Smiling Friends thread

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I just wanted my cheeeeeeeese

>Newgrounds style

I don't watch newgrounds style trash

>forcing a meme

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>comblr hate newgrounds
what a bunch of fags

kino shit
the lord of light is pleased

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best pilot ive seen in years from adult swim

Fuck yeah loved this show fuck everyone else who doesn’t like it in This thread. I want a series of this.

It was so refreshing for an Adult Swim show to actually make me laugh

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I love psychicpebbles but the pilot was kind of bad in my opinion, some of the characters, voice actors, and jokes were just really cringy to me.

It just occured to me: Both Psychicpebbles and OneyNG have worked on Spongebob in a way that has made him watchable again.

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Pretty amazing in my opinion

God I hope this gets green lit. I wish AS would do a cartoon cartoon thing where random pilots could be plopped out in the open. I'm sure you could get a good deal to obtain the pilots of gofundme faggots making cartoons.

I liked Bad Guys

You need to go fucking back you colossal faggots. I swear, its honestly cringe when you lot try and force buzzwords like this.

If you let the video run for a couple minutes after the episode ends, it does this weird thing where it runs the end credits but without any text or sound. There’s nothing much there but there is a title card from the production company which says the episode is called “Desmond’s Big Day Out”.

In a couple of months no one will remember that this is a forced meme

God I hope you're right.

How would the Smiling Friends help Steven?

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>Shows people only circlejerk because of the let's play e-celeb who made it, no matter if the show is good or bad

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It's getting attention from people who aren't the type to watch Sleepycabin and Oneyplays though.


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Why I find something familiar with this face?
I'm the only one?

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His design and passive tone remind me of that weird pink dude who lives between dimensions in Adventure Time.

he reminds me of that crying pink guy from bushworld adventures

Is this fucking real

Anyone have the yolo pilot

Who was this guy's VA?

hoping it gets picked up for a full season or two at least

Very lightly reminds me of Little King John



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How the fuck does Zach make these voices so well? Is it his native goblin tongue?

The best part is that if it wasn't for the subtitles people would think he's saying I LOVE YOU FOR WATCHING

>Is it his native goblin tongue?
It's the most plausible explanation.

His mom's a jew and his dad's a pentecostal Catholic so it's in his blood to speak goblin and tongue

He's said that he isn't Jewish, but that one side is Protestant and the other is Catholic.

>Depressed overweight alcoholic they're trying to stop from killing himself is voiced by a real life depressed overweight alcoholic
Was this a coincidence or did they get Mike to do a voice and wrote the character to reflect that?

Is the old animation for this joke gone now? I see Zach doesn't have it up anywhere. Wanted to watch it for comparison and humor's sake. It would be a shame if it got taken off because the joke ended up being in the show itself.

If you go way back to his very first newgrounds animations you can still hear the nasally tone in his prepubescent voice so he was most likely born with it. I'm more impressed with how he can churn up a variety of screams on demand and go back to talking normally afterwards.

He probably always was, and either Mike is lowkey shopping for more voice roles or he has a small connection to some internet animators. He's in the Tigtone pilot too.
>That was 5 years ago

God I hope so, booooomer was a forced meme and people still post it to this day

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I wanna use him like a flashlight while he makes silly noises.

I think 25-30 year old boomer was at least good natured and started as just a gag about former youths coming to grips with getting older.

Newgrounds style is just a literal who from twitter being anally devastated about the calarts forced meme.

fuck maybe that's what I was seeing

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It's literally a faggy discord originating from Reddit.

This show is cool and me want more

Boomer was funny when it was just an old man enjoying his monsters energy drink and his lawn mower that would cause zoomers to seethe

Then people ruined it by spamming okay boomer towards anyone who said anything back to them

Whats the next ep? Im looking forward

No that boomer meme was unfunny as fuck and is what started the -oomer shit now. Kill yourself nigger

eat shit

>jew mom
source on this?

Wait, what? What'd they do specifically?

I really hope this show isn't picked up internet niggas are even more retarded when it comes to nepotism and circle jerks.

I don't see an alternative besides circlejerking calarts fags who only get there through connections.

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Oney did the voice on this:
Zack did the storyboards for "The Grill is Gone".

here's an opinion coming from someone who never got into the newgrounds psychic pebbles oney videogame let's play shit

I liked it. I thought it was trying really hard to be zany and weird, but it's grown on me after a rewatch. The pacing and editing is so sharp, and it's actually quite comfy to watch as a television program. I'd enjoy watching more hijinks from these two guys.

god i fucking hate [AS]'s shitty video player, but they might be counting views, so okay