected to the earth. I love the feeling of the ground beneath them as I run through fields or climb a tree. I like how flexible they are. They have character. They’re really strong. And they have all kinds of interesting lines and scratches from being so close to the earth all the time. When I looked at them, really looked at them, they told a story about me that I wanted to share."
-Rapunzel, The Vanishing Village
Even Raps herself mentions that her feet get dirty and scratched up from being barefoot all the time.
But doesn't her inner sun drop have self-fixing power to clear up all the mess on her feet?
Still hot...
I find cute girls with dirty feet sexy. Especially when they can later make them clean and elegant anew.
It's perfect when her feet are filled with paints.
>wake up
>remember that Tangled has fans from all over the world
I remember I asked at some point, and it's a surprisingly international general we had going. Everything from britbongs to Venezuelans. And a lot of people from Tennessee for some inscrutable reason.
What's a better name for the commoners to revile Cassandra with?
Lady in Wilting?
Lady in Withering?
Lady in Wasting?
Lady in Wooing
I need Raps to give me a pep talk
Some kind of ancestral affinity for musical blondes?
This one is best. God's work user
I guess she can pet talk to you
This is also acceptable
I want Raps to noseboop me
She needs to take the dick to attain real peace.
Oh fuck this is hitting close to home
and the lewds?
where are the lewds?
Can you think otherwise rather than just lewding?