Lets have an Iroh hate thread

Lets have an Iroh hate thread.

this character is not well written. even in-universe, Iroh is basically worshipped. In the "legacy of the fire nation" Katara wrote that iroh always did only the right thing. He's never been shown to have any character flaws other than regretting things he did in the past, but he's pretty much forgiven for those things anyway. iroh is never called out for escaping his duty except by the bad guys, is never called out for being a creep towards june, and is never called out for his favoritism. these might all be minor issues, but the very fact that these are the only minor flaws you can find, proves how badly written he is.

Iroh is like a meta spokesperson for the writers more than he is a character. He doesn't have flaws or an arc like everyone else. He is just good old uncle iroh, the wise sage that everyone loves and who never does wrong. Everything he says is automatically accepted as truth, and no one ever challenges him except when the narrative paints them as definitively in the wrong for doing so.

For all the characters that people argue whether or not they count as a mary sue, this one always gets conveniently ignored.

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He is an old man. He has few flaws because ever since he lost his son he has spent the entire rest of his life transforming into a compassionate and understanding and self-improving person.

He is very old. It's not that he never had flaws, it's that he has worked through those flaws and evolved from them since long before the story stars.

Of course he doesn't seem like he has flaws. He's had decades to dedicate himself to becoming a better person.

>being right about absolutely everything 100% of the time is a perfectly valid character trait

While it is true that every human being makes mistakes as a result of being consigned to a fleshy mortal body, despite popular wisdom, no, not everyone on this planet has a ton of flaws.

You'll hear it over and over again that "no one's perfect" but in reality some people are pretty damn close. That's just something everyone repeats because they can't stand the thought the people are better than them. Iroh basically has almost no flaws because he's the type of person who got his shit together.


>never called out for being a creep towards june
Based, she probably wanted it anyways

Not having character flaws is not the same thing as being correct about absolutely everything. Iroh is both completely flawless and basically Dr. Manhattan of predicting the right answer to everything. He is not a good character despite how much you may enjoy pretending you are zuko and he is your dad. Seethe.

You're forgetting the time he heated up his tea using fire bending while posing as an earth nation peasant.

funny clumsy fatman

Because he's a supporting character in the most literal of terms.
He can hardly be a Mary Sue when his ultimate effect on the story is primarily guiding Zuko. Upon reflection, I can't really recall him doing anything that isn't really moving another character forward for a major accomplishment but he himself has none his own. It's like calling Yoda a mary sue.

Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. But you can't deny his jail break wasn't hype as fuck.

You're an embarrassing dipshit.
Thankfully, you'll never matter.

this. OP is too retarded to understand the concept of a mentor.

Trying this thread again, huh?

Iroh let Ozai get away with all sorts of crap through being too depressed to care. THAT's his flaw.

This, he's never the character that the story's about, he's a character who affects those who the story is about. Those characters can be as flawed or flawless as the other characters and plot call for them to be.

he is too important to the story to be a yoda. he's there the entire time acting like a cheat card for the heroes.


and no one ever holds iroh to account for this, instead he just passes off responsibility to aang and zuko

>muh not muh destiny

He should have been executed for his war crimes. He even joke about raping and pillaging ba sing se. Who knows how much he done it before

Its ok, Iroh pardoned himself.

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Iroh explicitly states that he is the older brother and next in line with Ozai as the younger brother. He cannot be held accountable because he explained that it would be seen as a power grab and nobody wants to see two brothers fight.

Ozai had a detailed backstory where Iroh gave him the throne because Ozai had nothing and his father almost ordered him to kill a 9 year old Zuko to understand what Iroh felt when his son died. Azulon was 80

Season 2 explain that Iroh sees Zuko as a son and hesitate.

Zuko is tempted by Glory

Some people really can't understand that people change, do they? Presumably you do not have the strength of character to grow as a person and therefor feel the need to shoot down others to your level.

Iroh changed. He has redeemed himself

Iroh was a general for the Fire Nation right? I wonder how many non-Fire Nation people he killed. He was pretty feared in his heyday, so I'm guessing a lot.

more than azula but iroh is a hypocrite

this barely even registers as english.

Azula was a sociopathic cunt who didn't deserve love because she was incapable of recognizing it anyway.

June probably moonlights as a dominatrix whore when there are no good bounties, she can stand a little cuddling.

she's 14 ya baiting faggot

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you get the distinct impression that both Zuko and Iroh hated Azula more than they hated Ozai.

nah zuko hated ozai way more, but azula was always in his face and a constant reminder of his inadequacies. Iroh didn't get nearly as much time with her but knew she was crazy and needed to be removed from their path if they wanted to accomplish anything

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>nah zuko hated ozai way more
Zuko always reacted more pissed off and disgusted when Azula was mentioned than when ozai was. same thing with iroh

Iroh basically blames Azula for Ozai's mistreatment of Zuko

>her competitive spirit
zuko was the competitive one

>your father could have intervened
as if it wasn't their fathers fault in the first place?

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So? She was even younger when she tormented her brother with potential filicide. And she wasn't joking about it either, she was sincerely exited about the prospect of Zuko dying, or getting banished and dying, or personally shooting him with a lightning bolt and dying. Yeah, I wonder why Iroh wasn't equally as sympathetic to both kids?

Zuko at least could love, Azula never loved anyone. I don't even think she loved Ozai she was just scared that he would treat her like Zuko if she messed up. She ruled by fear and was ruled by fear, she couldn't even understand the concept of love. Ozai had to be dealt with directly before they could worry about Azula getting therapy.
Ozai was a useless N33T that never left the palace. The first thing he did in the show was hide and nearly get BTFO by his son, the second thing he did was steal his daughter's idea and dress up like a bird. Finding out Azula was around was a serious and legitimate threat to whatever they wanted to do. It's not like the fucking Rough Rhino's were going to conquer Ba Sing Se.

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>a 14 year old doesnt deserve to be loved
neck yourself

> Finding out Azula was around was a serious and legitimate threat to whatever they wanted to do. It's not like the fucking Rough Rhino's were going to conquer Ba Sing Se.
whatever autist, i am talking about his reaction to just hearing her name like this. even talking about ozai doesnt make him seethe so much.

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Someone should have told that to Aang.
Man, he was literally in the same room as him when he got his life zapped out of him.

dont worry aang had his own stash of plot armor

>Failed at invading Ba Sing Se
>Lost his son to a prophecy he didnt even interpret correctly
>Lost his throne to his evil scheming younger brother
>Turned into sort of a nobody for most people
>Sort-of failed at bringing Zuko through the right path (definitely helped, but Zuko ended up having to walk by himself)
>Never paid any kind of attention to Azula, which might had helped.
>Paid Jin and she didnt even fuck Zuko.

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>work your ass off to be the best firebender
>dad only likes you because you impress grandpa but he doesnt actually love you unconditionally
>mom pays more attention to your brother because of this, and loves him unconditionally
>iron pays more attention to your brother because of this, and also loves him unconditionally
>everyone ignores you because they just assume having ozai is enough or something
>brother blames you for everything wrong with his life, and spends a huge portion of his life resenting you because dad was the one person he never got "love" from

Anyone would bully zuko in this situation.

>i have the power to speak for all humanity

Remember when she found Zuko at the hot springs? Said that father wanted him back, that they would be a family again? He believed her, put his hopes in her words, and it was all a setup so that she could kill or capture them. And then you stupid waifufags get upset when he is visibly angered at the mention of her name. Azula didn't deserve to be loved, least of all by Zuko or Iroh.

Despite that her mother loved her, but she didn't even realize it until after Ozai abandoned her.
Ty Lee was a sweet, supportive muffin that admired and cared about Azula. What did these expressions of love and friendship get her? A prison cell the moment she stopped being a convenient puppet. Azula could have chosen love, she chose Ozai every time.

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You've never had siblings have you, or else you wouldn't be acting like such a little bitch. I had two sisters and growing up we used to say horrible hateful shit to each other and as adults we are best friends.
Poor fucking zuko can dish all the shit he wants but he cant take it when his meanie little sister gives him the ass kicking he deserves. I'm sure the people of that village zuko burnt down would say that zuko doesnt deserve love too.

Azula fags already won.

No you brainlet, Zuko hated Azula more. Did you ignore that Zuko's entire character arc is about finding inner peace? Inner peach through gaining honor, inner peace through the Avatar. He thought regaining his father's love would what bring him happiness. He just wants to be trusted like Azula. She is everything that happens when given Ozai's attention. Zuko finally gets it but he doesn't feel closure. Ozai doesn't really love his children he only uses them. Azula is blind to it but Zuko isn't which is why he leaves. By aiding the avatar he steps forward to inner peace and the last step is defeating Azula who is the representation of everything Zuko wanted and is prior to Season 3.

You're delusional mate, I'd say you've never had any siblings like most Azula waifags as 80% of them are incestuous.
I've never sincerely wished death upon my sister, or lied pathologically to her.
I personally guarantee to you I would not love her if she tried to kill me.
>Iroh loved Zuko unconditionally
1) Let the bison go.
2) Stop trying to kill the Avatar.
3) Do not betray me to the Fire Nation.
4) Apologize for betraying me to the Fire Nation.

What you faggots don't appreciate is that Azula is better if you don't treat her like a retarded child who can't make decisions for herself. Iroh didn't help Zuko ultimately find his path, he did it by himself.

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Iroh lead him on that path and knew the right moments to help and the right moments to let Zuko figure out shit for himself.

>muh she tried to kill me
Get over it already, the context is completely different from real life and zuko attempted to kill her (and all of the gaang for that matter) multiple times as well. In season 3 he literally betrayed their family and pretty much declared war on them by joining the avatar. Like you expect her to be happy for him or something and completely miss the context.
Like I said zuko can dish betrayals and backstabbing and murder attempts but he cant take it.

>being unironically mad because somebody was actually good at their job
not everybody can be a traitorous fuck

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You really think irohs love for zuko was conditional.....?

Well we ARE in an iroh hate thread.

when exactly did he betray her before he the black sun?

>Zuko stays with the Fire Nation, doesn't help the Aang learn firebending
>the entire Earth Kingdom is burned to the ground
>The Avatar is imprisoned
>Ozai conquers the world as Phoenix King
>since they're twisted they probably make Zuko fight the White Lotus if they don't outright imprison him for lying about Aang being dead
You really think after Iroh would just hug it out with Zuko after all that shit if he says "I'm sorry, I regret I helped Ozai genocide the remaining nations"?
Well, we ARE in the retards who didn't understand characters in the show thread.

Zuko had an almost obsessive hatred for Azula, if you'll remember during season 2, zuko wants ozais love but he hates Azula so much he lays on the floor making up chants about how much he hates her. When zuko confronts ozai the one thing he's mostly mad at him for is the scar, but everything else that went wrong in their family, zuko has blamed azula for. In the finale he isnt bothered that he will never be able to have a closure battle with his father, but rather he sees fighting azula as important to his identity. Add to that what I said before about how every time he thinks about or looks at her he literally seethes.

Not that guy but I was talking about when they were kids. Mentioning UTSA should have clued you in on that. Unless you still want to argue iroh was also mean to zuko when he was a little kid.


I said in season 3 referring to DOBS....

yeh, besides that? because it doesnt change that azula tricked, and then tried to kill him unprovoked and he never betrayed her until he openly renounced alliegance on the black sun

Let's pretend for a second that Azula wasn't cruel and insidious for one and a half season, and that she was only a victim of circunstances. When Mai, after saving Zuko, said that she loved Zuko more than she feared Azula, and Azula retorted "Then you should have feared me more!" and tried to cremate her ass right there, did she not chose to be evil? For sure there was nothing Mai could have done in that position, in an island full of guards. She just went mad and tried to fry her on the spot.

Did you forget she was under orders to do exactly that

Lets say that was true, he still never betrayed her
We also dont know what orders ozai gave specifically

I dont even know what you're attempting to get at here. Zuko had just turned traitor, and mai had jumped on the bandwagon with her. Azula was about to make her face the consequences for being a fucking traitor. Explain to me how Azula is supposed to have reacted, without moralfagging

>let's say
>we also dont know
It's pretty heavily implied.

taking them to the fire nation where they couldnt leave afterwards? maybe yeh
killing him? i dont think so