>Manchilds who get offended at slapstick humor from the 40s and family guy
>Faggots who use the coomer label they don't like when they see a 16 year old animated girl or a show made by the French
>Weeaboos who thinks anime and manga is superior even though most of their stuff is either influenced or stolen from Western books or movies
ITT: Least favorite kinds of people on the comics or cartoon fanbase
Faggot retards who read non-capes comics that say that they're betteEWIJDADIJDIOASDIODJOSI FOUDFEIOFRAQ0KIOPSKDLZ CX,MWDPOKFDEFADKWDL,
People who very stridently defend women from even immaterial offenses.
Retards who use shitty Yas Forums memes.
People who hang out in shops with bad BO
I don’t hate them, but I dislike people who constantly complain about someone enjoying something that they don’t enjoy
We should all respect that we have different interests and bond over our shared interests instead of fighting
Deadpool cosplayers
People who post on message boards and spew their racism, misogyny and social retardation, thinking it makes them more important than they actually are.
People who virtue signal about others posting racism or misogyny
>people who truly believe in the calarts meme
>the snobs that once they see something resembling any kind of trope, they toss it to the wayside
>waifufags I get it, but also just chill.
specifically both of these faggots
Calarts is an animation trend tho
>Casualgaters who think that their comics are the next fucking thing when they're pretty mediocre at best.
The only graphic novel by them that was "good" was Trump's Space Force, and that's probably because it's written by someone with actual experience in writing comics. Other than that, the ones that have been storytimed here have been outright shit.
90's kids who remember the "good ol' days" before the LGBT SJWs ruined cartoons forever because they make shows with non-white and gay characters now and that makes them feel so insecure and scared and oh god why can't things just never change I want to be baby forever, etc.
Retards like this guy.
Right-wing reactionaries and the people who make creepy posts about underage characters. These two are probably the same people though.
Also porn posters and people who just want to aimlessly argue and be contrarian.
I also hate OP sometimes but only sometimes.
It's ok user, they will still make children's cartoons with white heterosexual people in them for you to watch and I promise at most a Mexican friend character but only on some episodes.
gatekeeping is necessary sometimes. it keeps things from becoming too popular, which usually is a death sentence. but then you have some turboauttist that makes it his life's mission to btfo casuals and fans alike, all for the sake of stroking his e-peen.
Fuck off with your retarded strawmen, moron.
Insecure and seething.
>gatekeeping is necessary sometimes.
Is it?
>it keeps things from becoming too popular, which usually is a death sentence.
Does it?
>meme reply
Fuck off and die.
People over 30 who still act like teenagers. This isn't unique to any community though. If watching cartoons makes a person happy that's A-ok with me, I do the same after all, but not when they neglect all other responsibility like hygiene or personal development.
Damn, so angry. Did my comment cut too close?
>Weeaboos who thinks anime and manga is superior even though most of their stuff is either influenced or stolen from Western books or movies
Imagine, there are weeaboos and actual japanese folk who don't know where Osamu Tezuka got his style, humor and love of animal characters from.
What comment? All you're doing is strawmanning and using forcing memes. Cut your throat, no one will miss an idiot like you.
That faggot who says race shouldn't be an issue and if X minority should just make their own instead of making spider-man/bat-man whoever black. Then goes and whines when said artist,person whoever does make their 100% original (if not shitty) creation.
Bonus points if for some reason they keep referring back to the 90s/80s as a golden age.
OP was based for once
>Anons who go absolutely apeshit when they see a Pepe pic
Yas Forumstards.
I gonna go apeshit.
>even though most of their stuff is either influenced or stolen from Western books or movies
SJW faggots who whine about diversity yet their works never attract any and instead distance the multiculture with the majority of black and brown people shitting on their gayfaggotry.
You sound insecure.
People who sperg out everytime a female character does something remotely competent.
This. I see guys who look (and smell) like nerd stereotypes in my local game shop and I wonder “How can you walk around like that?”
Gatekeeping is based.
Look at how Ameriburger Democrats gatekept themselves out of what was supposed to be an easy win against a Trump re-election which only required 1 fence sitter candidate with their mouth shut being propped up instead of the retards-at-large.
>you could have pointed out that 90s comic are usually shallow, edgy tat that’s only remembered because today’s comics are worse
I don’t like 90s comics user, but your head is just wedged clean up your ass.
People that hate-buy and/or hate-read things. They do nothing but contribute to the same shit they claim is ruining whatever.
Thanks Ben Shapiro, really cool.
>our borning milk toast candidate is going to totally crush the incumbent who actually is presiding over a decent economy, is starting to pull troops out of the Middle East and is starting to build the wall he promises.
racists who read superheroes. no reading comprehension
Whose the character in the pic?
Gatekeeping can, unironically, a good thing sometimes. Without it, we end up with people who write YA novels suddenly getting contracts with the big two, who are out on soly so marvel can brag about how they are helping what ever minority de jour they care to talk about this week.
The delusion in this post is palpable.
The economy was great two years ago and now you downgraded it to "decent" without realizing how bad that makes you look.
"Is starting to pull troops out of the Middle East" is what you've been saying for four straight years while you've been selling their services to the highest bidder.
There's still no wall that's actually going to do anything.
Fixed that for you. Take your time to comprehend the message, i know your lower IQ will need more effort than the average person.
Wanted to post that. It's like get over it dude
t. insecure coomer
>talks about IQ
>fucks up the numbers
fuck niggers, fuck women and fuck you
Nobody is impressed.
Anyone who says you're "based" would only do so ironically, in the spirit of a meme.
I've had a lot of time to kick back and watch comic youtubers during quarantine and man, the shittiest part of the fanbase for me has to be the people that just spend their time ranting about fucking everything. You make one video about how fucked the new warriors comic seems? Cool. 60+ videos complaining about comics obviously geared towards a demographic you're not in, movie casting, and live action shows you claim to hate when there are near infinite cool things to focus on? Just...fuck off.
dilate and cope harder you discord tranny faggot
>fuck niggers, fuck women
I would, but Corona-chan is making it impossible currently.
Is it really too much to ask that a minor is not sexualised? Everytime I see a minor outside a kids audience they're sexualised, it's getting to the point that it feels sick. The coomer tag is pretty acurate.
>this thread
God, this board is garbage.
unironically based
Slit your fucking wrists, Yas Forumsspie scum.
You too. Subhumans like you who spread their cancerous garbage around literally every corner of the web that pertains even slightly to comics and animation and act like stubborn little cunts when challenged are the reason why not just this board but the fandom surrounding animation and comics as a whole is rightfully considered a joke. There is no chance for rehabilitation or redemption for you. The only cure for your mental disease is 7.62×39mm, and I'd be very willing to administer it.
The reason comicstubers do that is because negativity and complaining gets more clicks than positivity. They deliberately pander to the aforementioned hordes, and guess what, it works. To the detriment of civilization.
>Is it really too much to ask that a minor is not sexualised?
Yes. Are you a homophobic trannophobic bigot?
After idiots like you kill yourselves. Come on, cut your throat, no one will mourn.
Holy shit, this board is literally r-eddit.
>Jungle fever
>but the fandom surrounding animation and comics as a whole is rightfully considered a joke
Nah, it's considered a joke because you stopped using Japs for animation and design.
Kick out all the 99% mayo white SJWs and Jews, and replace them with Japanese master race, and you'll stop being the rightfully considered joke that you became after the 90's.