Worst out of character moments

Worst out of character moments

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You're a fucking mutt sue ellen

Attached: 1509318269125.webm (1254x694, 2.92M)

wow arthur's an asshole

Why was Arthur so racist against cats? Did he learn it from his mom?


Attached: asscot.png (240x110, 63.19K)

they still make arthur?

Is that real?

The beginning of five years of OOC

Attached: wof.png (702x397, 298.67K)

"Like gee Fred I didn't know you had such a trash mouth"

ew, arthur swallowed the flashpill

ugh that rainbow freak
The changes to writing of the main characters would have been more tolerable if the show didn't keep shoving unlikable side characters in our faces.


yes, the episode is called "So funny I forgot to laugh"
It has a 4.3 on iMDB


Look he was just negging her. Kids do it all the time. Where they act really rude to girls they like and vise versa. The Japanese call it Tsundere. And can you blame Donald? After all the Ass was fat.

The best part is how the non-anthropomorphic dog is so much more cute & appealing than the characters.

It is not like I like you or anything, baka.

The ass was fat

Sue Ellen is a loser and a freak, if she didn't want to be mocked for wearing a weird coat like a freak she shouldn't have worn it. Arthur did the right thing by shitting on abnormal freaks, everyone should try to be normal and if you try to be abnormal you deserve whatever shit you get. Fuck freaks to hell, conformity forever!

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you sound like sponsorships


>but-but it's from a foreign friend
This is how every plague ever starts. Thanks for not stomping the curb Sue Ellen you fat ass bitch

arthur a savage


didn't know Arthur was an expert troll

Excuse me what the fuck is that animation? God I hate lazy Flash cartoons.


That time on the original Powerpuff Girls where the girls needed to find a baby's mom and tried asking Miss Keane to look after it while they look. She claims she's busy, but it's implied she just hates kids, with a shot of gifts from her students stuffed in her trash.

Remember that time Gus accidentally kicked the one good ball over the fence and everyone gave him shit for it, even Mikey the nice one?


That time Hank relentlessly tried to get Luanne to move back to her trailer park just so he wouldn't have to deal with her anymore.

Recess had a ton of OOC moments like that if I'm remembering right. TJ especially would go from being the most beloved person on the planet one episode to being fucking loathed by the whole school in another.

Arthur=Ninja Turtle Thread
Sue Ellen=Janny

>cuts out head
>background continues behind it

Attached: thnikgn.jpg (800x800, 51.26K)

Why is Sue Ellen doing a report on Terry Fox?

Arthur has no chill

We're talking about a guy who punched his kid sister and wasn't even sorry about it. A guy who kicked and screamed when he didn't get the perfect christmas. Being a cunt is completely in character

oh shit

This was really weird when I saw it. Fucked with my Sue Ellen X Arthur ship.

Attached: gunshow dog.png (210x210, 24.1K)

Are there really niggas out here unironically watching Arthur?

I don't like this

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Sadly. I didn't know they still did until my nephews came along, then I saw that they switched to a no effort computer/flash drag and drop animation style.

Then like a year or two ago they "revealed" aka MADE Mr. Ratburn a homosexual and had a gay wedding episode for him.

Attached: Untitled.png (700x404, 345.45K)

Any modern spongebob episode.

Flanderise is different than acting out of character

Fucking savage

The funny thing is that it was so fucking obvious it was gay shilling because they completely forgot the fag existed after that episode.

Everyone was 6 years old once

I just watched the episode, that wasn't the first time he did that. What an asshole.


Attached: bitch tears.gif (720x400, 536.09K)

>MADE Mr. Ratburn a homosexual

A man can't be a little effeminate anymore without being called a fag. Even fictional characters aren't safe.

Damn, molly taught him some shit. Or muffy.


Nowhere before that episode aired did it even hint at him liking men. Hell, I remember him blushing when speaking to some lady in one of the early seasons.
Just admit they turned him into a fag just to be "progressive".

it was a bitmap with layers

BMP doesn't support layers


t. Sue Ellen

Sorry user, but if you didn't know the rat was gay from day one the only faggot here is you