Yas Forums General Drawthread

>Provide references for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests Yas Forums related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

>Drawfriends Gallery List:

NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in
Previous thread:

Attached: Archangel_Jenny.png (1662x2000, 831.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Just draw whatever you want
Have fun.

/r/ing a drunk rhonda

Attached: 1405234866365.png (565x424, 311.59K)

Requesting a Sadie Mae Scroggins version of the right pic please. Preferably she wouldn't wear a helmet, but if you want to draw her with the helmet then that's cool too.

Attached: Hillbilly Biker Babe.jpg (785x457, 84.35K)

Requesting Kelsey (from Craig of the Creek) wearing as Tulip (from Infinity Train)

Attached: 725.png (1241x873, 234.05K)

Requesting Carol and Enid bumping their butts together.

Attached: Carol Enid.jpg (625x888, 135.25K)

requesting gomez addams as the riddler being gomez addams.

Attached: AmINotTheKing?!.jpg (475x307, 40.8K)

/r/ a different version of the Homer Simpson shirt in the left pic that uses the Homer in the right pic. Please have it say "Homer the Cucking Machine."

Attached: Homer the Cucking Machine.jpg (1608x640, 314.79K)

Requesting Triana trapped on an extra dimensional bus with other "forgotten" Yas Forums characters

Attached: D_I_Y__Triana_Costume_by_Doc_Hammer.jpg (720x596, 263.2K)

Requesting Enid (OK K.O.) sitting near a window during the evening. She can be looking out it or be reading a book about ninjitsu.

Attached: enid_read.jpg (2600x1296, 663.85K)

Requesting this but replaces with Garnet (Frylock), Lapis (Carl Brutananadilewski) and Pearl (Master Shake)

Attached: Hairy Gem.png (1897x1751, 2.88M)

Requesting Reggie from(Twelve Forever) and Asuka (Eva) both fighting by arguing over Shinji's attention in their school uniforms.

Attached: God help me!.png (3392x1232, 2.87M)

Requesting IDW Sonic meeting a stranger (or Ken Penders) showing him the sleeping cadavers of Fleetway Sonic and Archie Sonic, a cover parody of Action Comics volume 1 issue 399

do I need more references?

Attached: 1586172331212.jpg (600x900, 172.55K)

Requesting the top image with Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench

Attached: Cliche Tom and Katie request.jpg (800x2054, 378K)

Requesting Glimmer, Queen Angella and Castaspella doing this pic related.

Attached: Glimmer Threesome.jpg (2668x2212, 928.24K)

Requesting Fives and Zahra in a strip game with Zahra in her underwear and them both saying the dialogue in the speech bubbles.

Attached: You can leave your hat on.jpg (800x1200, 159.71K)

/R/ garnet cosplaying as Scarlet-Spider

Attached: 3C081897-8D6B-49E1-A7D5-7CE519E372A2.png (1954x3980, 114.67K)

Requesting Yvonne cosplaying as Lenora

Attached: obscure swedish milf look-alike.jpg (501x2379, 320.02K)

Requesting Eda bending over and showing visible panty line.

Attached: Thicc owl ass.jpg (800x478, 218.76K)

Requesting this with Hop Pop.

Attached: Amphibia finale.png (394x689, 186.47K)

Requesting Violet tending to Huey's wounds.

Attached: mplayer_snapshot_2020-04-05 06:16:49 +0000.png (1920x1080, 2.48M)

Requesting a redraw with Tulip, Anne, and Luz, with Lake as Tulip's reflection

Attached: Lost Girls.jpg (2250x1530, 884.6K)

Delivery from the last thread And fixed in case of reasons.

Attached: 1586415260230.jpg (1486x2238, 910.65K)

Requesting insectoid (?) fusion

Attached: Bug-like aliens.jpg (2048x1612, 285.51K)

Requesting Maggie eating thai food

Attached: sketch-1586406295143.png (1440x1440, 396.48K)

requesting aldous from what it's like being alone dressed and posed like the model in the right.

Attached: AldousRequest.jpg (944x358, 53.42K)

requesting bea, a background mouse/opossem character from the idw tmnt series reading a story In a large chair with lita, mushroom, and zanna with her dolly on bea's lap/armrest and zink on the top of the chair all looking at the book.
lita is the albino turtle. the other three are the weasels. thought it'd be interesting to see what they were doing while everyone was at the concert in 105. I just want to see something nice and innocent with the hiatus starting.

Attached: storytime.jpg (1280x1024, 229.91K)

but which specifically?

Requesting Selina Kyle as a masked bank robber pre-Catwoman.

Attached: BR Selina.png (1322x674, 1.69M)

OR here. Thanks for the drawing. Any chance you'll finish?

Attached: Ninja Raven Head.png (1000x1000, 65.22K)

No, that's just how he does requests

Nice work

Requesting this with Mayday Parker.

Attached: BB.gif (315x320, 434.88K)

Requesting Desmond from Smiling Friends wearing a "he is risen" tshirt but with crucified Alan on it, please

Attached: 1586311324209.png (1028x1628, 1.03M)

Requesting Royal Pearl and Yellow Pearl together with yellow in the wedding armor, like she is the knight defending her queen, possibly with a lewd version?

Attached: Volleyball_233.png (1244x1050, 1.18M)

Requesting Lorina Dodson/White Rabbit in a playboy bunny outfit. Preferably with a mainly white/blue colour scheme.

Attached: WR.png (1000x662, 1.3M)

From last thread

Attached: nani tease.png (2343x1684, 421.44K)

Requesting parody of the comic cover on the right with Dakota

Attached: Dakota She-Hulk.jpg (1114x371, 122.58K)

Requesting Becky Prim with a tattoo of BW with Becky Saying "Check this out, I can make her dance. Pretty cool huh?"

Attached: Sweet Tattoo R.jpg (1523x899, 266.2K)

Requesting Princess Jasmine from Aladdin in a bikini posing like the lady on the right image

Attached: EBD18528-3706-4C54-9546-2AD44C0AD1E0.jpg (2061x2061, 637.57K)

Cool detail, nicely done. ^^

Requesting all 4 joker like the album art. And the band name is "Jokerz" and the album name is "Funny Days"

Attached: 00025(1).jpg (1920x1080, 383.79K)

Thanks. ^^

Pfff, no, that's finished by his standards. Sorry, you drew a short straw.

Requesting this youtube.com/watch?v=jO7Hx9NyBK8 with Ladybug as the pink haired girl and Volpina as the yellow haired girl. I will be happy if you draw the version with the french fries.

Attached: 094398598340958.jpg (2370x1480, 684.67K)

Yeah, just either head out to the edit thread on /aco/ or hope one of the color anons are still here.

Requesting Harley Quinn and Deadpool dating.

Attached: Date.png (703x807, 1007.03K)

Friendly reminder to ignore the first ~50 posts, since 90% of them is spam from one autistic guy that thinks Drawthread is shorthand for Free Commissions Thread.

Requesting Black Widow in this outfit. Either spying or in a pose like the poster.

Attached: BW Qipao.png (1058x721, 1014.44K)

Based retard.

i honestly don't understand how these two keep getting deliveries almost every single drawthreads for years. Is it the design, i personally hate it, or is it the characters or are they just easy to draw?
Before someone says i'm salty about not having my requests delivered im an drawer.

It's no one's fault. He just comes in and does whatever request. You just hope one of them is not yours or he's in a sour mood because apparently I heard some user's liked their drawings
I don't think you will truly get it. Everyone has different tastes. The design just appeals to a lot of people.


Talk about choosing beggars. If you want quality pay for it.

He drew my Ahsoka request that I was waiting on for a while. It was a silly request so I don't care it was in a silly artstyle. I do feel sorry the Dio and Marceline user but the drawing was a good Kek so it's all good.

So I can re-request or...?
I was hoping he'd draw more of the body. I won;t get that there.

I mean it's whatever. I already know the drawthread is a gamble. I'm just stating on how some people feel about the artist. He's a bit of a jokester you know?

>im an drawer.

got any examples of your work?

I think you, the BW user, Madam Mim user , Frida user, and some others got the good stuff.

>please be patient, i cannot into mild hyperbole
Point still stands. It's the same dumb shit that gets reposted over and over until some, presumably well meaning, retard of a drawfag validates the spammers effort with a pity doodle. All that really accomplishes is enforcing the notion that you can get whatever autism fueled incredibly specific shit you want, without paying for it. You just have to beg long enough.

requesting batman and ace posed like the characters in the poster of ikiru

Attached: IkiruEpilouge.jpg (876x352, 74.93K)

nah i'll keep reposting his delivery when you request it again
i like to keep my shitposting and delivery posting separate. don't want people to see how toxic i really am
get on my level, although that garnet request slipped through my filters

Attached: hotfuckingspam.png (535x941, 123.61K)

There's nothing you can do about that. It's not a commision thread. Artist pick whatever they want. And a good chunk won't know any history about these threads

Well, no drawfag would want to your faggy shit anyway.

Idk what makes some requests spam. After a certain time period?

Your stuff probably looks like it was drawn by a blind fifth grader anyway or you're a salty autist LARPing as a drawfag. Either way, kill yourself.

For me it's certain characters, like every single SU character, but mostly how many times it's been reposted. After a month or two of requesting the same thing, every single thread on multiple boards, just fuck off already. Save a dollar a day and i'm sure you'll find some desperate artist that will draw your autistic fantasies. I've seen requests spammed for YEARS.

>It's not a commission thread.
Not him but people here and in other drawthreads tend to treat it as such with wanting to re-request because they have a "bad" delivery.

it will look better than anything you can produce, go dilate with a fire hydrant.