The absolute madmen are actually making him an edgy child killer

>The trailer begins on Halloween night in San Francisco, with a group of trick-or-treaters visiting an old house. Cletus Kasady (Woody Harrelson) answers the door, wearing a mask, and playfully pretends to be scared before complimenting the kids on their costumes and gives them candy.

>Just as the kids are leaving, Kasady calls them back and asks “trick or treat”. He then removes his mask, revealing half of Carnage’s face underneath, and flashes a sinister smile with sharp teeth. The kids become petrified. Kasady smiles and says “I guess it’s going to be trick” as the screen ominously cuts to black.

Attached: Carnage.jpg (1908x1146, 178.15K)

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That's a cool haircut

I don't what it is, but I can't find joy in Carnage anymore. I'm sure Absolute Carnage didn't help. Well hopefully this does something for me.

Oh and I want that shirt

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You were expecting maybe the Easter Bunny?

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They'll cop out.
It's PG-13.

>Shit, man, I'm a natural born killer.
>It's just murder. All God's creatures do it. You look in the forests and you see species killing other species, our species killing all species including the forests, and we just call it industry, not murder.

Carnage always sucked. He was next to Jackal as the lamest major Spider-Man villain until Morlun existed.

He’s too thick. Cletus should be paper thin, or at least Jackie Earl Haley in Watchmen where he’s very lean but muscular.

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Carnage is a one note villain, all he does is kill people and get off to it. There's nothing more to him or anything deeper than that. Though I will admit one of the best things they did with Carnage was Carnageman, that was pretty good since it actually had Carnage doing things out of his norm.

Attached: CarnageMan.jpg (1498x1600, 671.34K)

This. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he's holding the kids hostage and it's a lead into a confrontation with Eddie vs. Cletus.


Carnageman is the only time Carnage ever worked. I get tired of villains constantly being switched into heroes and all the flip flopping in between, but Carnage becoming a hero was genuinely interesting and deserved to stick. It took one of the least interesting of Peter’s main enemies and turned him into a very unique concept for a “superhero.”

>It took one of the least interesting of Peter’s main enemies and turned him into a very unique concept for a “superhero.”
Carnage Man was a fun little ride but let's not get carried away, it was literally just Lethal Protector, Red Version.

And as far as the Carnage being lame and one note thing goes, yeah he is one note, but to me that criticism no longer holds any weight in this day and age. Carnage being a chaotic evil psycho with no greater goal than being evil is a breath of fresh air when every fucking other major villain like Dr. Doom and Magneto are constantly being played as sympathetic anti-heroes, it's bullshit. That's not even how the real world is, in the real world evil and psychotic people exist. I for one value the Cletus' and Norman Osborns of comics these days, because they're a dying breed where every character has to be made into a moral grey area because writers are hacks.

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if i may add, carnage doesn't do the "you may have foiled my A plot but I actually won because i achieved my D plot goal/I have backup plans for my backup plans" thing which can get annoying when everyone's doing it.

Cutting to black and stating through dialogue that he killed children with no on-screen violence is still PG-13.

Fake and gay

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It's like these muggas never saw Jurassic Park 2 or something.

Yeah, that's another plus for Carnage being a one note character, he's not a Mary Sue. Sure, he might be overpowered, but he's never depicted as some omnipotent genius, he's just a jackass with a lot of power.

He's also too old, but eh it's an AU, it's not like Eddie was the most comic accurate...

She survived actually.

Meh. All Hallows' Eve showed brutally dismembered corpses of children. I doubt this movie will go this far.

Based Sony

Edgy trash like this wouldn't fly if this was MCU...

Fuck, forgot video.

I don't know much about the character but where does Venom get his web shooters from?

Venom doesn't have web shooters, Venom has shapeshifting powers and is a living amorphous mass of goop that can stretch, have portions be separated, and regrow.

The Venom symbiote simply simulated "webbing" by using it's own mass and making it look like webs while it was with Spider-Man, when it bonded with Brock as Venom they simply continued the spider theme.

Lol, looks like Josh Homme

does eddie/the host have to replenish the mass used on the 'webbing' by eating?

IIRC Venom is actually a shitton more dense than it looks, which is shy it can simulate superstrength/durability.

The biology of symbiotes is spotty and not well defined, as many people who write stories wing it and make up their own rules or disregard earlier stories. But....symbiotes do eat, they feed on brain chemicals primarily and anything with those chemicals but also sometimes seem to like meat. Also back in the day, it was a thing that Venom could be exhausted of his symbiote by using too much of it, rendering it too incomplete to actually become Venom fully, but that hasn't happened in a long time

The visuals in Venom SUCKED. They never once did the CG good when they had to have a live action person in the middle of it.
The full body venom looked good, but every time just some of venom shot through Eddie's shirt (which leaves no marks despite shooting through the shirt) or that scene where Eddie is transforming back and it looks like his head is shrinking all sucked.

I'll never get why so many online praise Venom when it's on par with stuff they'd bash like Amazing Spider-Man.

So they actually went out of their way to find an actor whos only commonality with Cletus is that they're both white. Woody is like 30 years too old to portray Cletus and not nearly lanky enough to look like him but fuck that, right? As long as we get a recognizable name on the cast list.

Fuck, I haven't actually given any fucks about capeshit for the last 20 years, but this shit tier casting still makes me mad.

A. I agree the visuals in that regard were pretty generic, but honestly, symbiotes don't operate on that simple of a level...they wouldn't need to rip through your clothes, they could easily just pass through the fibers....I mean they can fucking go through the internet. You really can't overthink the concept. They're aliens and so they can do anything.

>I'll never get why so many online praise Venom when it's on par with stuff they'd bash like Amazing Spider-Man.
I think a lot of the people who enjoy Venom are probably people who liked Amazing Spider-Man, or at least the first one. People who hate it are probably MCU purists, aka the ones who bash ASM.

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Didn't hear you complain about Marvel making Aunt May a young milf.

he looks like the fusion of Randy Pitchford and Guy Fieri

Should have made carnage a milf

This user gets it.
Carnage ain't complex, but neither are Oreos, and sometimes you just want a lil snack.

>food analogy


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not him but it's still better than "oh my expensive fancy japanese cuisine shits on your american junk food"

Is there a clause in the contract that prohibits Sony from placing a female villain?
I'm tired of seeing the same villains as always

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>female villain

>Woody is like 30 years too old to portray Cletus

Welcome to Hollywood, baby.

Not by much user.

Jackie Earl Haley Born: Jul 14, 1961
Woody Harrelson Born: Jul 23, 1961

Perhaps, "older looking" would state it better, but they're both old coots who will be dolled up, caked in make-up, and digitally altered to fit the Hollywood bill.

Haley fits the build of Carnage a bit better.

Disney and Sony could take this extra time and change the script and include these two, they would have a much larger female audience by putting two female characters that fans love

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I hate people who use the word edgy so much.

or they can give them their own movie

I’ll like watching this and Morbius. Imagine a grimdark semi funny team up.

I think the Webb series had planned on using Scorpia.

I assume that was DTV or just limited screenings (festivals and the like) though.

But Gwen could be introduced in this next Spider-Man movie, just some minutes and some lines
A movie with Gwen and Jessica Drew, Ghost Spider and Spider-Woman would be different and interesting

You can handle the age part, but Harrelson looks off to me.

Venom’s take on heroism was a lot different than Carnageman.

What if I hated ASM and also hate the MCU movies?

They literally have the old guy say she is alive and okay

Good. Killing kids is edgy and if you disagree you need help.

abortion doctors do the same thing
no big deal

Well...I dunno

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>dude what if his hair has tendrils just like his symbiote

Will we get references to Bane?

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