why do people complain about cartoons being political now ? Nobody had a hussy fit years ago. all the creator is try to do is push diversity and tolerance .
Why do people complain about cartoons being political now ? Nobody had a hussy fit years ago...
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Because some literally who landwhale on tumblr hurt their feelings 10 years ago or something.
Nice try, kid. Even back in they day they had shit like CAPTAIN PLANET, and there were plenty of people who thought it was some cornball propaganda shit. It's just now, it's more frequent and more annoying.
Back then they were trying to send a good message. Nowadays they're just trying to get diversity points and appeal to a vocal online minority rather than any actual oppressed irl minority.
I am all up for tolerance, to a certain point.
The problem is cartoons are force feeding diversity without putting effort to write the characters. Without good character, we just have tokens and stereotyeps. That's why (race swapped) Nick Fury, or John Stewart (JL Green Lantern) are well liked. The writing and actors gave these characters personality that is either different or improved from their original counterpart.
Why does the
>your country
text look edited in?
I think it originally said go back towelheads or something but it got censored
>all the creator is trying to do is push diversity and tolerance .
You're going to have to bait harder than that.
Neither of those are virtues.
In fact tolerance is actively harmful to basically everyone. Accepting the status quo just to avoid bothering others with your viewpoint creates a toxic, decaying environment.
It's just this site. Real people whose opinions matter generally don't give a shit.
It's because they saw those older cartoons before they started spending 11 hours a day on the internet allowing their minds to be infested by culture war brain worms.
so advocating for diversity and tolerance is bait . please for the safety of this board go back to Yas Forums
Diversity for its own sake is completely hollow.
The world is plenty diverse. Why should it be mixed in such a way that everywhere is indistinguishable from anywhere else? And if it were about helping peoples in need elsewhere in the world, please keep in mind that it is significantly easier to help them where they are than it is to try to bring them to you. Peace corps and other organizations have been doing this successfully for decades without the need to champion for some ill thought out 'diversity'.
Also, tolerance is a very loaded term.
If something wasn't wrong to do, it would not need to be tolerated. In that way, it acknowledges that what they are doing is wrong, but you should not try to improve this situation because...?
>diversity and tolerance
Neither of those is a recipe for a successful and stable society. Everyone is better off when living with their own race and people in their own countries.
And "diversity and tolerance" in practice means "kill all white people and castrate kids." It's pure evil masquerading as flowery sentiments, and this is by design.
>And "diversity and tolerance" in practice means "kill all white people and castrate kids."
And white people absolutely deserve it.
What’s with all the Proud Family threads lately?
We made the world a better place for everyone, the rest is just cope and mindless hatred. Our only sin is our boundless mercy.
You'd be screaming around fires and raping goats if you're black, be sacrificed on some altar to Quetzalcoatl if you're a South American whatever. But here you are, comfortably shitposting because whites civilized you. Ungrateful fuck.
I think they've been threatening to make a new series for Disney+.
>Invade other countries
>Rape women, kill children, steal resources
>"Everyone is better off when living with their own race and people in their own countries"
>Coloreds should be grateful to live under my boot
Why are you engaging with a tripfag?
I remember it being really jarring how it cut to commercial and they just wrapped up the episode with no real resolution.
Just the family sitting around the table saying "I GUESS WE ALL LEARNED SOMETHING ABOUT DIVERSITY THIS WEEK" also Proud Family was a hilarious shit show half the time, everyone was cunts and a lot of episodes would go ridiculous places.
>Penny collapses the economy through Napster
>The gay kid becomes a self-hating Hulk
>Jesus shows up and is run out of town
Proud Family was particularly cringey with it's very special episode shit because it'd always be nestled in between really off-the-wall shit like Oscar and Felix getting lost on a camping trip and fighting dinosaurs, or Al Roker being an evil genie, or Penny going Dr Doolittle for an episode.
Trudy was fine as fuck.
Your ignorance is showing. For reference I'm a Slav and we never did any of that. But more importantly, everyone did that, since forever. It's human nature. You're trying to hold us up to a moral standard you yourself and your race not only doesn't adhere to but has never even thought of. The mere notion of "morality" you invoke is a product of western civilization. In other words you're thinking white man thoughts, and you're a better person because of it.
What characters these days are stereotypes?
correct answer
Propaganda in Children's cartoons is immoral.
But every cartoon has at least nationalist propaganda
>they've been threatening to make a new series for Disney+
Holy shit, noooo! Please no!
Not him, but, what do you think about the destruction of Yugoslavia?
...wherein "propaganda" is defined as "stuff I don't understand or agree with" and "moral" is defined as "things I think I understand or agree with."
>what was the Jihad
>what was the natural state of Africa, Asia and South America
Everyone enslaved, killed and robbed other races and nationalities, yet somehow only white people get the hate and get called racist despite being the least racist nation in the world and having the most racially diverse countries.
Children need to be prepared for a life where they will endure racism & sexism. Assault them early, harden their hearts.
But is that actually provable?
I lived through it. I was 6 when the war started (Croatian war for independence 1991 - 1995; not the 1999 NATO bombings of Serbia). After Tito the whole thing slowly morphed into what the first Jugoslavija was - a paper thin veneer for Serb hegemony over the rest of us. By the time the 90s rolled around we all wanted out.
In theory Jugoslavija could work but in practice it simply can't because Serbia still has its delusions of grandeur, us Croats just don't want to deal with their shit anymore and Slovenija was always what it is and wouldn't care.
Conspiracy theories abound because again, as a unified force no outside enemy could fuck with Jugoslavija.
When the people from those countries enslaved you, your children and family were spared and your freedom could be bought, traded for, or earned through hard labor. They didn't try to excuse the action with religious doctrine or raise generations of slaves who had no idea what their history was.
They still enslaved others. Whites have never done anything on that scale.
Back then
>accept people different from you
>accept people different from you
it's the same
LOL, you fucking yanks and your utter lack of basic geographic, historical and geopolitical knowledge.
>inb4 you tell me you're not a yank
That would just make it worse, since you wouldn't have a shitty public education system to blame for your ignorance.
Yeah it originally said Towelheads
To be fair, this was a lot closer to 9/11 when released than it would be today and there was still quite a bit of anti-Islamic sentiment (and still is today) because a lot of people grouped all of Islam into one group akin to grouping all of Christianity into one.
Bad example, that's literally the best thing to ever happen to everyone who was ever part of it aside form Carthage. They thrust everyone they conquered at least 1500 years into the future knowledge and culture-wise. They didn't enslave or erase whole cultures and nationalities, and were even accepting of other religions. That's what made them so successful.
The Ottoman empire literally stole our children, brainwashed them into becoming their soldiers and then sent them to kill their own people. They took away their names, religion, and culture.
It's called a blood tax, because we were "raja" which means "cattle." The whole of Balkans have this experience due to the Turks. And this lasted since the 14th to the 18th century. A large chunk of croatian history is literally holding on for dear life against a gigantic empire with a technological edge, a foreign religion and a people addicted to sodomy and rape. Other Balkan countries can say the same.
And I won't even get into Venetian slave traders and their galleys. Do you know what a galley slave is? This will illustrate:
The main point is simple - get over it and stop bitching, because what happened to you pales in comparison to true horrors in our history. Go ask the Russians about the Tatar yoke for instance. EVERYONE experienced shit like that at one point or another, but it's only your kind that lingers so deeply on it - because that's the only history you have. And that is why I don't respect you in the slightest. Move the fuck on.
Rightfully so. Most Muslims around the world support jihad and sharia law. So terrorism and oppressive regimes with no equality for women or non-muslims. Most Christians around the world do not hold such heinous beliefs.
Modern conservatives are ironically some of the most entitled and whiny people on the planet.
>Having culture
The Ottomans brought enlightenment to your wretched doorstep. Nothing was lost in the conversion.
>They didn't enslave or erase whole cultures and nationalities
Cesar killed 1 million Celts and sold another million into slavery, and destroyed the druids later on, erasing an entire pre-literate culture. Have some Dan Carlin to go with that, you ignorant little creature:
How is that ironic? They've always been like that.
Because cuturewar reactionaries like
Ironic because they think everyone else are whiny snowflakes.
Ustaci?, kek, I knew it
Greeks and Romans loved egyptian culture. The arabs fucked them out of their nation
why is this cartoon trying to force politics on me wtf
Well we earned it by making the best countries. What did you do? Invite yourselves along and everyone else who sat around?
Yeah which is why they're speaking Turkish today. Also way to expose your racism.
How is saying "Leave us alone." being entitled? And whiny? My God, the amount of self-delusion and projection is staggering.
>showing violence
Darn right. Wheres the compassionate female to tell those savage males to stand down and kowtow?
>N-nuh-uh i-it's those meanie Conservatives and Liberals who are the real snowflakes.
What, you gonna say I'm triggered to? Redefining terms and turning them around doesn't work anymore, you know. Especially when they fell out of favour years ago.
Daily reminder that caring about politics at all is the most normalfag thing you can do. Just watch the world burn like the rest of us.
lol, what a load of bullshit. Do you even realize what 1 million meant at that time? killing every singe Celt in existence wouldn't reach that number. Forget about them actually fighting to the point of losses numbering a fucking million. That's sensationalist rubbish made to sell books. It's not like there's any hard evidence to confirm or refute that,thank goodness the burden of proof is on the author, not me.
>Leave us alone
>Whining every time a white heterosexual male is not the MC
I will get it if we were talking just about the official fanfiction that are cape comics, but you are everywhere.