They are seriously reaching with this "Jedi are bad" shit in Clone Wars

They are seriously reaching with this "Jedi are bad" shit in Clone Wars.

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It's far from the first time that the theme has been used.

it started in the prequel movies, user. which the clone wars are based off of...?

In the PT it was the treatment of ANAKIN that was represented.

no, they literally covered "we're keepers of the peace, not soldiers" "Master Obi-Wan, not victory. The shroud of the dark side has fallen, begun the clone war has", and III was full of the discomfort the council felt at being dragged into a war they didn't feel able to step away from because it would simply go on longer

it's called a moral quandary

Yes, and if they treat the literal chosen one like shit, do you think they're truly good people?

Something about collateral damage when the army kills a terrorist

Remember when the Clone Wars were just something mentioned in A New Hope and left completely to the viewers imagination? I loved Clone Wars and RotS but I miss thinking about what the Clone Wars were.

it was bad in kotor 2 as well

I remember how "the Clone Wars" could only be interpreted as the jedi and others versus an entire clone army or clone faction, not that the clones were on the good guys side.

Why would the death of an all-powerful mob boss NOT cause chaos and turf wars?

From my point of view, the Jedi are evil.

The Jedi are bad

>The Republic
>Good guys
The separatists were far from perfect but many of the planets that left the republic had a very good reason for doing so.

Well then you are based!

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They had all the seasons and episodes in the world to show this properly, and yet still resort to giving away more cheap exposition that feels more like another attempt at glorifying Ahsoka at the expense of everyone else's character.

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>Have a fun arc of Anakin and Rex running around with an RPG group
>Have a shit arc of Ahsoka running around with 2 brain dead criminals that always make the worst decisions that we're supposed to be sympathetic for

It's not that the Jedi are bad for trying to stop a break out, it's that they didn't give a shit about the actual ramifications of blowing up someone's home and parents because "the force willed it"

So you’ve never watched any of the other clone wars seasons then.

The Jedi are not necessarily evil. They are just too stupid to realise how insidious their whole philosophy really is.

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are there tacticool scenes of clone troopers doing tacticool things in this show?

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Is it just me, or has Ahsoka's cock-pillows gotten fatter since the last time we saw her?

Yes they have.

>we could have had Ventress in this arc if they thought with 2 brain cells
>makes complete narrative sense as unlike the sisters, she actually is a foil to ahsoka at this point (of which the sisters are supposed to be foils but clearly arent)
>also has her have a good reason as to why she hated the jedi, for her master killing someone to "save"her without considering how well that person treated her,as well as the jedi not coming to help her or her master off of Rattatak
>instead just get 2 annoying dykes no one likes outside of shills

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I think it was Barriss

1000 years of peace isn't stupid.

It started with Ahsoka framed arc where Barris started spouting shit about the Jedi starting the war and wanting to perpetuate it forever as some god given facts, like we haven't see the first 100 episodes of the show where the Jedi fight against an army led by a guy that sold an entire colony of people to slavery just cause he's a dick.
They did it there to artificially build sympathy for Ahsoka's plight by bending the reality of the show to make the Jedi bad with them showing no support to Ahsoka and hunting her like she's Harrison Ford.
It was pure character assassination on a macro level where they're throwing the entire Jedi Order under the bus as some kind of warmongers, just to make Ahsoka be the one in the right. Even though she spent a good chunk of the show as a blood-thirsty berserker itching for a fight. Which fits perfectly with her being Anakin's apprentice. But, now she's a saint and everybody else is "God, I hope this war lasts forever! It's the best" Like the writers or most likely Filoni will tear reality asunder to get the desired perception.
And they're doing it again in this arc for these two. Luminara just shows up at the ruins of their house or whatever and says: "Ain't gotta explain shit; the Force, bitches. See ya!" and just leaves them homeless and orphaned to fend for themselves. Not even a cookie. The writers are clearly rigging the scale to give sympathy to these characters.
There's nothing wrong with having a show with morally grey characters, but The Clone Wars ain't that and it never was that cause the writers of the show clearly aren't capable of pulling off those types of scripts. The Separatists were portrayed as pure evil for the whole run of the show. That shark guy couldn't go 2 minutes without trying to bite someone's head off. Every time Dooku lands on a planet he either uses thinly-veiled threats or straight-up school-bullies the rulers of that planet to join his cause. But the Jedi are somehow evil ones.

Oh for fucks sake. As much as I keep see people complain about this it's actually quite simple. The sisters are pissed at what the Jedi did. Were they wrong to chase Zero? Fuck no. Were they wrong to save the people on the platform? Fuck no. Are the sisters going to be pissed regardless because no matter the circumstances their parents are deaaaaad.

Because, get this, people still get pissed when the cops get in a shootout and innocent bystanders are hurt. This shit happens in real fucking life, dude. There are laws that even protect officers from lawsuits for harm they cause while on duty.

Does Ahsoka still feel bad? She has empathy, she can understand how they feel, and can wish they'd been able to do more. She's especially upset to hear about the Jedi actions afterward, telling the kids, "The Force says we're cool now, aight?" and leaving the kids to the mercy of an uncaring society to deal with. Ahsoka isn't just going to consider this one incident, she's going to know that throughout the galaxy there is harm being done, many people being orphaned, and the Jedi, right or wrong, are involved. And they aren't taking any responsibility for what wrongs they cause, even in the course of their duties. Of course Ahsoka is going to feel awful. The Jedi aren't just enforcers of the law, they're supposed to be defenders of the light, doing the good work of the Force as extensions of its very will, and yet they are failing as the war goes on and on and more people suffer and die on a galactic scale.

You bet your sweet anonymous ass that Ahsoka is disheartened and further disillusioned, especially after seeing how the Jedi treat their own and refuse to take responsibility for their own actions against her.

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Don't believe Republic propaganda.

The Jedi ARE bad. If you think otherwise, you missed the point.

All good points but
>dykes, sidecuts, wasted arc, blah blah, your arguments are thus invalid, etc, etcetera you have go to back.

>a single mother dies in a shootout between the cartel and the police when a cop's bullet hits a gas pipe and the house explodes
>the cop visit the kids
>"Bullets! Am I right?"
>walks out whistling the Hawaii 5-0 theme and leaves them to live on the street

It's not that the Undercut Sisters lost the parents; it' that it's written in a such one-dimensional way to elicit sympanthy by shitting over some other character. Luminara might as well twirl her mustache and laugh.

The whole point behind the Separatists is that, in spite of being largely conformed by actual victims of the missdeeds committed by the late Republic and the Jedi, ultimately the whole movement was a facade in control of a bunch of scumbags and evil corporatists.
Just take look at what happened to Grievous in the EU.

How drastically would things have changed if Ahsoka was in a different career at that point, or was everything pre-destined so the cocoa dykes could meet the orange knob-polisher?

She'll be running spice in a week. That, or dancing for it.

Said the man who killed children.

If killing children is evil, why isn't Planned Parenthood considered evil? Clearly children killing is a grey area that can be argued either way.

Did you ever consider the source of that information? Of course the people upset aren't going to turn the other cheek and have nothing but nice and sweet thing to say about Luminara, are you fukken daft, m8?

This isn't just a continuation of what Ahsoka dealt with from Barriss, this is a continuation of Yoda realizing that the Jedi were on the wrong path in the war and had lost sight of their true purpose. But there have been many other episodes that have dealt with the idea that the Jedi are being warped by the war. Remember when Kit Fisto's old Padawan went YOLO and got himself Grievoused?

They still said she was pretty, so there's that.

Planned Parenthood doesn't kill children. Abortion isn't killing children. Planned Parenthood's job is also to PREVENT abortion by providing family planning options, birth control and sex education.

Call it what you want, there's really not much difference between what Anakin did and what the abortionists do.

>Did you ever consider the source of that information?
Ahsoka seems to take their version for granted. Oh, that's Luminara for you.
Lets not act like the writers of Clone Wars are in any shape capable of subtlety. As far as they're concerned the two sisters version is the truth and Luminara is a robotic cunt that left two children to starve. Didn't even muster some comfort about their parents being one with the Force.

>this is a continuation of Yoda realizing that the Jedi were on the wrong path in the war

This is again a problem of the writers not properly portraying stuff. How are the Jedi on a wrong path if the other side sells people to slavery and strong-arms entire systems into joining their "better" alliance? What the fuck are they suppose to do? Just stop fighting and hope that Dooku is gonna pack up his toys and go home for dinner when his mom calls him?
The writers take that one Mace Windu line from AOTC about the Jedi being keepers of the peace and act like the Jedi should take it to some autistic extreme like when Batman goes out of his way to save Joker' life. The Jedi were never pacifists. When push came to shove they they shoved back. And Dooku sure is pushing.

>Abortion isn't killing children
It's the killing of a human in the early stages of development. There's a reason killing a pregnant woman is considered double homicide.

A reminder that if Ahsoka had stayed at her post in episode 9 Gunray wouldn't have escaped and the war would have been over.

Luminara, Filoni has a hate boner for her

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The Jedi ARE bad.

they not evil, just incompetent. I think having the same guy run the show for almost 1000 years was what got they stuck in this situtation

It's killing a fetus, not a human.

Actually, it's the difference between killing a child and not killing a child.

Where are you getting that Ahsoka hates Luminara now? Even despite being Barriss' Master she never showed any animosity towards her. But where in any of this can it mean that Ahsoka can't still feel that the Jedi failed these children, their mission, and the Force? That they should have done better, because they're supposed to be better, but they didn't. Stop being so hung up on Luminara, it wasn't as if any other Jedi in that position would have done differently, and THAT is what Ahsoka is upset about, user.

As for the rest, this was always part of the Clone Wars going back to the movies and they were never subtle about it. Mace declaring that the Jedi are keepers of the peace, not soldiers, so what do they become? Soldiers. Because that which you dismiss is the very nature of Sidious' trap for the Jedi, and always was. He used the Jedi's own nature against them. Gave them a Sith Lord as a villain, and not just any SIth Lord but one of their own. Provided an army for them. Planted a seed within that army to betray them when it is most convenient for him. The cartoon has given you a parade of Jedi corrupted during the war and Yoda himself lamenting that they have lost the way, but no, by all means keep bitching about how they dragged Luminara through the mud as if that's really what that's all about.

Even when Yoda sees the truth of how far the Jedi have fallen he still can't let go of the war and believes their only chance is to end it decisively and then reform. Ironically this isn't even the first time. The Jedi after their old wars with the Sith became peacekeepers from soldiers because they came to realize they'd gone too far from what they should be.

Barriss makes more sense if this was the moment that broke her.

>Lets not act like the writers of Clone Wars are in any shape capable of subtlety.
You don't seem to be able to grasp the possibility of characters saying something in pov that is wrong, misguided, etc., let alone the difference between this and didactic messaging from the writer, so I'm going to give the writers their due against your clear lack of acumen. Ahsoka takes the lesbian sisters at their word because she's already doubting the Jedi. Her arc is obviously reconciling the good ideas of the Jedi (instead of throwing everything out) with the bad actions of the Jedi in this time of crisis. You should know this because we already know where she ends up.

You can't kill a thing that's not alive.

>walk to kids wich parents just died
>says it will be ok cuz the force will be with them
>walks off without doing anything
nah, thats Luminara

Incompetence is bad.

No way. Luminara would have at least given them a coupon for a free ice cream cone. One coupon, exactly. They have to share, because sharing is a valuable lesson. The coupon is also expired, because disappointment is an even more valuable lesson.

At least try to understand the character, you nonce.

A human fetus.
You can pretty it up as much as you want to distance yourself from it but you're killing a human.

Filoni has a disdain for any character who isn't a OC donut steel of his or Plo Koon. At first I was convinced this only applied to the villains, but it has become clear to me now how fucking awful he is with practically everyone else too.

and Luminara woud stay with the kids until they're almost dead from starvation then she would say theres nothing she can do for them besides let them go and then she would walk alway

Is that why Kanan talked her up as the superior replacement for himself as Ezra's teacher and they were both horrified to find her dead? I mean it sucked that she wound up dead, but at that point so were nearly all the other Jedi. At least it was portrayed with horror instead of, "Oh well, at least it was just Luminara that croaked instead of someone important."

No no wait a minute I very clearly remember Steela's death being Saw's fault because he bazookad a gunship and it crashed into her.

Well, he wasn't the chosen one. And neither was Luke... and neither was Rey.

isnt Rey P. Skywalker all the jedi?

A fetus, not a human.

If it literally can't live without being attached to the mother then it isn't a separate entity.