Who should they recast as Mera for Aquaman 2?
Who should they recast as Mera for Aquaman 2?
Why do they need to recast Mera, I don't keep up with this stuff.
Nobody. Make a superhero movie without a romance subplot for once.
Make it a balls to the wall action movie about the conflict between Manta and Aquaman.
If you HAVE to include Mera, she gets played by a lookalike with no speaking roles who gets shanked by Manta five minutes in.
Just bring back Elena Satine who played Mera on Smallville
how about someone that isn't a skeleton or white
She really is like 80’s Mera. She was too perfect for the role.
Her actress, Amber Heard, was married to Johnny Depp. A couple years ago, she accused him of beating and abusing her. This was at the height of the MeToo movement and she was immediately believed after she posted a few pics of herself with a black eye. She rode the wave of public sympathy to multiple starring roles in movies and authored a Washington post Op-ed on the evils of domestic abuse. All the while, Johnny Depp's career naturally went into the shitter even though he was vociferously denying all the accusations.
Heard used the "evidence" in divorce court to get a huge leg up on Depp and took a bunch of his money.
Turns out, all the evidence she presented has been proven to be doctored, and multiple high-tier PI's couldn't dig up a damned thing on Johnny Depp's alleged "improprieties". On top of that, Depp's legal team has produced actual PHYSICAL evidence that, in fact, he was being abused by Heard - she repeatedly beat him, attacked him, degraded him, you name it. And he put up with it without ever hitting back.
So Johnny Depp is finally counter-suing for literally four times Heard's net worth, because THAT'S how much damage she did to his career.
Amber Heard is now the poster child for people abusing public sympathy in the MeToo movement and her career is so over it's not even funny.
B-but she’s hot...
Can't we just recast EVERYBODY at this point and start over? Seriously, this is like duct taping the Titanic at this point what with subpar movies with actors dropping like flies for various reasons. The only people that have a snowball's chance in hell is the cast of Shazam, and I doubt Gal will be around much longer as Diana because I having the sneaking suspicion that WW84 will finally wake people up to how shit of an actress she is.
Don't even bother with Flashpoint, just move on and don't look back.
lol what a simp
oh btw i forgot to mention that she likely perjured herself during the divorce and is facing several years in prison if convicted
Don't forget the important facts like Heard shitting on their bed as a "prank", cutting Depp's finger off, faking injuries with make-up, and blackmailing Depp for monetary gains.
We should also acknowledge that Depp isn't exactly smart with his finances
>Cutting his fingers off
>Yas Forums chuds spreading fake news
Just kill her off and replace her with Dolphin, people don't care about Aquaman's love interest, it's not like she's Lois Lane or Mary Jane.
She throw a broken bottle at Depp and it cut off the tip of his finger.
Wow, that's fucked up.
>We should also acknowledge that Depp isn't exactly smart with his finances
True but he wasn't a complete moron either, also that's entirely irrelevant
She threw a vodka bottle at him. It cut the tip of his finger off and shattered the bones in it. The docs were able to reattach it but it was seriously infected for months.
Heard told the press that he did it himself while drunkenly raging throughout the house
I wouldn't recast her and give her a movie of her own just to see you spergs keep seething.
No one. Who gives a fuck about anyone in Aquaman besides him and his villains?
Actually I'm going to stop you right there, chief. That's wrong. Arthur and Mera's relationship is one of the strongest and most stable relationships in comics rivaled only by Scott Free and Big Barda. Their love is strong as shit, and frankly admirable given the number of relationships that go to shit in comics. The only difference is that its not as well known as those relationships you mentioned.
This is why you're not a hollywood executive, user
Dolphin was always superior to Mera.
Write off shitty Mera and replace her with Dolphin, taking a bold step into introducing monster girls to the western market.
Boco shut your stupid casual ass mouth. Don't you fucking dare shit on Mera's character your short sighted twat. She's a great supporting character, has been for years. Go shit on Amber Heard
Fuck you Amber Heard. You better not have hurt those dogs while smuggling them.
>some of us know how to dress
>is literally wearing a frumpy, seaweed-patterned bodysuit
>its not as well known as those relationships
which is exactly why most people won't care
Also didn't Arthur cheat on Mera with Dolphin?
I didn't say it's bad but that no one cares about it. Only the big comic fans even know who Aquaman's love interest is. It'll cause some drama with those people, but overall dropping her won't be that big a deal.
Amber Heard and Jason Mamoa had no chemistry anyway. The only appealing thing about the relationship was that they were both hot.
I don't really give a shit what casuals think is important. Mera is one of the most important people in Arthur's life, and to write her out is short sighted and stupid in my opinion. Without her, there's no kid, and with no kid, we don't get pic related
Dolphin is for Garth/Aqualad/Tempest
Its not cheating when they were on a break and no longer together because Mera wanted them to break up.
No longer what? Black Manta killing Black Manta's gay son in front of Aquaman because he thinks Aquaman is cool and Black Manta is lame?
No you retard. Black Manta killing ARTHUR's son, the thing he constantly brings up to Aquaman. It's one of Black Manta's greatest triumphs against his foe.
Who could possibly be behind this post?
When was the last time he appeared?
Yes, please. Her tits are fierce
>relationship is one of the strongest and most stable relationships in comics rivaled only by Scott Free and Big Barda.
Only since 2011. From 1978-2010 Mera hated his guts for their son dying, culminating in her escaping from a mental hospital and trying to beat him to death in the 1989 miniseries.
Yeah, because last time Johnny Depp hit back, River Phoenix and Anthony Fox died.
>for once
>90% of comic book movies have had little to no romance in them
>a great cover
Your b8 is so poor, I'm not even handing out a (you).
Didn't he write "Billy Bob Thronton" on the wall in blood?
Then she fucked off until 1998. PAD didn't use her very much, but Abnett/Laning/Larsen and Jurgens did a bit. They weren't really together in those issues either.
Now that I see how crazy Mera can be I say we keep Amber.
He was in the rebirth Titans series.
Last we saw of him he and Donna were getting drunk trying to cope with Roy's death in HiC.
we technically last saw him falling from space into a poisoned water in Snyder's "Justice League: Drowned Earth" mini-event.
He might be dead...
its up there with tricking him into thinking he has autism and all the petty threats
I'd still hit it like like a starving man at an all you can eat Chinese buffet. But wow.
Name 10.
So she was perfect in both looks and character.
They wouldn't unceremoniously kill him like that, at least I hope.
so you saying she is perfect for mera?
>Kill her off
>Emilia Clark as mute!Dolphin (NONE SPEAKING ROLE)
A trans woman of color
I though HiC was after Drowned Earth? HiC #6 listed as his most recent appearance was published Feb 2019 while Drowned Earth concluded in January 2019?
He's also going to be appearing in one of the upcoming Aquaman Giants, but those are out of continuity.
The DCEU is dead. Forever. Once WW shitbombs out if theatres its over
Oh fuck off
Last we saw him he discovered Dick got shot in the head, and THEN he fell from space.