Can someone explain the punchline of this comic to me? I don't see how stealing is funny

Can someone explain the punchline of this comic to me? I don't see how stealing is funny.
>Full thing here for context:

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there's this circle jerk of artists justifying stealing because they're starving artists and sticking it to the man something something

Typically retail shit, she went in and stole some shit but to not look like a thief she bought exactly one item
It's a strat lots of people who steal from stores do all the time, they think they're slick even though everyone knows they stole something

Isn’t this the new guy artist?

The thing is this artist could probably afford the shit she’s stealing but just steals for fun and makes retail workers lives hell just to be a quirky shoplifter.

the joke is you're supposed to relate to the main character stealing art supplies because you're poor and can't afford art supplies.


>suburban bitch who can afford college stealing
>expects sympathy

I was raised by a single mom in one room apartments in the inner city, lived off powdered milk and scraps, and we legit had to stay in a shelter several times during my childhood. I have never once stolen anything

That just seems stupid rather than virtuous. If you need to do it to literally survive, I have a bit of sympathy for you

The joke is "haha I got art supplies for free, shows them what for!"
It is only funny to people with the mind of a 7 year old.

Just a little snack guys

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>"New Guy" is trending again because of this

I've been thinking about this for a while and it just hit me.

These people are so anti-police that they see stealing and other crimes as acceptable and positive behaviour. In fact, the only thing they actually deem unforgivable and worthy of punishment is somebody not 100% agreeing with any and all actions of trans people.

it's what happens when you let non-intellectuals pick up second-hand ideologies. I frankly welcome the increased political polarization nowadays because it educates these dumb motherfuckers about what their ideologies are about.

why's it always got to be about trannies with you user? they're less than 2% of the population, its not healthy

Not everything has a punchline, retard. Don't be dumber than the guy making the comic.

>dyed hair communist lesbian transwomen

I wonder what it’s like existing as a literal strawman from a Stonetoss comic.

i'm not trying to be that guy, in this instance it's the only thing I can think of that they actually find morally objectionable

additionally, the comic artist is trans

You didn't even post the 2nd part where they call themselves a cunt but act self righteous because they're a terrible person.

Is it wrong I hope someone who lives in the same city as this bitch turns her comic and twitter into every art store so they watch her thieving ass and possibly press charges. I've been a broke bitch, and I still never stole art stuff. You use what you have till it runs out and hope for a holiday where family might give you money.

Also below the tweet of the comic was one of them asking for donations.

But she is not shown as poor at all

The cat is supposed to be a bad person right?

The Tumblr crowd who spent all their school years complaining about how awful it is to prepare for tests and doing projects and then end up in retail where they go on and on about how horrible retail is, even though they probably got their cause they spent all their time ignoring their school work and not socializing cause they were always online, think they are justified in robbing art supplies because art is a hobby they like, but is also an expensive hobby, so they commit to their "Fuck Capitalism" ideals to steal things they want because they are entitled shits that think they know better than the school systems and the horrible jobs they landed in because they never take the time to talk to people in the outside world and remain in their small online bubbles, talking about how great Loki is and how much sex Wiccan and Hulkling are having. (Or is it Kate Bishop and America Chavez? I can't keep track of gay ship popularity)

You know, what's worse is that I seen Tumblr blogs regularly share the opinions of
"People I don't like deserve to be robbed" and "I should be allowed to steal things cause fuck capitalism". There's just this tedious self righteousness that you know any stressful situations these people find themselves in would make them start to panic.

Oh shit it is

It's the stupid "Be Gay, Do Crimes" shit that SJW's adopted.

These are the same people that wanted Blizzard to apologize for giving D.Va a police officer uniform.

Attached: overwatch-officer-dva-skin.jpg (528x296, 35.67K)

i hate being a blue haired wlw because i fuckin hate this shit they do, man

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well the comment was "be crime, do gay"

So I guess that it is: being Gay is a Crime, everything they do is wrong.

Dye your hair back normal you dumb dumpy dyke

That's the frightening thing, they're not strawmen, they're accurate representations.

no i wanna look like marie kanker shes cool

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You wouldn't get it. it's about being poor.

>no responses
I appreciate you, user

Yeah, don't ya miss when colored hair meant a girl was fun and quirky?

Except art supplies are hardly an essential product. I could excuse stealing food, but not pens.
Especially when she's a DIGITAL artist. Even the comic shows the squirrel sitting at a TABLET in the beginning.
Anyone who has a drawing tablet is automatically outside poverty.

hey, it worked for me


that said I guess: it was just something I did a handful of times a couple years ago, I realized it was shitty and regretted it even at the time, and I didn't make a comic about it

No, it used to mean she was metal as fuck and then goth and then emo and then weeb now is a tumblr thing for some reason

Rape is a crime can I do that?

so she just changes her art style every time she makes a shit comic?

Bitch be thinking she Sly Cooper.

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What if he stole that too?

Stonetoss did nothing wrong.

>nooooooooooooooo you can't just make a comic about stealing
>haha artblock
This comic isn't even offensive, its just boring.

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what gets me is the amount it takes like i'm not gonna lie and say i never shoplifted but shes taking like all the note pads and dozens of pens

>Stealing form Dick Blicks

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Only if you're gay.

There is no punchline, it's not a joke.

Fucking leave, holy shit
nobody outside of fucking tumblr uses that made up term
Just fucking call yourself a lesbian, you stupid fucking tranny cunt.

It's a cartoon dog in a comic designed to be humorous. Do you also think all the horrible shit characters in Family Guy do is being promoted by the creators of the show?

Again, you're getting mad at a cartoon dog.

Family Guy did a couple of episodes aknowledging their characters were not properly portrayed in the wrong for their actions like Brian being called out by Quagmire and Lois being called out be Meg

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>you should act in your own rational self interest
>NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE THINGS THAT DON'T BELONG TO YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! What about the poor workers I'm going to punish for your behavior, huh, did you ever think about them? Huh? Why don't you care about their suffering? Why don't you set aside your petty self interest in the name of making other people's lives better?
it's all so tiresome

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yes but only cishet white men

So let's all draw dog hitler curbstomp on black gay Jews it's just a cartoon bro

Don't they have those scanners that beep whenever you go out without paying something? How are people still getting away with this?

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ironically seth mcfarlane uses brian for soapboxing

You know that big companies went bankrupt due to niggas like you stealing at large scale making thousands lose their jobs overnight right?

Just admit that you are not rational, you are just a bad person using nihilism to make yourself feel justified because you can't deal with the fact you're a real life villain no one in their right mind would ever want to friends with due to rational reasons.

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>big companies went bankrupt due to people shoplifting
what, when.

alot of little stuff doesn't have security tags its mostly for high end stuff

What a cunt-ass twat sack of bitch

Whoever says the former is a fucking retard. The current state of things is the natural conclusion of that mindset.

Except they're not stealing food, and even so, food banks and welfare exists.

And yet they want tge government to be all powerful and control all the guns. Useful idiots

Wtf is wlw