JewTube fucking deleted it.
The Non-Family
based youtube
Too kino for Youtube. They really do hate animation.
was really looking forward to seeing more of this crap.
>violating youtube's term of service
Like what? Did they forget to make it viewable only to 18+ users?
maybe it was that coppa crap
it was just one episode
Thank fuck
2 episodes, actually. Here's the original russian channel, eps. are still up.
You can still download it
Why did all the hype die?
Russians probably just found weirder stuff to watch, their side of Youtube is just full of strange videos we rarely get to find.
New link
>russian ver. has 252k views
>american version had 752 views
What the fuck, have we found russian South Park?
English version had 60k when advertising began and peaked at 92k a couple days later
I don't speak Slav...
All I know is say blin and cheeki Breeki
Why does the fat guy live in her backyard anyway?
He literally orbits her
Fucking GOOD
suddenly nobody cares about censorship because it doesn't involve nude anime kids
Damn. And my water pale comment was a zinger.
no one will watch this shit now
/x/ is gonna have a field day
why is this shitty south park rip-off being talked about so much here?
Good. Weren't you guys outraged that they weren't deleting the Elsagate vids?
Cartoon videos, Yas Forums-related content.
Why the fuck am I still getting ads for it then!?
Some dude shilled it hard a few days ago. Not to mention the creator of it bought Yas Forums ad space to promote it.
Okay, so it's literally just Elsagate again
And nothing of value was lost
There's an english dub of the first episode too but YT deleted it, someone reuploaded it here
Uhh nuu
They bought ad space here but it seems impossible to believe that all the threads weren't part of the advertising.
This shit was being shilled on other boards too, even ones that are completely unrelated to cartoons like Yas Forums and /x/. No fucking way shills aren't at work.
It isn't shill you retard it's being advertised all over the site so of course people are gonna be curious about it on every board
It's a 4 month old shitty russian video dubbed into english and advertised on every Yas Forums board. Did you expect people NOT to talk about that? Only people with adblock don't see it
Fuck off faggot, no one cares about your autogenerated scripts animated by pajeets. I know demonetizing those fucking finger family videos destroyed your scam but we're not supporting your ass, nigger.
Get out.
kino desu
This was genuinely unpleasant. Like it was made by a shitty AI or something.
He CeMbR
It's back, boys.
> their side of Youtube is just full of strange videos we rarely get to find.
How do I get into the russian dark side?
>it's back
Get to it drawfags, we need r34 of Molly.
Must be a reupload, rarely does YouTube resurrect videos like that, was it even affected by COPPA?
Mate you really need to re-evaluate your life if this is what you're getting off too.
Maybe they should stop being retarded and get adblock.
Of all of the art styles one could possibly steal, why South Park?
It's easy to do, makes sense to me.
God, this thread is full of wood-headed simpletons
Enjoy your thousandth formulaic, copy-pasted peadophile cartoon while your small-brain can't comprehend the kinoness of the Non-family
It's back just so you know.
The joke is that he's stalking her.
BASED. I still want my 5minutes back tho, this hack piece of crap was the worst.
wow, /x/ really is full of skitzos
dilate lil' simp
Excuse me? Who decided that?
what the fuck is this, why are you naggers even giving it attention? its not even outrageously bad its just meh