How come there’s no X-Man with electricity powers like say, Cole MacGrath?

How come there’s no X-Man with electricity powers like say, Cole MacGrath?

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My wife, Surge

>Play Infamous
>Meh, edgy story
>Play Infamous 2
>More edge, more suffering, more meh
>Play Infamous 2 DLC with vampires
>Same setting but everyone is taking the piss and having fun
>It's fantastic
How did they misjudge the tone of the main games so much?

>Infamouse one and two
Have you ever heard of Prototype?

Never played it, but if it's edgier it doesn't take that Infamous story is still played grimdark and serious overall. Which is a shame, because I feel like if they had an overall comedic tone with a few moments in which shit hits the fan, the story would be much improved.
IMO, anyway.

How would Cole do in the Big 2? What's he capable of?

Infamous is edgy to you? huh

Don't get hung up on the use of the word edgy, I mean to say that they play it like it's all grim and bad, Cole doing the gruffy voice and always losing stuff even if you go through a heroic route. Compare it to festival of blood, where you do the exact same things but it's like a parody of the game. To me, if they used that tone in the main titles the games would've been more remembered or had more success.

user, infamous 1 takes place amidst a plague quarantine and 2 takes place among speciest tensions and lava doomsday attacking.

So is this series dead after Second Son?

But it's played completely straight, except for like one Zeke mission in which he wanted to impress some chicks.
A little bit more of camp could've helped.

Is Second Son worth playing?
Electric powers are one thing, but smoke powers sounds lame as hell.

Gameplay fun story is X men clone but with better powers. You can tell they wanted to do more but couldn't due to time restraints

I love camp and one of the things I hate more about modern superhero comics is that they forgot the value of camp.
That being said, Infamous, a single story, deciding to cohesively remain grim doesn't bother me. The stiffling atmosphere of IM 1 was great.

Wish they continued the franchise. Still waiting for that samurai game since it looks great and I really want to play it.

How come there's no X-Man that can manipulate time like slowing it down or making things fast?

Her powers are less electricity are more lighting

It's okay. The game was really just made to show off the PS4's graphics. In truth the story is shit, and the powers are nowhere near as fun as Cole's electricity. It's not even smoke powers, because Delsin's true ability is to copy other powers. Smoke is just the first one you get, and he's never as strong as the guy he siphons power from. The powers are
Paper, Glass, and Wire were completely cut from the game. The idea was to make Delsin a jack of all trades, but the reality is that most players would rather play a fully fleshed out move set. Neon is arguably the most fun to play, and Fetch's DLC (the girl you get them from) is arguably better thought out in terms of gameplay

>But it's played completely straight
Which is bad how? Are we so inundated today with "self-aware", borderline parody shit that anything taking itself seriously is bad?

God forbid we actually show some seriousness for once in a narrative. People are denying in the streets from sickness and gang wars and you think Cole should be cracking jokes? The MCU has rotted your brain

>Are we so inundated today with "self-aware", borderline parody shit that anything taking itself seriously is bad?
Unfortunately yes. We live in a society so saturated with media that meta fiction is the default.

Oh, for sure. Second Son was a big downgrade, though.
It's an alright time waster, but vastly inferior to I1/2. I consider these two to be around 9, SS is a 7.

Not sure what happened there.

Considering how much more fun to play was the vampire DLC, yeah, I think more comedic would've been better.
It's okay if you liked serious but I would've enjoyed more of a Spider-Man approach: Not remove all seriousness but SOME.

Buddy, that was the entire point of Zeke, to bring levity to the harsh reality they were living in. Even fucking Spider-Man knows when its a good time to shut his mouth. I'm sorry Cole didn't wink/nudge the camera every time he took down a Reaper.

You got more what you wanted in Second Son, and surprise, it was shit


Comedy is important because it adds levity to situations

They already did that with Zeke, didn't you play the game?

Yeah, but why did COLE have to be so grim?

Maybe its because he's the one who delivered the package that killed god knows how many people in the explosion, and by default is responsible for everything bad in the city from the quarantine, gang wars, even the desperation of supplies? That's not even accounting for Kessler, who is him from the future and the mastermind behind the whole ordeal.

So sorry that the guy who had a hand in 9/11 isn't exactly chipper about the current situation

>he's the one who delivered the package that killed god knows how many people in the explosion, and by default is responsible
WHAT. Why would he be responsible? He's a fucking messenger; if he didn't deliver it, another messenger would've. That's the exact kind of retardedness I'm talking about. Cole should've enjoyed his powers a bit, even if there was bad stuff happening, but all he does is growl and be oh, woe is me.

No actually. Cole was hand picked to send the package. If he didn't then the package would not have been sent

It's still BS. He was used and was handpicked only because the sender was his future self. but he doesn't know that until the first game ends anyway. If I had mailed one of the Unabomber packages sure, I'd feel bad, but I wouldn't torture myself over it as if I had intended to hurt people.

And the power of neon and video makes zero sense, like seriously what the fuck is that?

That's some major disconnect that says more about you than it does anything else.

Thanks, armchair psychologist. You must hate that Spider-Man is not crippled with depression all the time, too, aren't you? Too bad; fun always wins.

You're a fucking dumbass, and don't drag Spidey into this nonsense because Cole wasn't a wisecracking MCU faggot your own time, user

I think one of the worst things about trying to have critical discussions on Yas Forums is that nobody seems to understand that camp =/= humor, parody, self-mocking, metatexuality, or comedy. Infamous is campy as hell, it's a game where the first boss is literally a mind-controlling thot.

But no one denied that there wasn't camp in Infamous? We literally brought up Zeke several times, a character created to play off Cole's personality and make light of the disaster. Cole admittedly even lightened up in the sequel. We're just calling out one user for wanting every hero to act like Nathan Drake for fuck sake

Second Son is exactly what you want, and guess what, it was shit

I'm saying that camp is constantly being misused. Zeke isn't particularly camp within the context of the game, he's the comic relief.

>>Play Infamous 2 DLC with vampires
I loved playing that DLC way after I finish the game. Something about free roam vampire mode was so much fun bat mode, drinking blood, cemetery sword instead of that electrical bat.

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This is become semantics at this point. user wanted a lighter tone when the plot didn't really warrant it

Cole can call lightning and shit but it takes tons of energy, all his powers do. He has to recharge constantly. Despite his powers having devastating potential they're not that practical (he can never get in a car, for instance) and he himself is made of paper.

Because unless you are the main X-men, aka O5 X-men or the main reform bad guy, you don't get to do anything important in a X-book. Just look at Elixir, reduced to a background character.

You know what he means user. Storm doesn't control electricity beyond summoning lightning, and she does that by controlling weather conditions. Cole actively produces and manipulates electricity itself.

Semantic criticism is perfectly valid.

>and don't drag the original wisecracking faggot

Did it have Cole? Then it wasn't what I want, moron. I guess you need some help with your reading comprehension.

I like when vidya or movies goes for a Yas Forums-related spinoff or bonus material. Some of which are my guilty pleasures. I don't know what I did with my Resistance comic, but I remembered thinking it was alright. Some moments felt like old WW2 comics, which I think was what they were going for.

I know Dead Space gets brought up here but others I remember usually get forgotten or are overlooked
>Riddick: Dark Fury
>Van Helsing: The London Assignment
>The Dead Space animated movies
>The Hellraiser comics
>any tv show that gets a comic spinoff like Buffy

I do remember a lot of them sucking, so maybe that's why they're not brought up as much. I remember REALLY disliking the InFamous comic. Ironically, the vidya with comic book influence gets the worse comic. At least, as I remembered it.

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He can create a pulse that pushes even big cars away and could deflect bullets.
Isn't he pretty much the same as Black Lightning?

Dark Fury was legit good. I've only seen the first Dead Space movie, but it was alright, kinda like a well-done B-movie. The Hellraiser comics were pretty hit or miss and the later ones aren't very good. I don't know what the fuck went wrong with the Buffy comics.

You're trying to equate Cole Mcgrath to Peter Parker just to support your point, which is stupid. Not every hero needs to be a wisecracker, user

How bad were the Buffy comics, quads?

I also remembered Dante's Inferno was a thing.

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Levity is not wisecracking, and adding a bit here and there goes a long way. No one is asking to turn the whole story into something with no stakes, but the serious, growling protagonist is unappealing. If they had made Cole more charismatic, maybe they wouldn't have wanted to kill him off and maybe he'd have more games a be a staple. Because it's not like what happens in those two games is everything you could've done with the character.
Even Wolverine makes a funny comment sometime. That doesn't mean he's cracking jokes every second.

>If they had made Cole more charismatic
>What is Infamous 2
Seriously, did you even play these games? You act like he was fucking Batman

They get bogged down by a massively expanded scope and bringing back stuff from the shows that didn't really warrant a second look. It's one of those properties where you start asking, "how hasn't the world already ended," because every year there is at least an apocalypse or two happening at any given point.

Also seen it, it's way too vignette-styled to really judge it as a whole.

I'm a big fan of camp but you're wrong. It was fine as it was. It honestly wasn't even a little edgy unless you decided to be evil or whatever. I'm feeling like you have that immature "I'm in my late teens" type aversion to any edge or seriousness at all because you think it's always childish to enjoy, no matter what.

I played him in a completely heroic route and it's still pretty lame, character wise. The growl lessens compared to evil route but it never reaches the amount of joy that you get playing Festival of Blood. And nothing good happens in the story; either he fucking dies or becomes a monster. I guess some randos get saved if you're good. Who cares. You don't see them.

Festival of Blood was meant to be absurd wacky shit, which is what you're dancing around and actually want. I'm getting the vibe that you're one of those bozos who claim Saints Row 3 was better than 2.
>You save some randos, you dont ever see
One of the hypest moments in 2 was having random militia helping you out shouting "Go get'em Electric Man!".

I'm not going to pretend Cole was this compelling character but you're full of shit about the tone. It was exactly what it should have been. Cole felt responsible for the disaster, and acted like a normal person would