What’s your favorite kind of superpower that’s simple but can be used in creative ways
Your favorite creative superpowers
The power to change the direction of moving objects
Sounds stupid but can be really cool
That’s would be op as fuck, like no one could ever shoot you, but you could still be killed with non moving objects
So best powers to read/watch imo
>Specific material Telekinesis
>Minon creation.
Shapeshifting because its such a versatile ability. Love intrest acting weird? Shapefshifter. Hero has to save the president but Oh oh the villian is a Shapeshifter and blended into the crowd.
Object specific telekinesis is waay more interesting because it can be more creative that standard telekinesis and doesn't have the same problems it has. Magneto can control most metals and using it he can also vaguely controle machines.
Illusions are just fun. Any mysterio comic can show you that.
Minon masters are always fun to read
Force fields
Depending on how creative the writer is it can be soo fun to read/watch.
Superpowered cyborg is the best concept. Bonus points if power is earned for skill.
How would you creativly use force fields? Would it be like creating constructs?
That's assuming it's an always on kind of thing. Depending on the speed of the object you're probably not gonna be fast enough to even react.
I’m a sucker for powers that sound bad on paper but are used to deadly effect against opponents with much “stronger” abilities. JoJo is a goldmine of these.
>Sticky Fingers: add zippers to things
Tears people apart without even causing damage, travels through solid surfaces effortlessly, rides zippers to different points
>Super Fly: traps someone in an invincible pylon
Causes significant trouble to not one, but three MCs and almost kills one of them
>Survivor: make your enemies angry
Used to make inmates tear each other apart and allow another Stand user to almost take down the MC
>Stone Free: turn your body to string
Used for listening, tripwires, slicing, ropes, shields, defence against body-warping attacks
>Tusk: shoot your fingernails like bullets
Constantly improving due to applying existing knowledge of the Spin in different ways
>Speed King: apply heat to small areas
Used to make stag beetles become stronger for a period of time and create vital oxygen in a chemical reaction
Also Hamon with how Joseph uses it in crazy ways.
>small, thin force fields can become razor frisbees
>force fields can be shrunk around an enemy to crush them to death
>force fields can be made one after another where the user is about to step to form stairs, or moved around while the user stands on it for flight