DA comic storytime: pick your poision day 1

Well Yas Forums, it's Wednesday, and the only storytime on the board is last night's JSA Storytime. That won't do at all. So, until new comics start coming out again or I get sent back to work, I'm going to storytime one of these comics for one thread every Wednesday. I'll start in about half an hour, till then vote for one or two of these comics and whatever wins will be what we do. For a quick rundown.

Chaos: Sonic fan fic that's bad, yet extremely entertaining.
Gungear: Anti-furry racewar with blue hair waifu.
Man of Skull: A girl gets saved by an edgelord and does whatever it takes to lean the truth about who or what he is.

Now, let's vote: strawpoll.me/19724691

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bumping due to interest.

Bump for sanic

Why was shadow a girl in Chaos?

I legit hope all three get storytimed

It's possible for me to storytime all of Chaos or Gungear over this time, but Skull....
That one is a 2,000+ page behemoth.

>That one is a 2,000+ page behemoth.
Jesus christ

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About 10 minuets remain.

Chaos: 40%
Gungear: 40%
Man of Skull: 20%

I did a storytime on /qa/ last year. At 1 chapter a day, it took 2 or 3 months and became a staple of the board for a while.

>it's a tie
Well, shit.
Okay, I'll give it another 5 mins for a tie breaking vote, then I'm going to flip a coin. First vote for chaos or Gungear wins. Or I guess Skull if it gets 3 votes out of nowhere, but that's not happening.

Flipped a coin since there's no tie breaking vote.
Sorry to Gungear and Skull voters, maybe next time. Remember, this is all about fun, you can say whatever you want here, but PLEASE do not harass the creator of this comic.

Now, let's get started with this shitshow.

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>smoking backwards

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I've posted this one so many times, I've got a small list of things to say on certain pages.

Oh, and the art does get better.

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Oh God, I'm already hating this

Just to be clear, Sonic and Tails are NOT gay. I know it looks that way, but they are not.

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Oh a first time reader.
Buckle up man, you're in for something you'll never forget.

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So how have you guys been keeping busy during this?
I've been replaying the Batle Network games.

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And the first bombshell drops.
Don't worry, this is nothing in comparison to what's coming.

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Yep, this is happening.
Keep reading, trust me.

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Got some free art classes to do.
I hope you are alright

Be honest Yas Forums, would you?

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Now for chapter 2.

I'm fine, no one I know has it yet, but I live in a city that is seen as a potential hot spot, so that could change. Thanks for asking.

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I told you the art gets better.

Honestly, she's become a really good artist and I almost payed for one of her commission slots when I needed something, but another artist I follow had his commissions go on sale.

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I mean, this still isn't great, but it keeps getting better.

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You know, I've yet to find a Sonic fan comic with an Eggman I didn't like. I guess it's just something you can't get wrong.

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Honestly, I'm not sure what is going on with this page.

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>shadow the hedgehog up skirt shot
Bet you didn't think you'd see that today.

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Shadows tits keep changing sizes.

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They do? Huh, they are getting bigger.

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I know this seems a bit boring, but trust me, it's going to pick up soon enough.

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>Oh no, a ghost! I'll just follow /x/'s advice and start beating off till it leaves me alone

But really, the artist already censored this page, but I've added more to be save.

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Here we finally are. Chapter 3.
Anons who have already read this know chapters 3 and 5 all too well.

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Now the ride begins.

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Time for chapter 4!

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I still don't know why Amy is in a wheelchair.

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>going into a tunnel of love with an AIDS ridden Sonic

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>aids sonic making out with an unwillingly transsexual shadow

I don't think I know of any other fanfic that offers this.

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So, I normally break this up over 5 threads, not sure If I want to do that if this is going to be a weekly thing for a bit.

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I'm going to take a break at the end of this chapter.
Normally this is the stopping point, but if this thread is still around later today I'll at least start chapter 5.

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That's it for this chapter.
Chapter 5 is where the REAL shit hits the fan and trust me, it will be worth your time. If this thread is around later today I'll start posting it, otherwise, I'll just do it next week.