What exactly does Wonder Woman bring to the table again?
What exactly does Wonder Woman bring to the table again?
The Lasso of Truth?
supposedly she represent the mysticism shenanigans better but lets be real she brings like 5 girls that are into comics and PR
The dinner
>Batman represents fear, justice, an avenger
>Superman represents hope, optimism, an example.
>Wonder Woman represents truth, love, and compassion.
That fair?
Her titties
fair enough. also would batman survive a threesome with them?
Why couldn't all those just be Superman already? He's supposed to be the all around nice guy.
Is there any reason why she can't just be replaced with Zatanna? As she is, she's literally just r63 Supes
A vagina.
Kinda, you know..shes a giant dyke and all.
Eh, Superman is a boy scout, but he's also not a pushover. He's been known to puff out his chest and intimidate people, a sign of power to defuse a situation before it can start. That's not to say he won't talk things out, its just that Wonder Woman is more associated with motherly nurturing and loving everybody. Cue some asshole posting Johns New 52 Wonder Woman in 3....
Supes is truth, nothing about her or her origin speaks to love on any level, and of all of the members of justice league shes shown the least compassion.
mot really but its the status quo so changing it would be worth it for them
Supes and windy are supposed to be larger than life, borderline godlike to the rest of the world. Batman works because he's just some guy, compared to them. Swapping Wondy for Zatanna means we have two normies and one God, and now all the focus is on supes' godhood, and not on anything that makes him interesting.
Fucking casual, I swear.
>Wonder Woman has no love
>literally becomes the second most important Star Sapphire during Blackest Night
K tard.
This plus though to be fair most writers can't write Wondy for shit, so it's no wonder (heh) it's unclear most of the time.
Yes, but he'd be bedridden for several months afterwards.
She's the girl. That's it. Like what is even her character? Just there to egg on Superman to become evil and further ruin the broship?
>Supes and windy are supposed to be larger than life, borderline godlike to the rest of the world.
Buddy Superman is one of the most down to Earth guys on the team. Its that stupid thinking that gets him shipped with Wonder Woman.
>Batman works because he's just some guy, compared to them
"Some guy" who has a ridiculous amount of plot armor whenever he's written in stories with these guys.
>Swapping Wondy for Zatanna means we have two normies
I love Zatanna but how the fuck is she a "regular guy"? She can do almost anything with her backwards magic.
The fuck are you even talking about?
The trinity thing us all about making ww the ssd's sidekick if supes and bat because she has nothing going in terms of character, abilities, or marketability on her own.
Lastly, marston estate says their patriarchs creepy fap bait and grooming character needs to constantly be shown or they lose rights to her.
Fish-out-of-water archetype.
No, he could easily just replace WW with enough marketing. Most people have no idea what the fuck she's supposed to be anyways besides that girl with a sword.
user. The casuals are the ones who fall for the bullshit tour shilling. The real fans know you're full of it.
Diana is the only one of the three willing to kill when the time comes, you absolute plebians.
What about every fucking story and appearance BEFORE the designated WW IS STRAIGHT AND LOVING AND COMPASSIONATE cheap throwaway story?
You're full of fucking shit. Only a moron/casual would argue Wonder Woman is "the least most compassionate member of the Justice League". Read something other than New 52 Justice League.
Power wise: She's the connection to magic. Character wise: she's pure compassion. Diana's go to is almost always reform. There are plenty of times even Superman thought a villain is beyond reform
A lot of what people can bring to the table becomes negligible when that faggot Superman is around.
But she has her strongpoints.
Fone better with kara Kent. Cause WWs fish out if water means that a lot if creepy uncomfortable shit about the character has to be seriously addressed.
live laugh love decorations
Wonder woman is good for fapping to because she's a babe. Other than that lol.
Why do you have to bitch about Superman when he's not the smartest or fastest guy on the team? By the way, that chart is fucking bullshit. Wonder Woman faster than Billy Batson? Please.
Nigga I've been reading comics for a fucking while now.
Outside of a few throwaway stories and like.. a FEW very short self contained runs...where is that shit happening?
I do wonder how much more popular she'd be if Superman didn't exist. She'd likely just slot into his spot.
How about George Perez you fag?
Look I love ladies in fishnets, but let's be real here. Wonder Woman has maintained continuous publication since the forties, while Zatanna is a legacy character of a Mandrake ripoff who was back up filler for Superman's Action Comics, and Zatanna despite being introduced in a Justice League crossover, didn't actually gain membership for quite some time just making guest appearances here and there for the sixties and seventies. She didn't even get a miniseries to herself until the 90's. Add in the retcon of her dad teaching Bruce escape artistry and them dating during that time, you put her in close proximity to bruce and she becomes one of Batman's girlfriends.
Now I'll get behind a Zatanna comic that gets her in a nice classic costume and gets rid of her current stupid leather pants look, but let's not kid ourselves about her suddenly being able to replace wonder woman as part of DC's big three.
I love how much they tried to push the hole ''the wider world is sexist as fuck'' in the version were they raped sailors to get pregnant and killed them, also if a boy was born they would be sold as slaves to Hephestus for weapons.
and they say the modern world is fucked up
>WonderWoman and Cheetah faster than Wallace and God speed
I would laugh but that just sad
I always just assumed she was there to give guys something to look at and to give girls a female Superman.
Her magic connection is nonexistant. Fucking batman is more useful when it comes to actually dealing with magic.
You mean snap a niggas neck for being five minutes later diane prince is compassionate?
Give me 5 stories right now that arent from her run that ssf hows her compassion. Throwaway bullshit like the thing with editorial making her a fucking purple over mera doesnt count.
That ancient Russian you said faggits keep running back to hasnt informed any fucking version of the character since after it ended.
If you knew the first goddamned thing and weren't 4etarded then you'd realize that.
>Her magic connection is nonexistant. Fucking batman is more useful when it comes to actually dealing with magic.
Says who? She knows various lore, the workings of how magic usually functions, and she's currently on the JLD.
>Muh neck snap
Fuck off. Go read Perez
and then if that doesn't work, war
That's because practically every single writer wants THEIR version of Wonder Woman and contradict one another. Just because you don't like Perez, which makes you a faggot, doesn't mean its invalidated
>compassion bro
Why is supes always so fucking based? Like man, he is truly perfection
She represents women, and that's literally all, that's her job and the reason she exist.
To this day I have no idea what the fuck her character is supposed to be.
she was tied with WW2 era feminism and then nobody knew WTF to do with her
All you guys hating on Wonder Woman realize if she didn't exist to be DC's main Superheroine it actually would benefit Black Canary or Zatanna or whoever.
They'd just market whoever their main superfemale is is up with whoever the their main batfemale is for World's Finest girls version.
Shes made of magic and fucks around with one fucking pantheon of gods.
That's where her magical knowledge starts and stops.
As for compassion...its only brought up when the average fan calls them on their bullshit.
Necksnapping and being an insane warhawk informs her character mre then Perez's ring ever has.
Guvks sake.
No one says read action comics 1 to inform people about modern superman
Shes the first to go to war. Diplomacy is usually superman's job
>Swapping Wondy for Zatanna means we have two normies and one God
Zatanna would wreck Clark, Diana, and Bruce at once
in bed
lol I thought Batman was in one of these machines
No. See, there would be no main superfemale. There would be a group of them.
Dear stupid old half insane cunt. I dont fuck care about Perez. No one does.
That's why ww is not the version you shlick too.
It does not inform the character. And it being not used at all tells us that the version you are championing has NEVER been popular or truly iconic.
Group mom
Power girl has better tits.
This is bulletproof undeniable canon.
Black canary and Oracle is better.
Besides...do you really want WW as the group mom. Look at her origin and personality
>No. See, there would be no main superfemale. There would be a group of them.
We already have Birds of Prey, and DC Superhero girls.
>Is there any reason why she can't just be replaced with Zatanna?
can zatanna take a punch to the face from supes?
>I dont fuck care about Perez. No one does.
Baiting faggot
>BEFORE the designated WW IS STRAIGHT
What do you mean designated straight?
>That's where her magical knowledge starts and stops.
Bullshit. Diana is well read.
>No one says read action comics 1
I didn't ask you to read shit from the 40s you fucking faggot
BoP is weaker then fuck, and superhero girls os embarrassing because they have to push WW and its shit above everyone e look se..
What I mean by group is there would be roo M for more women.