Why are modern American comics so blatantly racial and infantile like education books for children? Why cant they be subtle at all? Why do they wanna use fucking shitty internet slang and elements even though those plots arent really about online stuff? Also I know some are triggered by it but why can manga avoid all these things?
Why are modern American comics so blatantly racial and infantile like education books for children...
Hi newfriend. Some comics are aimed at YA/woke crowd. Most are not. You'd know this if you read them.
Ironic isn't it. Literature has never before been so vulgar yet so infantile.
>Also I know some are triggered by it but why can manga avoid all these things
It's credible how this is just a west vs east stealth thread
jesus christ OP, grow the fuck up
Well several answers for several questions.
As for why it goes for an obvious psa lesson likely the writer wants to write it for early teens or younger so it would be a newish lesson to them (unlike us who have seen the lesson since the 90s or 70s when we were younger).
Lack of subtlety could be because it isn't the focus of the story and just wants to get it finished. I imagine within the same page or by next page these guys are put in their place and we're shown they're fools for acting like that at all.
As for why using internet slang it is because that is the slang used today. I mean what slang do you know that has come out from the last decade that kids use that ISN'T seen on the internet? This complaint seems just plain retarded to have.
As for the manga comment I'm sure there are plenty of manga that go through obvious tropes or blunt psa lessons and you just don't know it. Also it could be argued that this bully cliche is a trope of comics and is why we see it (similar to seeing some trope in manga of a guy obsessed with girls panties even though IRL a horny guy would just look at internet porn and the panty shit is just a blantant trope).
is the comic out ?
>why can manga avoid all these things
No Jews in Japan.
>blatantly racial
>posts a comic of a non-white existing
Bitching about the inclusion of contemporary slang on Yas Forums of all places is just contrarian. The worst thing in that pic is the need to include periods in "irl". It's like reading "L.O.L."
He had a good point, faggot. This garbage is everywhere.
You're either a DC shill or a tranny, either way kill yourself
An old trope of highschool bullies? Eh I'd say the cliche is on the decline.
Whites picking on le oppressed minorities sure isn't.
Nice slang. You use that in your comics dialogue?
>who are the Kaifeng and the Gaikokujin the post
Subtlety can be harmful. I think what's important is to get your message across. Who cares if it's subtle if it helps save lives?
Are you fags actually defending Gotham High now?
Because no matter what they say about being targeted at the youth its still being written by boomers.
Got more of the page to prove its a racial thing and not just "yuppies bullying on the poor poindexter".
Hell even in OP's panel there is a black kid in the background not being hassled.
> Who cares if it's subtle if it helps save lives?
Must be nice thinking everything you do is right and noble and will benefit the world. Unlike us old sinners over here.
Worse. Gen Xers.
Depends on the school
>Be as heavy handed as possible and make the world a better place!
Rebecca Suger, is that you?
Why are combing through tweet digital comics looking for reasons to be mad?
Boomers tend to portay teens as lazy and backslidden whiz kids who are spoiled by technology.
The Zoomer comic spells out that Boomers did menial chores to achieve their level of success and didn't get comfort till 50s and 70s
Gotham High is based on a WB pilot that never got picked up. It's supposed to be Dawson's Creek and Seventh Heaven
>Why cant they be subtle at all? Why do they wanna use fucking shitty internet slang
"How do you do, fellow teens?"
1. Gotham High is for young high schoolers
2. Japan doesn't care about racial diversity. They aren't a melting pot like USA
So much for the tolerant right!
Yes Japan has just agreed that minorities aren't part of society so they can just fuck off
What do you mean? Anime has non-Japanese characters in it.
Almost none in most stories and if a kid is part of the main cast it's probably a mixed kid.
"young high schoolers" arent this dumb. thats why they are reading manga.
I mean ask the Koreans, Chinese, Ainu and Burakumin what life in Japan is like.
>faggots think complaining about complaints is better than complaining
Kill yourself. No joke. You're worthless.
I'm not saying they aren't racist, I'm just saying that non-Japanese characters in anime aren't rare.
>Gotham High is based on a WB pilot t
Both are based on a Fatman on Batman episode and I'm pretty sure it's why Kev doesn't fuck with Warners anymore
> why can manga avoid all these things?
[ 5000 MMORPG isekai has entered the chat]
>but why can manga avoid all these things?
this dumbass nigga doesnt think the Japs don’t use internet slang from 2ch
So where are the Koreans? Where are the half-Koreans? What about Half-Chinese?
A Cartoon Network Exec explained that Teens want Urban Drama and Romance. Antz is shrewd enough to call it slumming things up
>I'm not saying they aren't racist, I'm just saying that non-Japanese characters in anime aren't rare.
Two of these dumb threads in less than an hour. The quarantine must really be driving these people nuts.
damn your hapa issue isnt even treated in ameican comics. go back to re*dit literally. totally off topic.
I'd guess it has to do with the format, you can't really get subtle in 20 pages or so, especially considering your series will get canned after 6 issues anyway.
Comics back then we're preachy as fuck and made by leftists too but didn't spend 60% of the issue being woke, maybe 10 or 20 and they weren't preaching to the choir like modern ones do.
so in the end, you bought another one next month and probably got exposed to more leftism reading 100 issues of Batman than you do these days when you read Gotham high #1, shitpost about it for 2 days on Yas Forums, a week on /aco/, and forget it existed.
We're the target demographic.
>American golems
I'll get straight to the point: American comics are written by and for liberal mutts (all of which are somehow, remarkably, even MORE infantile than the average American). If you write for Marvel in particular, even if you are not a soi addict, or a liberal woman, you still have editors who are and may breathe down your neck about diversity quotas and such. They had some of this in the past, but never so graceless, I think. I have a theory that when an industry is quietly dying, they suddenly and loudly adopt progressive liberal mutt politics in some attempt to stay afloat. This tanks the quality of the work they produce overall, or at least the perception of it, and expedites the very process they wanted to avoid, turning a quiet death into a loud one.
And covid looks like it'll kill them all in the end anyways.
>Those proportions
>That pose
are they tracing from some fashion sketchbook instead of from pictures like sane people do ?
>As for why using internet slang it is because that is the slang used today.
nobody uses irl irl, fag. its just fucking cringy. thats it.
No, think they're going full JOJO
maybe for fujoshits some yaoi mangas have these proportions.
I thought yaoi was known for big hands and shoulders, not long legs.
Sure they don't, user.
Just like I'm sure there aren't angry YouTubers calling stuff cringe or groups hugboxes in videos.
t. Muhammad
these are similar to the style of the rose of versilles. tanbi-kei. they have these guys. i think the costume and the world setting matter and it requires long legs.
>Some comics are aimed at YA/woke crowd.
That nerdy black kid is Dick Grayson, by the way.
because comics and cartoons are for children
Be honest, how many friends do you have?
Only boomers and their ass kissers believe this.
have many. most dont even read comics or play games. they are normies.
if your """"friends"" use it irl, they must be creepy nerds. i doht have nerd friends.
OP how many times are you gonna make this thread today? Pick one to samefag in you don’t need more than that.
>most dont even read comics or play games. they are normies.
Games are a normie hobby. That's why the video game industry is a multi billion dollar venture.
No one said anything about saying the words letters "IRL" out loud while speaking friends. The point was that the term "irl" is still current internet slang. For some reason you assumed this meant people were saying it to each other and got yourself worked up at a strawman, as you do. But my point was, if you really have "many" friends, and none of you use the phrase "irl" in online conversations, YOU'RE the aberration here, not other people.
Why are you reading and getting angry about a book for literal high school girls
>whiter than you, Muhammad
Your wit is too brilliant for this site, mutt.