Who would win?

Who would win?

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Thor is literally a God.

don't know...

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What a disgusting shit artstyle.

Thor wins just because he was never this bad.

I didn't know taste could be this awful.

How the fuck does that matter in this context? Billy is juiced up by an entire pantheon. Not all of them are gods, but
>The Wisdom of Solomon
>The Strength of Hercules
>The Courage of Achilles
>The Power of Zeus
>The Stamina of Atlas
>The Speed of Mercury
Is certainly a good power set to have. He's certainly a fair fight to say the least. Thor's edge is thousands of years of practice, not brute force.

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Shazam. He's consistently shown to be physically comparable or even superior to Thor.

Hes strong enough to hurt Thor, and durable enough to tank Thor's strength and Mjolnir strikes. Mjolnir strikes are capable of multi planet busting at maximum maybe star if you want to wank, Thor can match beings like Hulk and Hercules but hes never overpowered them with raw strength alone. And even against Hulk, Thor has lost every encounter with Hulk. Shazam can scale to the Hulk easily. while Shazam has easily taken attacks from Superman (who can multi planet bust) and energy blasts from the Void Hound. (Void Hounds can casually destory star systems as a power up.) He's even beaten Supes on a few occasions.

He's superior in speed too, Shazam can at minimum react to Mjolnir be thrown (which can travel MFTL) Shazam can keep up with Lobo, Superman, Lanterns and Flashes in fights. Thor's combat speed is REALLY inconsistent, some times he's able tag Quicksilver, and Hyperion but in the next book is saying Wolverine is too fast for him. Or he's being outpaced by Captain fucking America in combat.

Thor's only real advantage is long range energy which Shazam resists, Mjolnirs powers (like teleportation, weather manipulation, energy absorption) and experience. But I can argue Shazam's Wisdom of Solomon can counter that. I think Warriors Madness wouldn't make a difference either. Sense that puts Thor at a mental and sensory disadvantage, while only making him only being able to outmuscle Billy but not really by much.

So it really comes down to Thor's more underutilized powerset, and long range advantage. Which imo still doesn't guarantee a win. If the fight becomes physical Thor is definitely going down after some time. Shazam is faster, more durable and arguably stronger (at least initially.)

Oh you want a (you)? Seems like you made this thread just to wank your favorite.

Imagine making spite threads with obvious outcomes and expecting replies.

I'm not OP, and I have no real favoritism one way or the other. All I was trying to say is that saying "Thor is a literal god" doesn't really matter in this context.

Thor easily.

No. Billy only have a certain aspect of each god that empowers him.

Wisdom of Solomon told him to break up with Stargirl because its pedophile. Strength of Hercules is weaker than Wonder Woman because Wonder Woman is canon stronger than DC's Hercules. Courage of Achilies is useless against an equal brave foe. Power of Zeus is just summoning stuff and sharing his power with others. The latter will weaken him significantly. Stamina of Atlas is just standard brick defense. Speed of Mercury is decent but like typical flying bricks they only use superspeed of movement as oppose to combat.

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The third pannel looks so akward

Thor has killed a God empowered by 10,000+ gods. Shazam is small time in comparison.

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But Shazam is also a valid opponent to Superman, and there was that one time he was able to catch up to The Flash where Superman couldn't. Doesn't that count for anything?

>But Shazam is also a valid opponent to Superman,
Always lose to Superman.
>and there was that one time he was able to catch up to The Flash where Superman couldn't
Non-canon story. Might as well claim Green Arrow killing Darkseid as canon and Punisher killing the universe as canon because it happened in a non-canon book.

But Shazam arguably is faster than Superman. Mercury's old god powers theoretically could trump a Kryptonian's speed. Speedsters are still bullshit though, because the Speed Force is ridiculous that way.

I still say Billy is a fair matchup to Thor

Son vs daughter of Satan.

Who would win?

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>Zeus kicked Thor's ass
>Billy has the power of Zeus
This isn't hard to figure out.

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Don't bother arguing with Thorfags. You know how people shitpost about Superman being OP with no weaknesses, and claim the fandom is full of power level babies? That's Thors fandom unironically

Killing 10,000 rando gods isn't impressive. They were probably weak like Japanese kami.

I see you've never read any Captain Marvel comic.

>Power of Zeus is just summoning stuff or sharing his power
No, no, no, nooooooooo.

Actually pre-crisis they were even with Superman admitting that Captain Marvel might have an edge over him due to being able to summon magic lightning (which has the unique property of transforming anyone it hits into Captain Marvel, meaning Billy could copy+paste over Superman for a g-rated telefrag kill).

I do feel bad for modern Thorfans, but I also think they absolutely deserve the dumpster fire that is modern Thor. Thor was my favorite back when I was buying bronze age floppies out of longboxes at my LCS. But if you're still reading Thor in this day and age you're incentivizing Donny Cates/Jason Aaron dogshit.

You get what you pay for.

DC Zeus got killed by a teen Darkseid that wasn't in his prime. Marvel Zeus got killed by a god that casually kicked Hulk's ass. But then again, I am not surprise you don't know this. Yas Forums doesnt read comics, they just google random pictures and decide to post it in Yas Forums.

>Magic Superman
>Has a family that loves him

>Is a cuck. Jane prefers Falcon's BBC to Thor's little warrior.
>Is a simp. Lets Jane take his hammer and his name.
>Is an abuser. Encourages Jennifer to continue larping as a cavewoman moron for sex.
>Is fucked in the head. Thinks modern She-Hulk is hot.

>Thinking dieing to Darkseid makes you look bad
>Ignoring that DC Zeus was so chad he went into a universe-creator god's domain and killed his ass.

Stay in your lane bitch. The dials go up to eleven.

BILLY-SAMA I KNEEL PLEASE KISS MY oh wait Thor doesn't have a wife AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!

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>Imagine losing to the cum dumpster from Spawn!

Current Thor > Early Jason Aaron GOT Thor > Shazam >= pre-Aaron Thor > late stage cucked Aaron Thor

Does that mean Spawn could kick Thor's ass too?

Okay Billyfag whatever you say. Superman is stronger than Shazam.

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Superman is also stronger than Thor.

There's not much that wouldn't kick Thor's ass. Remember how Immortal Hulk broke him with a single punch? She-Hulk lasted longer.

>Thor would beat Captain Marvel because Superman is stronger than Captain Marvel
Not really understanding this train of thought, but okay.

Still better than losing and being mindraped by the Batman Who Keks.

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>Thorfag has to bring Superman into this because he's pissy that his god character isn't wanked constantly

You mean the Billyfag that bought up Superman first in an attempt to prompt up Shazam. Must be sad being illiterate.

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Literally anyone can lose to the Batkek, why are you treating it as a low bar?

Smells like Death Battle astroturfing in here.

I hope they aren't getting ideas from this thread.

Just like how everyone was losing to Angela when she first appeared. But sure, its different because its the Batman Who Keks.

>Thinking Captain Marvel vs Thor isn't old as shit
Okay retard.

>its different
It is, yes. Angela wasn't going around capturing characters like the Living Tribunal.

>user tries to downplay Billy
>Other user uses Superman as a comparison to validate Billy's abilities
>user then tries to twist it as a way to shit on Billy
You know what the difference is? You were trying to tear down/ridicule a character instead of trying to make a fair argument. Thorfags really are fucking petty. You going to cry about Hulk knocking out Thor in a single punch now?

>Trying to equate a guy with Monitors under his belt to Spawn's cum dumpster
Are Thorfags secretly Bren victims? They're the only other people that cope this hard.

The only edge he has is Superman is weak to magic.

I'd argue that Thor is much smarter.

Wait, when did evil Billy fight Rao?

>Billy Batson says SHAZAM to summon thunderbolt
>Thor, God of Thunder, intercepts it.

Easy peasy

>Superman is weak to magic.
I should clarify Superman isn't "weak" to magic, he just doesn't have a defense against it, just like any normal person. Let's put it this way; magic fire does the same amount of damage, its just that given his biology it would take far longer for him to burn into ash. Make sense?

This is how it ended the last time it went down.

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Batman Who Laughs event where Batman Who Laughs turn several characters evil. Evil Shazam when on a cosmic journey beating up various gods. Also shanked Mary.

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Then it doesn’t do the same amount of damage

Recent Justice League reinforce the narrative that Kryptonians are weak to magic.

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Lmao I was justified talking out of my ass

Shazam is for gay niggers

I wouldn't site New 52 as a credible source. I suppose it all matters on what we classify as a weakness
It sort of is. The nature of the magic attack doesn't change, and nothing really changes with Clark. In both circumstances they're burned by magic flames, its just that Clark takes longer. I guess you could equate it to like how straw burns to a wooden log

That certainly sounds like implied rape/incest.

All I’m saying is that if magic hurts him the same as everybody else, he shouldn’t last longer, this isn’t science, this is the exact opposite of that

>hurr canon
>in powerlevels thread

If it got published, it works.

Oh I'm not denying Superman gets his ass kicked by magic, I just find it weird to call it a "weakness" when pretty much everyone is in the same boat as him when it comes to magic

If you have no defense against something, its a weakness.

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But muh dials and muh gods!

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OG Captain Marvel rapes both Shazam and Thor at the same time

>Taking Marvel vs DC seriously
>The same comic that had Lobo lose to Wolverine

If it got published, it works.

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