Yas Forums, how is this night different than all other nights?

Yas Forums, how is this night different than all other nights?
Official yom tov thread, happy pesach/passover.

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Why is Tommy being made to observe the customs of his mother's side of the family?

Surely he wasn't circumcised, right? Stu's not Jewish, as far as I know, so Tommy being his son means he shouldn't be subject to getting his calamari ring snipped off.

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He also got Christmas presents.
Multi-religion families usually just do both, or to be cheap “whoever’s parents are coming”.

I don't know if OP is genuine, but if so, happy Passover to you too user.

He celebrates both

>Surely he wasn't circumcised,
He's american so he was circumcised

Judaism is inherited through the mother.

Happy pesach, brother.

Happy passover, user.

Kind of. Judaism has sects, just like christianity, and the idea of jewish personhood differs for each, as it historically always has.
>time of the first and second temple : anyone paying temple tax was jewish.
>according to torah: the father's lineage is determinate, but the torah never carried the weight of civil law at any point in jewish history.
>orthodox : the mother's line
>karaite : fathers line. This was standard until the time of Rambam, when new rabbinic judaism took majority over non-interpreted torah literalism.
>orthodox : mother's line
>hasidim : mother's line, and many due no even recognize anyone outside of their own sect as being jewish.
>conservative : mother
>reform/liberal : mother, but no one cares at temple. Most jews are reform in North America.
>reconstructionist : mother officially, some rabbis accept paternal as well, no one cares at temple.
>humanistic : lineage status does not exist. Jewish personhood is self-determinate.
>semitic neopagan : see: first temple.

Shit does get diverse.

Happy passover, brother.

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I feel like there was a bris joke at some point in Rugrats.

>Surely he wasn't circumcised, right?
Why would you assume that? He was still born in America

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>user sets the tone of the thread by mentioning circumcision
i'm hoping this devolves into europeans trying their best to make americans feel inferior, shit always gets a laugh out of me

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they made a circumscision joke in the movie, but it wasn't jewish centric.
not all americans are snipped. not all jews are snipped (especially Sephardics, Eastern Europeans, modern pro-body autonomy jews, and anti-circ. is becoming big in the more progressive branches).
It's mostly the orthodox, ethnic identitarians, israelis, and the ultras.

>not all americans are snipped
Most are. Especially in the 90s

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G-d loves you.

Shabbat Shalom

Shalom... not quite Shabbat, but the thought is nice.
Shabbat is Friday night, just as soon as three stars are visible in the sky, and lasts all the way until Saturday night.

Pesach Tov (Good passover), user.

oh yeah, general purpose Yas Forums canon jewish thread.

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>Jewish only by technicality of my father being jew and my mother converting
>really only celebrate the major holidays and that's it
>and even then, just with my dad and his family because my mother's side of the family is christian
>tfw can't celebrate Passover with them this year because of 'rona scare and they're both over 60 and don't want to risk getting it

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alot of people are in that boat user... they entered 2 by 2, 6 feet apart.


Can confirm; mother's side of family is christian, father's side is jewish, so I celebrate both religions' holidays with each respective side of the family.

Have a mensch at the bimah.
to be fair, there's not that much jewish centric Yas Forums material. I think rugrats was the first major animated jewish thing, other than the Lights movie with Leonard Nemoy.

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>mom's Catholic
The bishop that signed off on the marriage would only do so under the pretense that the kids WILL be raised Catholic. Whatever the non-Catholic parent is isn't supposed to be part of the kid's life.

Then become Christian and celebrate the Better Passover

Child sacrifice holiday.

>Have a mensch at the bimah.
Speak a Christian language, bagelmuncher

I do. I celebrate Easter with my mother's side grandparents.

...except not this year, because 'rona and my grandparents are both over 70.

You're assuming the clergy has any real authority, or that they paid any attention to them to begin with. Marriages can be totally civil.

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From my experience most Catholics don't give a hoot about religion. They're catholic in the same way they're Italian or Guatemalan, just born into it.

Cool. Next year start ONLY celebrating Easter and other Christian things.


Judaism and Jewish identity offers nothing


>You're assuming the clergy has any real authority
They do if you actually value your faith and/or want to be married in a Catholic Church.

Bishop's still needed to sign off on interfaith marriage if they want to wed in a church

Betty Boop was canon jewish.

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>you’d be surprise Israel becoming 110
I don’t get it

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>implying this is wignat shit
Jews are the same as Hindus as far as I'm concerned and if the topic was Holi, I'd still say ditch it for Christ

Neither do I. most antisemetic memes are built around myths internal to altright groups.

Don't be meshuggah

The joke is that there are 109 world powers that expelled Jews over the last 2000 years. Admittedly, it looks slightly less impressive when you realize that every expulsion from, say, Germany is counted as a different nation depending on ruling authority. Like how German Empire, Nazi Germany, and modern Germany are all Germany but their 3 different countries.

Sanctus Deus, Sanctus Fortis, Sanctus Immortalis, miserere nobis.

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>When you're neither European nor American
Watching Euros obsess over America is honestly one of the funniest fucking things to witness from somebody with no stakes in the race, they should rename the Napoleon Complex to the European Complex. Cheers cunt.

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Wait a minute, are you implying a nazi was being dishonest? I am shocked.

At least a sandwich from McDonald's in my country doesn't cost 20 bucks

I read that as "Singapore sling, make it a double. Thanks for the Fortnite. Sack of x-men. Misery loves company."

It's not really dishonest. Even historians acknowledge that a different rule is a different country. Each dynasty of ancient China is it's own nation as much as modern commie China is. The shared name is kind of irrevelant

It is the will of G-d that we suffer in this life. We will be rewarded for our faith and perserverance in the afterlife.

Don't blaspheme the Trisagion

Didn't HP Lovecraft write the Trisagio?

Judaism is matrilineal

K. You're gonna be far more productive at that after accepting Christ

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And then you have times where Germany was a clustercuck of micro nations so get banished could mean you move to the next nation and then get banished and despite moving only 2km you already are +2 nations

>We will be rewarded for our faith and perserverance in the afterlife.
....but Jews don't believe in any kind of "afterlife"

Exactly my point. It's technically a much smaller number and yet it's also a much larger number depending on the scale you're looking at. But every number is still technically true.

History is such a fun field

before mods exnay this thread - the Dwarves of Tolkien were largely based on Jews, from the exile, the former kingdom, the language to the script being a simily of Hebrew.

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Where the hell did you get that idea?

dude, you are really fucked up.
see there are alot of different stances.

>Dirty, greedy people who covet gold & riches above all else.

Tolkien did them dirty.

Baruch Adonai ham’vorach l’olam va-ed.
Baruch atah, Adonai
Eloheinu, Melech haolam,
asher bachar banu mikol haamim,
v’natan lanu et Torato.
Baruch atah, Adonai, notein haTorah.

Actually we do, but there is no shared concept of a firey pit of hell, or purgatory, that leads many people to just handwave the idea of the kingdom of heaven.

he's an antisemite and I'm screwing with him.

Interesting, and with that it is unfortunate almost every thread that starts off with even the slightest mentioning of Jews it immediately dives into Yas Forums territory.

>to the script being a simily of Hebrew.
The language was very Semitic, which by the way includes many languages like Arabic and Somali and isn't strictly Jew related, but the Khuzdul script was based on Nordic runes

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Us Orthodox do. I'm not sure what those reform hippies teach in shul

Tolkien did indeed, but you have to keep in mind that he was raised by a priest after his mom died. the idea of 'inherent diecide', or whatever it's called, was standard in catholic education until the 50s. It's the idea that all jews are responsible for the death of jesus, despite the entire 'pharesis hated jesus' thing being a myth.
The catholics can't keep their hands out of kids pants long enough to look in the mirror of misdeeds.

Tolkien thought that antisemitism was retarded and, upon being asked by the German publisher for the Hobbit if he could verify his Aryan pedigree, famously wrote a scathing response where he equated Aryans only to the Indo-Aryan language family and called the entire Nazi racial system idiotic. He hated real-world allegories and while he based aspects of Dwarven culture on Jewish culture, the idea was to make them seem relatively gruff and just slightly unfamiliar to what was at the time a primarily European audience.

my mistake.
there's a heaven/kingdom of god, etc. The more progressive branches have their own thing. I think reconstructionists even do a 'personal god/personal god relationship' rather than strict 'adam got kicked out the garden department because the rib woman bit a snake apple' thing.

KefDate, highly recommended.

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Depictions of Christian martyrs are usually pretty gruesome because their deaths were often very gruesome. St Erasmus had his entrails hauled out on a winch.

And Giovanni Gasparro has a very intense way of painting and its based

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Judaism absolutely has an afterlife, it just doesn't describe it in any great detail. It's basically left up to mystery what actually happens to the soul once you die.

Easter? The holiday literally names after the false pagan god? No thank you.
>t. Christian who celebrates passover

never seen it, but I might one day.

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>"But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people." - Tolkien in a letter to Nazis demanding to know if he was Jewish
While Dwarves may seem like a stereotype to our modern sensibilities, I do believe their Jewish aspects came from a place of appreciation and interest.

It's really only the converts and the roleplayers on here that give a shit. For a lot of people it's a cultural thing

Abun d-bashmayo
Nethqadash shmokh
Thithe malkuthokh
Nehwe ṣebyonokh aykano d-bashmayo of bar'o
Hab lan laḥmo d-ṣunqonan yaumono
Washbuq lan ḥawbayn aykano d-of ḥnan shbaqn l-ḥayobayn
U-lo ta'lan l-nessyuno elo faṣolan men bisho)