Episode comes out in 1998

>episode comes out in 1998
>describes an entire subculture of mental illness prevalent in the year 2020

How did they do it?

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Does this usually happen because of a traumatic event or mental breakdown?

You have no place in this world, biggot.

Evening janny. Baiting another political argument so you can ban people?

This wasn't a statement on transgender people, it was a demonstration of unhealthy attachments lingering on far after a couple has split apart and someone having a meltdown because of it, something that at the time was discouraged from being spoken about

Fuck off back to Yas Forums

Makes sense, trans people generally become trans because they have a meltdown around the fact nobody will ever fuck them.

Why did he keep calling him BILL?

Its like you are playing some kinda crazy tennis

Fuck you user Bill fucks, but he only fuvks sleazy women which is why hes a pathetic loser in most episodes

Since he legitimately was trying to convince himself he was his wife (rather than just trying to be a woman in general), it's more like otherkin or something rather than trans

I would bet Bill never actually fucked Lenore

Found the tranny

Many MtFs take their names from women they know, usually exes. There's a creepy Buffalo Bill aspect to all of it.


He didn't even get the chance to fuck her in the episode with the governor

And then Hank held him down while he and Dale raped some sense into him.

I know you're probably kidding, but this is a good example of how Americans have treated transgenderism as an intriguing gimmick.

Politicians aren't very imaginative, so of course they'd take an old cliche like "what if a man acted like a woman and was totally serious about it" and turn it into a huge overblown issue to distract the idiot masses.

Because trannies have existed since Sumerian times in varying roles, but modern trannies aren't "priests of the goddess of dicks" but "mentally ill men who have probably been fucked up by massive industrial pollution combined with social and psychological problems stemming from isolation and overexposure to terrible fetishes and the internet communities that form around them".

Bill was a chad in highschool/the army and a chad when he met her, it was only after she left him that he had a mental breakdown and went from 200 pounds of muscle and dick to 250 pounds of fat and bald.

If that episode was made today, it would end with Bill getting legally recognized as “Lenore” and on his way to getting a sex change.

Your assessment is correct, however you dont need to be from Yas Forums to make a quality bait-thread

American here. Bill is mentally ill and depressed but he keeps trucking and carries out his life.

He can't be the football jock and came to terms with being a loser and a creep. He has talents but everytime he regains his prime he acts out of hubris

I dunno, it seems to me that a lot of transsexuals (by their own accounts) don't identify with their sex simply because they don't conform to gender stereotypes. So many of them talk about knowing they were girls because they liked the colour pink, didn't like sports, preferred the company of girls... Basically all the things small children will call you a girl for liking. It's bizarre how, although they generally preach equality and freedom of expression, still have quite rigid ideas about male and female behaviour.

I can't help but think if kids were allowed to just act how they liked without others trying to enforce what they can and can't be because of their gender, the whole trans issue would largely disappear.

Never forget

Attached: hankinadress.png (1196x900, 1006.55K)

>How did they do it?
Nah its just texas being texas

>>episode comes out in 1998
>>describes an entire subculture of mental illness prevalent in the year 2020
>How did they do it?

Everything current has always existed to some degree. You were just ignorant of it as a child and technology of the time didnt allow you to stare boldly at it.

I'm sure there was cavemen that longed to be cave women with big tits and have babies. A desire to be something else is as old as man's ability to recognize himself in his mind.

>mentally ill men who have probably been fucked up

>Everything current has always existed to some degree. You were just ignorant of it as a child and technology of the time didnt allow you to stare boldly at it.
There's an interesting theory that actually splits trannies in two categories: first, traditional gender dysphoria that indeed existed for a while now and is an extremely rare mental disorder with sluggish progression over years if not a decade; and second, so called rapid-onset gender dysphoria, it's people turning into a tranny overnight by browsing twitter. It's a different kind of disorder, mass psychosis with cult-like manner of spreading.
This is why no one heard of trannies two decades ago and now they are on every corner on the internet.
Unfortunately only study on this was considered biased and unethical, researcher denounced as incarnation of the devil himself, and subject is essentially banned from further research, so we will never know how true this hypothesis is.

Whoa. Calm down there Adolph.

This has absolutely nothing to do with transgenderism, which predates 2020 by several centuries, if not millenia.
Get treatment, OP.

>It's a different kind of disorder, mass psychosis with cult-like manner of spreading.
>This is why no one heard of trannies two decades ago and now they are on every corner on the internet.
How are you this fucking delusional. You're literally only describing your own personal experience and ignorance.


>By the power of memes ... !

Attached: fuckbois.jpg (735x393, 44.21K)

It's usually because of trauma or mental breakdown yes. That's why they usually kill themselves.

>because they have a meltdown around the fact nobody will ever fuck them.

>people disagree with me
>must be trans
Not how it works, user.


You faggots obsessed with complaining about Yas Forums and plebbit all the time is worse than whatever imaginary schizo bullshit you think is ruining your precious board culture

You faggots obsessed with complaining about Yas Forums and plebbit all the time is worse than whatever imaginary schizo bullshit you think is ruining your precious board culture


No meal for ol Beal





why do you keep calling me BILL?

>priests of the goddess of dicks
New band name found

Transsexuals were always a thing. Way back when stonewall happened they were there and probably before then.

It's like how there was probably always a lot of mental illnesses we just didn't see as much.

In the movie Buffalo Bill wasnt a transexual according to Hannibal Lector. I'm pretty sure by Hannibal would consider most trans people Buffalo Bill tier now.

Can I borrow some gas.

>This is why no one heard of trannies two decades ago and now they are on every corner on the internet.

Ok zoomer.

2 decades ago was 2000. You could buy tranny porn and watch trannies on tall shows. Ace Ventura had a tranny at the end. Ramna had a gender swap character. The first sex change was at the end of ww2. There was a trap where house in nyc during the civil war. Theater traditionally used cross dressing men. Japan had cross dressing actors that were sometimes available for sex. Ect and so forth.

You know what changed? Small town southern Baptist and orthodox Christian's in Russia used to be ignorant of most things before smart phones.

I noticed that too. I noticed a lot of gay men become trans women and it reminds me of gay men who are so far in the closet they only have sex with preop trans women. And then theres a proven massive correlation with autism.

>That's why they usually kill themselves.

They kill themselves because they cant reach their end game. Most of them fail at becoming their ideal self, this tortures them, so they kill themselves.

>You faggots obsessed with complaining about Yas Forums and plebbit all the time is worse than whatever imaginary schizo bullshit you think is ruining your precious board culture
Shut up and go back to Yas Forums clown faggot.

Attached: 400.jpg (469x400, 125.6K)

>All these armchair psychologists talking about half-remembered ancedotes

WHY do you keep calling me bitch?

I play a multiplayer roleplay game, and there was one infamous person who would play a female and was generally a shit stirring fuck (in the threads, on the forums, in game). She would always try to ERP with people and it was very cringey and genuinely nobody liked her.

At one point do to a bug in the shitty shitty program that the game is coded on, the file installation path of everybody who played was released. You could see what everybody's computer was named. I wasn't a faggot so I didn't particularly care, but we could see that the notorious 'girl' was really named Bill.

This was many years ago, and Bill posting still goes on, and this video is posted a plenty.youtube.com/watch?v=p0qNmd9kASw
Thank you for your time

>It's like how there was probably always a lot of mental illnesses we just didn't see as much.

Look at villains in any book. Bam, there is your crazy people.

Ms. Habersham and her fucked up house and cake? She was crazy. Obvious hoarder in 2020

This is only really true for Brazil and Thailand where it is more ok to be trans than gay


>Unfortunately only study on this was considered biased and unethical, researcher denounced as incarnation of the devil himself, and subject is essentially banned from further research,
This is the guy who came upon a kid who lost his dick as a kid and had said child raised as a girl, isn't it?

Name the game.

Two decades ago there weren't communists demanding jailing for "misgendering" or sex-criminal dragqueen story time for children.

Oh please, of course they existed, but you can't deny they're more common (or at the very least open) nowadays. They're much more visible to the average person than they were back in 2000.